Bootstrappers guide to being successful.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Have any of you ever tried a staffing agency? It is their job to coach you up, talk you up to companies, and get you that foot in the door. You have a short term contract with the company that they have the option to make permanent. It is your job during that time to impress the shit out of them and earn the job.

Oh, and don't post about how those agencies are a scam or the companies never offer good people full time jobs; I personally know half a dozen people with great careers that started through a staffing agency, my wife included.


Golden Squire
While I keep tutorial projects I used to learn while in school on Github, actual work beyond that is slim. When I get home for the day there's about a dozen other things to deal with and usually by the time I get time to myself the last thing I want to do is anything close to work.


Trakanon Raider
Have any of you ever tried a staffing agency? It is their job to coach you up, talk you up to companies, and get you that foot in the door. You have a short term contract with the company that they have the option to make permanent. It is your job during that time to impress the shit out of them and earn the job.

Oh, and don't post about how those agencies are a scam or the companies never offer good people full time jobs; I personally know half a dozen people with great careers that started through a staffing agency, my wife included.
They work for some people and not others. A good friend of mine out in Denver spent 18 months looking for work before finally being placed in a reasonable entry level job via temp agency. It's looking positive, and he stands a good shot of being hired on full time at the end of the summer.

One major problem is that staffing agencies and headhunters are so hit or miss. Many of them ARE scams, and it's become prevalent enough that many quality companies won't accept unsolicited resumes from staffing agencies. Meanwhile, other gigantic corporations basically hire nothing but staff contracts in order to "test fit" people for their corporate culture (Coca Cola does a great deal of hiring this way).

It really just comes down to being industry specific, and knowing that the agency repping you is legit.


<Bronze Donator>
Got my current job through a staffing agency, though I'm kinda mad about it. Admittedly, I'm not sure if I would have found the posting without their blatant reposting/spamming. But throughout most of the interview process, I was under the impression that my employer was working with the agency. It wasn't until salary negotiations that the owner mentioned having to begrudgingly pay the finder's fee. I still wonder if I would have gotten a bigger signing bonus if I had applied directly.

Aside from the spamming, the staffing agency was useless, sometimes even annoying. They're great if you have little interviewing experience, but I already knew everything they tried to coach me.


what Suineg set it to
I've seen it go both ways- people who say they can't give all the pay/benefits because hh fee comes out of budget and I've seen someone ask for slightly higher rate because they were not from a staffing agency and not get it because it's just expensed to HR/recruiting not allocated for other departments.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Stolen from quora, it is a very honest conversation.
What is the best advice for an ambitious kid born into a poor family with no resources, information or support? - Quora

Change your accent to that of a middle class person
Do not join groups of poor people such as gangs or any group that will pressurise you not to leave
If possible, move away from the poor environment even if it means moving to another poor environment. The essential thing is not to form relationships that cannot be easily broken.
Don't fall in love, or make any form of commitment that is difficult to break.
Don't get into debt.
Learn to dress well.
Take public speaking lessons and feel at ease in communicating with others.
Don't talk about coming from a poor background. It makes people feel uneasy.
Learn to speak slower and and lower, and think before you speak.
Don't use slang.
Avoid places and situations that you do not feel comfortable in.
Learn middle class mannerisms but don't overdo it.
Learn to live within your means, and don't pretend to be anything you are not.
Set yourself small goals to achieve that you can easily reach.
Keep a diary of your progress, and regularly review it to see what works and what does not work.
Observe people and see how they relate to each other.
Pick your friends carefully.
Do not waste time, money, or resources.
Don't be afraid to take risks, but make them calculated risks.
Have a plan, but don't be afraid to change it.

