Boardwalk Empire


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
My dislike of Gillian is simply that time is already being stretched thin. It's been, what, 2 episodes since we've had any Harrow? We've hardly seen Eli outside of him being in the background with Nucky. Chalky has only had a handful of screen time. Hell, we've hardly gotten to know Dr. Narcisse. I'm sure that we had seen much more of Rosetti by episode 5 last season than we've seen of Narcisse this season. What about Luciano and ANYTHING to do with New York? Have we even been to New York this season? The closest we've come is having a heavy dose of Rothstein making an ass of himself in Atlantic City. Meanwhile we have Gillian seemingly getting inordinate amounts of screen time for how interesting her plot is. It's about to get even worse with the reintroduction of Margaret. They're definitely suffering from too-many-characters-itis at this point.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
She has always been fucked up. The only difference now is that her fuck ups are more public.


<Bronze Donator>
This didnt go over well last time I said but I still think she's hot as fuck. I'd even give the drugged out version a toss.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
This didnt go over well last time I said but I still think she's hot as fuck. I'd even give the drugged out version a toss.
I agree she's hot, but she's not even getting naked in every other scene like she was in the first season. Her time is over!


Musty Nester
I've got to think that the Gillian story is close to being tied up. We lost Margret and Nucky doesn't have a mistress. The ratio of pewpew to girl drama is off -- Gillian had to pick up the slack. It is a story about pinstripe bootlegers and gangsters, but they had this whole thing going about the society of women as well.

Gillian is hot and I enjoy her scenes but -- BRING BACK BABETTE.


<Prior Amod>
really? no one wants to see van alden's wife as like the mob boss wife chronicles? i really don't want to see the old hags shroeder or gillian anymore, i also don't want to see new stupid broadway girls either.


Trakanon Raider
With Billy dead, all the women on this show disappoint me. Gillian was hot to me for a season or two but now she absolutely repulses me.

Dirty skank ass hoe.


<Prior Amod>
Yeah, Gillian is the next I hope dies. I actually dislike her more then Margaret at the moment.

Also, this season has been fantastic. I've loved watching Capone's character progress along with watching Van Alden react to it each episode. It's awsome watching him live a life he was thrown pretty much against his will through his own awful decision making.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Thatwomanhate remembers me about when The Sopranos was airing, when a lot of people hated Carmella, Adrian, Janice and mostly any woman in the show. In my opinion Margaret's comeback is foreshadowed, especially when we see Nucky alone in his mansion, getting obviously bored. I didn't likemuy childrhunMargareth mostly because the character was a utter cunt pulled from some nofuture life into Nuckys, while being somewhat aware of Nucky's whereabouts. I mean I'm not criticizing the writing, I just don't like the character.

Gillian is textbook's black widow, ensuring hers future over anything while dealing with her twisted life. I don't have a problem with that, as soon as she doesn't become a major asset in the shape of things to come. She's a utter cunt whenever her future is on balance, but right now she's having hard times struggling with anything, and Gretschen Mol acting is quite convicing enough to let the ball roll, while Kelly Mc Donald's fake Irish accent was quite upsetting.


Buzzfeed Editor
I don't mind Gillian so much. Rothstein is KILLING it. I am not looking forward to Margaret coming back into the fold. And Chicago is heating up nicely. All in all the season is shaping up.


Why though? Because harrow isn't murdersplatting everyone?

If that's what it is, I'd hold tight. Capone is about to murdersplat the entire city of chicago.

You know, I didn't even realize that that was Andrew Dice Clay last season. It took him 20 years to live it down?
I feel mostly, because a lot of the new characters they have introduced are duds. I'd classify richards sister, Dr. Narcisse, and Gillian Darmody, as all duds as far as characters go. Last season Gillian played a role and was much involved in the story, in this season shes just a waste of space. The storylines as a whole seem very fragmented too, The situation with Dr Narcisse started out hot in the first couple episodes then nothing, im sure Dr. Narcisse is the cliche gangster they introduce to try and rival nucky that will end up dead at the end of the season too which brings me to my next point about it being stale. I can already tell you how the season ends. Dr Narcisse tries to move in on Nucky's african american support chaulky gets threatened to lose his power to Pernsley and the DR and they both end up dead, The end. Season 1 it was the Delessio brothers, Season 2 it was Jimmy/his Dad (which was a very strong season, its strongest imo), Season 3 it was Gyp, and now its Dr. Narcisse, they could maybe have a season that didnt end in a cliche gangster turf-war.

So ya, it has nothing to do with blood and guts just the show getting overly stale in the fictional character department. IMO anyway.


Musty Nester
I've been hoping that the gangster turf war will be Capone vs. Chicago rather than Nucky vs. Whoever. I'm with you on Narcisse, he's all sorts of meh for me, but I'm thinking that won't be Narcisse vs. Nucky. I think that's a trick. If anything that'll beOmarChalky being quietly replaced as the Mayor of Browntown and Nucky going, "Eh. Darkies. Whatcha gonna do" just to further solidify his underlying assholeishness.

Harrow's sister was underwhelming, but I think that was kinda the point. A non-shellshocked Harrow would probably be underwhelming himself.


I could watch an entire series on Graham playing capone and the BWE staff interpreting the events leading up to the rise of al capone. It's literally some of the best TV i've seen ever. Like I said before, the historical references and its accuracy to how American history actually played out is its huge draw to me, I just wish the fictional characters were stronger this season because at the end of the day that's the meat and potatoes of the show.


FPS noob
The handkerchief the fbi agent/probie mole, Knox, hands Eli has the initials JTM on it, and Eli notices it.
JTM is the corporation that owns Piggly Wiggly. wut! Or it mighta been Jim, which is what Hoover called Knox, and Eli will realize this guy is using a fake name.


Molten Core Raider
The handkerchief the fbi agent/probie mole, Knox, hands Eli has the initials JTM on it, and Eli notices it.
JTM is the corporation that owns Piggly Wiggly. wut! Or it mighta been Jim, which is what Hoover called Knox, and Eli will realize this guy is using a fake name.
That dude is going to get FUCKED up. Maybe it will make Hoover realize that gangsters in america are real?