Boardwalk Empire


Gillian is so fucking tragic. I want her story to end well.
She's a murdering incestuous piece of shit, the quicker she dies the better. Basically.

I gave no fucks when Jimmy was killed off but damn if I wasn't saying "Nooooooooooooo" at my screen Eddie was straightening his tie in the mirror. Alas


Musty Nester
I like Van Alden's wife because she's hot as hell, she brained a man who she thought was threatening her husband, she's good with children, she makes her own rotgut booze, she talks like a fucking cartoon, and she's a loyal supporter of the aristocracy. What's not to love? The woman is the complete package! Plus she's married to a complete god damn lunatic and she doesn't complain a bit. That's like... pretty much what the fuck she expected out of life apparently. lol.

I suspect I'm in the minority, but I actually liked Margret. I totally get why most people don't care much for the Widow Schroeder. There was an awful lot of drawn out hesitation with her. But I found that gradual seduction to be entirely the point and ultimately her utter rejection of the temptation to be one of the few happy endings we've gotten in the series. Happy for the people that like her because she finally did right... happy for the people that hate her because I can't think we'll see alotof her upcoming. We'll see some, I imagine -- but not like it has been. My guess is she got moved from the starring cast to the support cast.

Edit for Gwen: Yeah, Gillian is that. She's also got a lot of good qualities. As many as she has bad, I'd say. No one in the entire show is what you'd call a "good person", not a single one of them. Of them all, Gillian has had the life chosen for her most blatantly. She's a lot of things, many of them bad. Don't be so fast to dismiss one of them is that she's a victim of her own life. Completely tragic. It's not because she doesn't deserve to die -- shit, the show is about people that do deserve to die. James knew it.


<Prior Amod>
Eddie was loyal to a fault. It wasn't so much him wanting to be important, it was Eddie wanting to useful. I believe Eddie when he said it wasn't about the money it was about Nucky's respect. That's why it's right in the feels. The man was loyal to a fault.

On the bright side though. Van Alden's fucking wife. They show her for like 2 seconds an episode. What we need is like half an episode of just her tending house. 15 minutes of her cooking and singing some song like the Swedish Chef.

Joo poot de chiken in de pot.
Loyal to a fault...until he opened his mouth when not allowed to leave a room for an afternoon.

Also loyal to a fault where he fled his family and children for a love affair that didn't last and instead of returning in shame he fled to America.

He put on fronts of loyalty and I believe he wanted to be loyal but he wasn't. We found that out this episode, his whole life was a fallacy put on by a man who appeared to be one thing but his very foundations were something totally different. When he was reminded of that and when he opened his mouth and said something about Nuck he realized it was all a lie, felt terrible and offed himself.

His character was better when he held his old station with Nuck, once he branched out it got old fast I thought. Frankly, I'm glad he jumped.

Previous seasons I really liked him, this one not so much.


Still a Music Elitist
This season's been rock solid. My favorite show currently on television.


<Gold Donor>
Glad Eddie killed himself. He was a decent character, but one afternoon with a cock-sure investigator in a room and you're spilling your shit?! What a pussy.He knew what he signed up for... Still a sad end to the character - will be interested to see if he somehow conveyed his situation to Nucky before jumping (a note, etc). Love the Chicago stuff as well - this is the best show on tv at the moment.


<Prior Amod>
he did, he was writing a note with a fountain pen, looked in the mirror did the socks and jumped out, note is either a suicide note, an admission of guilt to nucky or something to his kids. please let nucky go all revengey.

he was interrogated by 2 professional agency guys, and from the looks of things they are as ruthless as mobsters, just without hitting the face. he's an old crippled kraut, not like he's supposed to be a supersoldier.


I've read elsewhere from people that can read German that he was writing a note to his sons, he hadn't known he was a grandfather until the BI guys told him. He was basically wishing them a happy life and how proud he was to be a grandfather.

Unless he left two notes Nucky may never know why he topped himself.


Buzzfeed Editor
Man, I finally got caught up and Eddie... fucking Eddie...

God dammit Boardwalk Empire.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I'm sad to see Eddie go, but in a way I'm glad. When he was being held by the FBI agents I was dreading the cliched story arc of Eddie acting as a spy in Nucky's organization.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I'm sad to see Eddie go, but in a way I'm glad. When he was being held by the FBI agents I was dreading the cliched story arc of Eddie acting as a spy in Nucky's organization.
This. It was really sad, but I almost knew it was the only way he was going to really deal with it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
About the creation of BOI (later known as FBI), I'm curious how they're gonna handle things, since Hoover always heavily denied organized crime in US until 1957. While he fought famous bank robbers in the 1930's (Dillinger), he never acknowledged the existence of criminal organizations operating on US soil and always focused BOI / FBI ressources on communism, radicals and civil rights movements up to 1957 whenthe public got knowledge about the American Mafia. I hope they'll picture young Hoover as shady and controversial he was IRL.

Incidentally, when JFK made his brother Attorney General in 1960, Robert Kennedy forced Hoover to hit hard on the American Mafia, threatening him with early (sic) retirement. Some people have been saying that this move (JFK getting elected with his father's money, buying his election with Jimmy Hoffa teamsters votes and then putting Bobby the Mafia hater in the Attorney General seat, fucking the Mafia in the ass) cost him his head three years later at some rally in Dallas, TX. And guess who personally conducted the investigation of JFK's assassination, when everyone and their grandmother agreed Oswald pretty much fired 3 times in 7s from 3 different places ? J. Edgar Hoover.


I have to say im pretty disappointed at this season of BWE, The only thing that keeps my watching it is the actual link to historical events that transpire within the show.


Musty Nester
Why though? Because harrow isn't murdersplatting everyone?

If that's what it is, I'd hold tight. Capone is about to murdersplat the entire city of chicago.

You know, I didn't even realize that that was Andrew Dice Clay last season. It took him 20 years to live it down?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I'm also thoroughly enjoying this season. The absence of Margaret is great (but I believe she'll be back next week) and the storylines have been interesting thus far. I could do with less Gillian, but I like old-timey office space dude so it's ok I guess.

Like usual for Boardwalk Empire we're getting a slow build up and I have full confidence shit is going to absolutely explode near the end. Episodes 1 - 9 are like going up that first hill on a roller coaster.


Still a Music Elitist
Not much about this season has been disappointing so far. I also think they focus a little too much on Gillian, but she's one of the only characters still alive that we've "known" since the beginning of the show.


Molten Core Raider
I don't even get why she's still on the show. They could have easily said she died from the heroin last season.


Still a Music Elitist
They're obviously going somewhere with Ron Livingston's character and Gillian. This isn't a show the keeps dead weight around.


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah Livingston has to get into some shit at some point. I'm honestly curious how it'll happen because it's not like they can sustain this corporate executive story arc forever.


FPS noob
It is a weird place they seem to be going with Ron. At first I thought maybe he was the court inspector the judge mentioned, who is going to examine Gillian's house as a suitable place for her grandson. That makes no sense though, its an insanely over complicated cover story as a piggly wiggly exec. Then I thought maybe he's the brother of the guy Gillian offed, which makes a bit more sense but not really. He definitely seems to be more than he is letting on, maybe tied into Rothstein or with the FBI. I have a feeling they will tie it into Harrow.

I do think its cool some of the stuff they did with Gillian, like how far the drugs are dragging her down or how Chalky's second guy doesn't want to fuck around with white chicks anymore, just sell her drugs. She still believes in her head that its perfectly ok for her grandson to live with her and a random guy while she shoots up heroin, thats just fucked up.