Several comments on 'changing ones accent'

People who are not poor but in the performing arts such as actors, singers, etc. change their accents because it is necessary for their work

People who are not poor but have strong regional or foreign accents, commonly change their accents because it enables them to communicate better in thier work

People who are not poor but whose work requires them to speak in public or generally have to give orders, work on the phone, or broadly have to work verbally, will often change their accents because it helps them in their work

Quite often changing their dress style to be more appropriate to the work they do is common, even if one is not poor

Many people change their manner of speaking, dress mode, and behaviour in accordance with the company they are in

Such changes do not mean that one is presenting a false face to the world, it simply means that one is adopting the requirements of the work or the mannerisms of the social group one is in
It is little different from having to wear a uniform, as many jobs require, or to conform to certain work ethics that are known to be suited to the job

If you do happen to be poor AND ambitious, then learning these matters is a help.
If you happen to be poor and NOT ambitious, then you needn't bother

Being poor and ambitious does not mean leaving your family and close friends, but it probably requires leaving groups/gangs/teams that require you to retain your background mannerisims.
Studies of poor people who become successful show that they do not make attachments that limit their freedom of movement

The advice on 'get an education' is good advice if you are in a situation where you have the time to study, a place to study, the money to study, the friends to study with etc. And have no commitments, duties, obligations, etc. that detract from your studying

it would be interesting to know how many comments on this issue come from people who have been poor and eventually became successful.

By poor, I mean being brought up in a house that has no books in it, possibly with a single parent who has to work full time just to survive, and where they have no one who can advise or help them, and where any attempt to improve oneself is looked upon with derision, and further, where your ignorance is exploited by those who should know better

By successful I mean those who eventually achieve their goals in the sense that their name can be spoken and recognised with respect in the field they choose to work in.


Golden Squire
I've done it both ways. Synacor hired me direct, but my job before them and my current one it was through a staffing agency. The one before them was kind of funny, I was scheduled to interview and the day before they canceled it and hired a previous interviewee. I got another interview with them two months later after they fired that person and ended up being there ten years.

It's hit or miss any way you go about doing it. Too much time is spent trying to get the right person through the hiring process except I've seen people make it through the process only to end up gone within 3 months because one side or the other didn't make the right judgement call.


I've been through 6 staffing agencies in the past 4 months. The problem with some are, the people actually being your middle man contacting these companies for you are often unprofessional and aren't selling you at all or overselling you to the point i went to an interview and found out the agency was straight up lying about my qualifications.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Last time I lost my job I decided to sign up for unemployment. I never drew any, but I found out the workforce commission is actually an excellent resource for finding a job. I imagine they are like a staffing agency but with the taxpayers paying them instead of the company. These people knew all the companies in the area and what they did. When I told them what I did, they came up with a dozen places who might need my services in less than 10 minutes. On top of that they will do mock interviews with you, help with your resume, have computers and phones you can use if you don't have access at home, oh and every job opening in the state has to be listed with them. Maybe it's not every single job opening, but there is some law that means 90%+ of them make it into their database. I honestly thought they were only going to have minimum wage jobs listed, but I saw CEO jobs in the database that paid millions per year.


Molten Core Raider
know someone, get lucky, life, or well if you're a women you use what god gave you and become a whore.


Buzzfeed Editor
No, the HR automated resume checker that checks keywords and throws your resume in the trashcan if it doesn't contain 98% of the required keywords takes it as gospel. There is no way to talk to people in most places, unless you have prior networking that has you an in. It's possible to really really research and find the hiring manager, and email them directly, but this is still extremely uncommon to get any kind of response.

They need to make the jobs more accessible, and look for the talent that can grow into that position. Only looking for the best of the best, and refusing everyone else and then whining that there's no talent is bullshit. There's available talent all over the place - but some people just might need a few weeks. Even the most brilliant people need some reasonable time to grow into a position.
I don't know that it really works that way. If you or I were to create a system tomorrow to sort resumes, we'd be complete morons to do it that way. I know that I got some kind of response back on almost every resume I submitted when i was looking a few months back. Maybe because I was applying for specific positions rather than blanket throwing it out there, idk. I have heard people play games with their resume in order to bypass HR filters, but idk about that. Where I work now, almost all of our hiring is done via referrals.

