Blade and Soul - Kung Fu Korea - Action MMO


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Yeah the thing about alpha/beta that worries me a bit is that there is a single very linear progression through the game. So at release you'll be playing the exact same content. No option at all. I'm used to playing the same stuff all the time being an altaholic, but I'm probably just gonna test just 1 more class after Kung Fu master, since I did Blade Master and Asssassin 2 years ago.

I'm mostly set on Blade Master for release though.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah the thing about alpha/beta that worries me a bit is that there is a single very linear progression through the game. So at release you'll be playing the exact same content. No option at all. I'm used to playing the same stuff all the time being an altaholic, but I'm probably just gonna test just 1 more class after Kung Fu master, since I did Blade Master and Asssassin 2 years ago.

I'm mostly set on Blade Master for release though.
Well one thing to consider is how fast you level in this game compared to other mmos, especially koreans. It takes about 30hours to cap IF you do the sidequests, and about 15 if you just go for efficient leveling(main story quests, a few specific sidequests that are on the way/have good rewards/the dungeon quests and the rest is grinding mobs with xp buff on in efficient places). This is quite a difference from the usual 2+days /played, so playing through the content again isn't terribly a big issue, plus the combat is really fun so it's not really a chore.

45-50 might add a bunch of time and while they said it'd probably be released later, it's possible they just release 50 right away, so don't know about that. You have like a secondary leveling system once you hit cap, kinda like AAs that adds a bunch of lvling, but you're at cap so you can do cap stuff already.


Vyemm Raider
Going to download and try out the Taiwan version. If I like it, I might drop dosh on a Founder's Pack.

I'm thinking about playing the Blade Dancer. Anyone got a quick rundown on what each class is like?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You might think about just doing the $30 back to test it with a good ping, since ping is pretty important in this game. Then you can just refund if you don't like it.


<Silver Donator>
Hmm quick rundown of classes, based on what I know so far, haven't tested everything and not sure how everything plays at cap and stuff, just mostly what I've read/seen:

- Assassin is a fast paced sustained DPS. Has stealth but stealth is only for short periods of time and can be used in combat repeatedly, while some attacks don't break stealth. Burst is terrible, so it's far from the usual rogue stealthing around then popping cooldowns and killing people in 3secs archetype. Control is fairly mediocre, utility is decent, aoe is bad. Uses various tools for skills like bombs, flashbangs, wires and shit. Very good at solo PvE due to stealth being basically broken for that, alright for group pve, good for pvp but requires a lot of finesse and tends to drag fights on by going invis then kiting for cooldowns and shit. Similar class would be the GW2 Thief but without the burst. Jin only.

- Blademaster is a bursty DPS/tank. Good at everything, no real weakness, strong utility via tanking tools, strong aoe, strong DPS especially when tanking. Has the strongest block, lasts a long time and block everything for the entire duration. Uses a stance system where you can enter Draw Stance using certain skills, which changes most of your skills to other skills(in general that do more damage faster) but blocking or using other skills will drop you back in the normal stance. Good PvP class, can play defensive or agressive depending on opponent.

- Bladedancer or also sometimes called LBM(Lyn Blade Master) is a Lyn only(furry kid race) variant of the Blademaster. A lot of the skills overlap but function differently. It's a burst DPS class with extremely strong aoe. The class sacrifices tanking potential for some better aoe, higher burst and a Grip(force choke) move that disables for a stupidly long amount of time. Also uses Draw stance system. Great PvP class due to the insane burst and relative ease to use.

- Kungfu Master is a tank/DPS. Relies on fast combos and high mobility and evasion to tank. Main block is a shorter counter attack than the BM block, but the sidesteps can be talented to be a lot more powerful than other classes and have low cooldowns. Crazy amount of disables including the ability to mount knocked down opponents and has a ton of charge moves to improve in combat mobility. AoE is fairly weak unless stuff is stacked very close together and you're speced into aoe. Very good utility with both damage increase buffs and group wide ice block. Has increased threat like the BM on some skills to facilitate tanking. Decent PvP class with very high skill cap but requires insanely low ping to function properly due to being extremely reliant on animation cancelling.

- Force Master is a fire/ice caster DPS. Ranged character, combos between ice and fire spells quickly. Very strong aoe and very strong DPS in general, with good utility, great class for pve. Has pretty decent survivability with the various ways to get away from stuff and ice block type of moves. Decent class in PvP but requires a high level of play to do well.

