Blade and Soul - Kung Fu Korea - Action MMO


<Silver Donator>
Limited to weekends and beta starts next week. It was alpha the last 2 weekends. Weekends is a bit of a loose definition too since it goes from friday 10AM to monday 10PM, so it's like 4days really, which isn't too bad.

You can see the skins if you google them. It's like a cowboy skin and some red/white chinese skin or so, but they're definitely not worth the price. The rest is meh imo, there's a lot of wasted money I find, you're better off buying the disciple pack then buying coins with your money and spending it on stuff. Like it has 3months of premium but you might not want 3months in a row(and I assume you're forced to use all 3 at once if you have the pack), you have all char slots unlocked but most likely you don't need all of them and so on. Disciple is pretty good value and not too much wasted. Otherwise you can just go initiate, or not anything really if you want to fully control what you spend on. You do miss the headstart if you don't go initiate though, and the name reservation if you don't go disciple(but since you can use name+surnames I don't think it's a huge problem). Also of note you can ask for a refund and they'll just do it without any explanation needed it's part of the thing, so you can buy a pack for beta access then refund before launch.


2 Minutes Hate
Any good vids of summoner gameplay that anyone knows of? I'm a sucker for pet classes but they suck most of the time.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I'm still on the fence about this game.

I got KFM, Blade Dancer, and Warrior up to 20. By far Blade Dancer was the easiest, but I'm assuming there will be a million of em. If I was going to tank, between KFM and warrior, I can see warrior being the easier of the 2 based upon the counter windows. KFM I see being the "better" tank if you can play. Plus I like the combos the most of the three classes I played. They have more Ooomph.

I am one of those that want defined roles written in stone...mostly for selfish reasons. But I see this game just needing bodies, and not classes. Am I wrong on this? I also see a ton of people just mashing buttons as I leveled up. That would infuriate me to know end knowing you aren't trying, paying attention or are just stupid.

That being said, the combos, my god there were too many! I am assuming they get more intricate later. Not sure my neanderthal like brain can keep up. I can see it taking quite a bit of time getting used to the combos, and figuring which ones are useless vs those are must know and use, and when.

I know it's alpha, but I hated quite a few of the mechanics/quests/UI choices they have made. None are game breaking, just poor design.

I will probably keep playing since I have nothing else to play as far as MMO's go. I'm one of the few that like the Korean MMO's, and this has a great feel in the fighting.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This past weekend was pretty cool, even though I wasn't able to participate. I watched quite a few streamers, some where clueless and some actually enjoyed the game. Saw a guy named "Sodapoppin" try Arena PvP as a blade master and get smashed a lot, so much so that he rage quit B&S to play Dark Souls.

Watched some really, really good PvP streamers and it was funny to see them bitch about how many Lyn Blade Dancers there were...that class is so unbalanced right now, almost every "gold" ranked player was a LBD. Watched a mid-20's Summoner wreck most opponents in PvP, even lvl40s, another unbalanced class it appears, though if their pet goes down vs. a good player, its usually game over.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm still on the fence about this game.
I am one of those that want defined roles written in stone...mostly for selfish reasons. But I see this game just needing bodies, and not classes. Am I wrong on this? I also see a ton of people just mashing buttons as I leveled up. That would infuriate me to know end knowing you aren't trying, paying attention or are just stupid.
I wouldn't say any defined roles mostly. Though you will find most people expect KFM/BM to tank if there is one in party and some dungeons later will require certain abilities to be spec'd certain ways(IE group counters). Also mostly always expect destroyer to have his grab built for focus regen etc.

Also regarding "just bodies not classes" atm probably yeah. That changes later, when you really need a tank, you need/want a destroyer, you need a group counter and you want a warlock(group dps buff) etc. Again though this is when you start doing the later 4 man purple dungeons and such. Where you need good boss positioning, people who can do their max dps(a lot of mobs have enrage timers) etc.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I wouldn't say any defined roles mostly. Though you will find most people expect KFM/BM to tank if there is one in party and some dungeons later will require certain abilities to be spec'd certain ways(IE group counters). Also mostly always expect destroyer to have his grab built for focus regen etc.