Yeah I agree, everyone has to grow into their job, no one shows up and crushes it on day 1. I think operational managers realize that. Hiring people, who the fuck knows what they know.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
If you or I were to create a system tomorrow to sort resumes, we'd be complete morons to do it that way.
Corporations are filled with just as many morons as anywhere else. Which is to say, a lot of fucking morons.


Trakanon Raider
That advice is pretty one sided, that only applies to people trying to climb some corporate ladder.

I grew up poor and went straight out of high school into a trade, no college or anything, just started under a guy and just worked hard. I didn't have to talk proper, change my style of dress or any of that yuppie shit. Granted I'll never be a 1%er bartender but I can live comfortable and make 40 to 70k a year without having to play corporate.


Buzzfeed Editor
I don't think there is anything wrong with learning a trade and working hard. Sure there is a ceiling, but there is a ceiling with anything. I don't understand how there got to be a stigma around trades in this country. They pay really well and you can get in on the ground floor and actually work your way up at a reasonable pace.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
I don't know that it really works that way. If you or I were to create a system tomorrow to sort resumes, we'd be complete morons to do it that way. I know that I got some kind of response back on almost every resume I submitted when i was looking a few months back. Maybe because I was applying for specific positions rather than blanket throwing it out there, idk. I have heard people play games with their resume in order to bypass HR filters, but idk about that. Where I work now, almost all of our hiring is done via referrals.

Yeah I agree, everyone has to grow into their job, no one shows up and crushes it on day 1. I think operational managers realize that. Hiring people, who the fuck knows what they know.
Oh it does I assure you. Indians aremastersof beating this filter. Readthis for some good insight.

Also from the article:

No wonder: Starbucks Corp. attracted 7.6 million job applicants over the past 12 months for about 65,000 corporate and retail job openings; Procter & Gamble Inc. got nearly a million applications last year for 2,000 new positions plus vacant jobs. Both companies use the systems.
What is missing from this is -- how many of these people are US Citizens vs. H1Bs or foreigners seeking H1Bs (in the case of P&G)? When I worked at SYMC, a common issue among many indians working there was when they got let go, what do they need to do to be able to stay on H1B, and they will mass apply everywhere. This article also, sadly, ignores the fact that submitting resumes is so much easier these days. I heard aradioad of all things the other day for NVIDIA looking for people to work in Cali and you had to snail mail your resume to them. If thats the only way to submit your resume, you can bet you're not going to get nearly as many "duds".

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I never heard anything negative about skilled trades, of course my family wasnt chalk full of white collar degreed professionals. IMO its the push to go to college and get a degree these past few decades that have completely overshadowed going into the trades.

Of course it doesnt help that a lot of the trades are hidden behind a wall of union bullshit. As much as they love to say its such an amazing job and come in, they dont want too many people becoming welders or electricians.


Trakanon Raider
The ceiling isn't nearly as bad as you would think. I knew multiple people in AZ that were pulling in 100k and in Arizona that makes you filthy rich. Plus, once you reach the top of the trade, you can then open your own business and the ceiling gets removed.

I do agree about the stigma of a trade though, if you want to get into a trade, people then view you as some burnout/low life yet here I am charging them 200 bucks for something I can do in fifteen minutes.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
chaos_sl said:
I don't understand how there got to be a stigma around trades in this country.
The stupid notion that a $150,000 piece of paper is required to be successful.


Vyemm Raider
The ceiling isn't nearly as bad as you would think. I knew multiple people in AZ that were pulling in 100k and in Arizona that makes you filthy rich. Plus, once you reach the top of the trade, you can then open your own business and the ceiling gets removed.

I do agree about the stigma of a trade though, if you want to get into a trade, people then view you as some burnout/low life yet here I am charging them 200 bucks for something I can do in fifteen minutes.
There is no celling on trades...learn how to a job well, learn how to deal with customers. Work hard then take the big leap of faith and transition to working for yourself once you are established, or buy the business from your mentor. Trades IMO is the best way to transition into business ownership. Sure its hard work and a risk, but it can be the sweetest plum for the right people.