Boardwalk Empire


Still a Music Elitist
Piggly Wiggly talking to his wife on the phone sort of sucked. I think you guys may get your wish. Gillian is about to lose everything, and when it happens I can't see what she does except for jump in the ocean.

The only thing I'm really disappointed by is Eli. Not his acting, just the writing for his character. It's his acting that carries that overdone subplot.
I didn't catch who Roy was talking to on the phone. I'll have to rewatch the scene again with that in mind. That storyline seems like it could go anywhere.

I share the same feelings about Eli. I hope this sends up being the long con against Knox. Eli turning against Nucky again would be tiresome. And if that is the case, he better end up dead.


Silver Knight of the Realm
They clearly want us to think he's helping Knox with the (apparently based on Nucky's reaction) out of character question about the business. This show doesn't seem to really do much misdirection so I'd be a little surprised if it was the case here but we can hope.

I'm confused by the Piggly Wiggly guy. Would he really go through all the trouble he's gone through (helping her through rehab, being with her all the time) to , what, get her house from her? What else would his motivation be? It's especially confusing if he's actually a business executive.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The phonecall Roy was on proves he is up to something. He was serious and hushed and saying it wouldn't be much longer, then when Gil walks in, he pretends to be talking to Piggy Wiggly.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Piggly Wiggly talking to his wife on the phone sort of sucked. I think you guys may get your wish. Gillian is about to lose everything, and when it happens I can't see what she does except for jump in the ocean.

The only thing I'm really disappointed by is Eli. Not his acting, just the writing for his character. It's his acting that carries that overdone subplot.

Edit: And I don't think anything is going to happen to Mickey. Rothstein was just asking Nucky for some money, was the whole thrust of that. Nucky is just pissed off because Mickey tried to mack on his woman -- or rather his woman tried to mack on Mickey. Mickey was one of the three that showed up for the meeting about the commodore. He might be a retarded piece of shit, but he's a loyal retarded piece of shit. A $500,000 hit on Mickey was just a joke. Funny one too!
Mickey is this shows E.B. Farnum. That fucker is going to live till the end no matter how much stupid shit he does.


Musty Nester
It coulda been Knox that Piggly Wiggly was talking too as well, yeah. That would make a little bit -more- sense, but it still wouldn't make a whole lot of fucking sense. I mean a gang did get Harrowsplatted in her house, so it's not like a secret that she's probably involved in some organized crime.

But I dunno. My mind went to wife. I'm thinking that Gillian is just the type of girl where the pussy is good enough to put up with it and Mrs Wiggly's just isn't.


Trakanon Raider
Roy is probably there because of fake jimmy's disappearance. I think the diner scene a few episodes back was staged to see how Gillian would react.


<Prior Amod>
"Heard a lot of 'we' last year when you was in trouble. Now it just you."

I'm pretty sure Chalky wasn't referring to Nucky still owing a debt with this line, he was meaning that last year when Nucky had problems he came to Chalky and Chalky helped him. The debt is free and clear now but now when Chalky has an issue Nucky seemed unwilling to help him. He wasn't holding him to help in terms of a debt, just that when there was life on the line he was pissed that Nucky wasn't willing (seemingly) to help like Chalky was.

Which I agree with.
no actually i think chalky will always try to hold that over nucky's head. even when purnsley killed the white guy, chalky said something like, "he helped you out of a spot", i think he'll always rub that in nucky's face if and when he can, like he thinks it's an ongoing debt, while nucky thinks it's paid.


Musty Nester
Roy is probably there because of fake jimmy's disappearance. I think the diner scene a few episodes back was staged to see how Gillian would react.
That actually makes sense, and will make for a more interesting (but still fatal to Gillian) story.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Roy is probably there because of fake jimmy's disappearance. I think the diner scene a few episodes back was staged to see how Gillian would react.
Your first post in nearly a year makes a lot of sense. Maybe this is the angle?


FPS noob
Not sure if this link will work but HOLY SHIT I'm ready for next Sunday!
damn shits going down! I didn't get the Piggly Wiggly phone call either, he's clearly fucking around with Jillian but it seems like a lot of ... effort to get revenge or turn her into an informant or ??. Not expecting a good payout here, but hoping to be surprised.

If you haven't seen it yet watchThe Iceman (2012) - IMDbstars Michael Shannon as a cold blooded mafia assassin in the 70s, he is creepy as fuck in that movie too.

I don't understand the Rothstein angle either, was the broker who screwed him the one we saw in an earlier episode working with mrs shroder? That doesn't really make any sense. Is he just fucking around with Nucky, or is he really broke?


Molten Core Raider
It's gotta be a con of some sort by Rothstein. Something was off when he still made the investment after seeing through the con at Margaret's office.


Silver Baron of the Realm
I don't understand the Rothstein angle either, was the broker who screwed him the one we saw in an earlier episode working with mrs shroder? That doesn't really make any sense. Is he just fucking around with Nucky, or is he really broke?
I think that was just an excuse, the real issue is his many recent gambling blunders which were talked about by the FBI guys and his loss to Nucky in an earlier episode.


Buzzfeed Editor
It's gotta be a con of some sort by Rothstein. Something was off when he still made the investment after seeing through the con at Margaret's office.
Maybe, but...(Spoiler is for real history).

The end of Rothstien's reign was essentially a series of fuck ups and short sightedness. Like a complete 180 from how he was through most of his career. People cheated him left and right and the more it happened, the sloppier he got, the less he could see, the more people cheated him. He died owing money out on multiple card games--there was a specific game where someone was sent to kill him for, but I forget which.


Trakanon Raider
I think the Piggly Wiggly guy is working for the feds. Hes playing the long con to earn Gillians trust via cleaning her up etc. He says it wont be long on the phone because the judge will come down with the verdict and I imagine they have it set up so that she gets denied custody at which point she will have a complete meltdown and tell him everything.

As for Rothstein that guys luck is just running out now. The scene with his butler where he asks why he doesn't gamble and ends with how he was a lucky little boy or so they used to think so. Gambling has caught up to Rothstein and they have been showing his decline for a bit now going back even to the card game with Nucky.


Buzzfeed Editor
What year are we in now? I vaguely know the timeline of some of the major events but I'm not sure where we are in it. I didn't think Capone started stepping up until 1927ish.