Also regarding "just bodies not classes" atm probably yeah. That changes later, when you really need a tank, you need/want a destroyer, you need a group counter and you want a warlock(group dps buff) etc. Again though this is when you start doing the later 4 man purple dungeons and such. Where you need good boss positioning, people who can do their max dps(a lot of mobs have enrage timers) etc.
Well that's great news then! I think I will just keep my pre-order. Deciding later whether or not to upgrade to the high packages depepnds on how the upcoming betas go.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yes, its quest hub based.

You could also do some questing and grind a lot if you want.

Supposedly you can even level by arena(havent tried myself).


Blackwing Lair Raider
There are quests in the dungeons as well. Just one but I bet if you had a Tankish and a summoner Duo you could chew through many dungeons fast as hell. That would level you pretty fast. Hell a crew of 3 summoners would destroy most anything in the game fast. Of course leveling in instances fast would defeat the point of the game overall. It is an amazing looking game, extremely crouching tiger, hidden pedobear like, and skipping all of the flying around and goofy ass stuff would be kinda silly.

Getting to cap and griefing will also not work well because people can just remove their faction outfit to stop the ganks. You know I have always wanted a guild war type system where individual guildies could opt out of pvp was not their thing. This fits that perfectly.

Hell with this system I could see the gang fight from Big Trouble little China being acted out no problem. We just need a Jack Burton Blademaster to show up!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Funny thing about the outfits, I saw people sitting right outside the zone portal right after you get the first pvp outfit(when you pick your faction). They were sitting there ganking people who had no clue about the outfit they just got and put it on cause it was "new"(ie like getting new armor). Shocked they weren't sitting right at the NPCs when you make the choice and get the outfit.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Funny thing about the outfits, I saw people sitting right outside the zone portal right after you get the first pvp outfit(when you pick your faction). They were sitting there ganking people who had no clue about the outfit they just got and put it on cause it was "new"(ie like getting new armor). Shocked they weren't sitting right at the NPCs when you make the choice and get the outfit.
I was one of those noobs and learned that lesson quick!


Vyemm Raider
Oh yeah, on Sunday night, there were a ton of Crimsons sitting on that path. A bunch of Ceruleans got called in and there was a small war going on.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The pet gets their own costumes as well (drops). You can make it look like a ninja.


<Silver Donator>
Playing EU for this, ping is too important. Even with 110-130ping on the US server it was very visible.

Summoners use cats yeah, you get to pick one in the tutorial and then you can use costumes on it and stuff. The class has a kinda weird esthetics with cat based skills, nature based stuff, the cat has a giant hammer, Lyn only and such, but otherwise it's a pretty nice class with very strong support skills and is pretty straightforward to play. It's one of these korean classes that's kinda designed for players who like easy and cute things(so generally they're aiming at female gamers). In Tera that'd be the scythe goth loli they added as the first class.

On the PvP costumes, I think it's good, you learn early that putting on that costume flags you for pvp, so you know what you're getting into. Even if you get ganked and they're camping the spawn, there's a button to remove the costume before you rez so you're just gonna waste a few minutes and understand the thing right away. It could be better explained by the NPCs so you don't put it on at all though, or like a one time warning the first time you put the costume on that says you're now PvP flagged or something, but eh.


2 Minutes Hate
I think I have to go with my Korean game rule when picking a class: pick whatever looks like the biggest stripper.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Do the Gon Kung Fu Warrior then. That Stinger outfit is great! Kinda sad I can't play today Even though I didn't want to get past 20ish. Hmm might have to just suck it up and level in the beta.


<Silver Donator>
Well Gon female anything will get you the costume, Destroyer or FM work too they all have the same costumes. Jins have a lot of slutty costumes too though, and Yuns have some also but I really hate how they look like twigs and if you make them shorter or thicker, their stupid poses make everything clips into their legs/hips, like half the costumes have clipping issues and even their hands clip into their bodies if you change their proportions. Only Lyns don't have slutty stuff, which is interesting since usually slutty loli races is a thing but almost every costume on Lyn is actually really covered. Since costumes are race based and not class based though, it doesn't make it much easier to choose a class, other than excluding the 2 lyn exclusive classes.