- Summoner is a pet based DPS. Ranged, has a cat familar pet. Can order the pet to do a bunch of stuff like disables and damage setups. Can aoe heal so pretty decent utility. Control is fairly bad due to being reliant on the cat so having delays and stuff. Damage spells are nature based and offer decent damage when played properly. Easy to play solo, strong pve class. Also strong in pvp but only for people who don't mind winning by time out and stuff, the class is mostly about doing chip damage and healing a ton while kiting. If your cat dies, you're in a lot of trouble in both pve and pvp, since it takes 5secs of uninterupted channeling to rez it. Can also use cosmetics on the cat. Lyn only.

- Destroyer is a 2H axe melee DPS. Honestly I don't know much about the class cause it's the class I had the least interest in. I know they're good for PvE, can help with tanking due to having semi decent tanking tools, do a lot of spinning with the axe, have a weird ressource system and have the best Grip in the game which lasts as long as the LBM grip but offer better bonuses and has an easier to hit hitbox. Looks kinda meh in PvP, but still does fine. Gon only.


Vyemm Raider
I'm level 8 in the Taiwan game right now as a BD/LBM and so far really enjoying it. I can definitely see how the class could be improved with lower ping. Also, the English patch I have hasn't translated the skills so I'm not exactly sure how to generate combo points (though I know it involves my RMB). Having a lot of fun right now and I think I might buy one of the Founder's Packs. The Force Choke is definitely really cool and although the only grouping I've done so far is with bots, I have been able to use it on a few bosses once their resistance is broken. Too bad I missed the cutoff to get into the NA Alpha, but at least I can enjoy the Taiwan version for now.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Class breakdown of a recent snapshot of the Korean pvp leaderboards top 100 -

KFM: 20

Destroyer: 20

Warlock: 18

Assassin: 14

BM: 11

Lynn BM: 7

Summoner: 5

FM: 5

Balance seems to shift fairly often from what I've read, but that should give some indication of current 1v1 pvp potential. The two most represented are also 2 of the hardest to play I believe, with animation canceling and precise timing. Assassin and BM will probably be the faceroll pvp classes.


<Silver Donator>
I'm level 8 in the Taiwan game right now as a BD/LBM and so far really enjoying it. I can definitely see how the class could be improved with lower ping. Also, the English patch I have hasn't translated the skills so I'm not exactly sure how to generate combo points (though I know it involves my RMB). Having a lot of fun right now and I think I might buy one of the Founder's Packs. The Force Choke is definitely really cool and although the only grouping I've done so far is with bots, I have been able to use it on a few bosses once their resistance is broken. Too bad I missed the cutoff to get into the NA Alpha, but at least I can enjoy the Taiwan version for now.
The little orb combo thing is based on your crits with your RMB skill, if you crit 3times, it unlocks a F skill that does like larger aoe and more damage. I haven't lvled mine very high but I think there's another for lightning orbs in draw stance too, I assume works similar. It's not very relevant early on but as you gear up and your crit goes up it gets better, you get like 40% crit at high level so these kind of stuff procs often.

As for buying a pack, as pointed out before, they have a refund policy, so if you end up not liking it it's very easy to cancel and get a refund. Since the packs get access to beta, it's worth just dropping the minimum money(or more if you want some coins to play around with for beta) and then refund before the char name reservation if you don't want early access/want a cheaper pack/don't want to play the game.

How does this game handle healing?
Potions and gems in your weapon that heal when you hit stuff. OOC you have food also. Then classes generally can spec into some healing based on damage on some abilities for sustain if they so desire, and summoner comes with a base aoe HoT I think. Healing is pretty strong overall with everything combined, you only die when you fuck up a big thing or repeatedly, if you fuck up once then don't fuck up for say 10-20secs depending on pot cooldown, you'll be fine.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Also in the big dungeons, there's an interesting mechanic called Dragonblood. You can have 2 charges, and if you die it takes 1 charge, so it kinda act as an instant self-resurrect. It's not healing exactly but worth mentioning.

Related to healing somewhat, you do not regen health in the game, and I don't mean in combat only...even out of combat you don't regen health. You need to use potions or food.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yep got my invite as well... downloading now and getting a couple of socks to hold the new game poop.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Still no invite. If they can't even flag accounts correctly to send e-mails I dunno if i trust them to do anything else.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Still no invite. If they can't even flag accounts correctly to send e-mails I dunno if i trust them to do anything else.
Probably have to wait. They are saying something along the lines of "payment had to be received by the deadline" for the automatic invites. They say they are going through the ones that bought it before the deadline but payment wasn't done until after.(ie I bought Wednesday morning but bank didn't actually show the charge until next day).


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider

It seems as though many of you who have purchased a Founder's Pack prior to 5pm PDT on October 14 are wondering where your Alpha invitation email is at. We wanted to give you an update that there has been some orders that have been caught in processing and we are working hard to send another wave of invitations out to you as soon as possible.

We will keep you posted so please hang tight just a little longer!

For those who still haven't recieved the e-mail.