Blood Bowl, Season 3.5 AKA Summer Fresh Team Tournament


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Making this thread to consolidate replies and make for an easy accounting of numbers. You don't need to vote no if you're not interested, all I'm looking for is the number of yes votes so I can make the league an appropriate size and come up with a plan to cover the rest of the summer.

For anyone who isn't up to speed on this, Season 4 will be delayed due to increased summer non gaming activities - vacations, kids, yard work, whatever. I'm admining a lot of games every week now due to schedule conflicts, and there's not really much point in having a weekly league where you play a game every other week because people are on vacation or are only available at fucking midnight or some shit. So, instead of doing that, the next season of BB will take the form of a fresh team tournament. Everyone rolls up a new TV 1000 team and starts fresh. Number of games will be dependent upon the number of entrants. At the end of the season, there will be playoffs of the top as many teams as I can fit in (obviously needs to be a 2/4/8/16 number, unfortunately) and when it's all said and done, you'll be able to use this team in the regular league if you so desire. This will accomplish a few things --

-- it will give people with busier schedules the chance to take the summer off without having the rest of the league teams pass them by
-- it will give people a break from the rage situation
-- it will allow any new players this season to start on a level field with everyone else, and get their teams some SPP before being slotted into the main league.
-- it will let anyone who's not feeling their current team switch to a new one with the same benefits as above.

So, the only important vote is the number of yes's. If you aren't interested in this, you don't need to post/vote, and we'll pick up the official league in the fall when summer vacations and softball and shit ends and kids go back to school and the yard work is done and everyone's got more time for gaming.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Goddammit ZP, simple instructions and only 2 choices and you still fuck it up.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
You can count me in. Not sure what I will play, but leaning either Nurgle or maybe some flavor of elf.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Good timing for this with my new workweek being Saturday thru motherfucking Tuesday. 10 years doesn't buy you what it used to, that's for fucking sure. Hopefully be back to a more civilized schedule by the time this ends.

So, with ZP, that puts us at 15 people in, which is great for this kind of thing. One more and we'd have a great round number to work with.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
We've got 16 guys signed up (counting ZP's misclick) now for the tournament. I created a 16 man league because it works best numberswise to keep everything even. Go ahead and app a new team, search for " Tournament League." First come, first serve, fresh teams only.

The only question is, would you guys rather have 4 divisions of 4, and play double round robin, 6 games this season, or 2 divisions of 8, and play single round robin, 7 games this season? Each have their pros and cons. I know there are certain teams I wouldn't mine having a second shot at after the dice shook me down like I owed them money, but I also may not want to play 2 games I was hopelessly outclassed in either (although this is mitigated by the fresh team aspect.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
We've got 16 guys signed up (counting ZP's misclick) now for the tournament. I created a 16 man league because it works best numberswise to keep everything even. Go ahead and app a new team, search for " Tournament League." First come, first serve, fresh teams only.

The only question is, would you guys rather have 4 divisions of 4, and play double round robin, 6 games this season, or 2 divisions of 8, and play single round robin, 7 games this season? Each have their pros and cons. I know there are certain teams I wouldn't mine having a second shot at after the dice shook me down like I owed them money, but I also may not want to play 2 games I was hopelessly outclassed in either (although this is mitigated by the fresh team aspect.
I kind of like the double round robin so that you get a chance to replay people. Sometimes dice can just tip a game so absurdly and its nice to have another chance at an opponent.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
PS- I will app a team this afternoon, probably Nurgle but maybe Ogres or something else weird.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Vimeseh, you apped to the wrong league. Try again, homey.