Bootstrappers guide to being successful.


Trump's Staff
I don't think Mist is talking about wealth being discouraging but that there is a system in place that discourages. If you take a group of people and you tell them their whole lives the system is rigged against them, that they are judged by the color of their skin, that they'll never be treated fairly, and then use programs to incentivize the destruction of their families under the guise of helping them, it's going to be tougher for them to get out there and make a real go of it.
I worked as a student assistant in college in the admissions office an d this is 100% true. We would have 4.0 GPA black kids come in, offered a full ride, and their parents would be saying that this is pointless and a waste, the white man will never let you have a degree and even if he does he'll never hire you for any white jobs. Don't waste 4 years of your life playing at being white for nothing.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I only saw one black person for the majority of time I was in college. I got to know him pretty well. He was also one of the "whitest" people I ever met. His parents were from Dallas. He didn't like the black cultue at all so he went to a redneck school.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Why should the wealth of other people discourage anyone?
Because they use that wealth to manipulate politicians and rig the system even more in their own favor once they're already winning.

The insidious thing about our system is that it's not enough for rich people to be rich and comfortable, they have to rig the system so everyone else has nothing so they can feel even richer.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Know that you do not live in a garden, you actually live on a battlefield.
The flip side is that it's only a battlefield because we've chosen to make it that way, without really a consideration of why that is necessary.

So much of the landscape of that battlefield is shaped by artificial scarcity, competition towards no productive ends, and other societal delusions.


Stop being a fucking child and complaining about everything. Nut the fuck up and be an adult. Realize that you happen to live in a country that is the least lopsided and rigged in the world. You have the ability to get an education and a career. You live in relative safety (low risk/consequence) compared to BILLIONS of other humans.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Because they use that wealth to manipulate politicians and rig the system even more in their own favor once they're already winning.

The insidious thing about our system is that it's not enough for rich people to be rich and comfortable, they have to rig the system so everyone else has nothing so they can feel even richer.
womp womp, so sad.

The only 'nothing' you don't have is happiness. Plenty of people are happy working 90 hours a week with no family life, or living on a commune planting vegetables, or getting fucked in the ass by their furry partner. Take your pick. You've replaced all of that possibility with hopelessness and meaningless and futility. This is a you problem so quit trying to shift the blame to some 'system' or group of 'rich and comfortable' people. Those words are mutually exclusive.

All these graphs and thesis about income disparity, wage disparity, social migration, etc... are great when analyzing large groups of people and history, but are meaningless when trying to apply them at the individual level and use them as an excuse or crutch for your own failure or misery.

But you know all this and are yet still so proud of how depressed and hopeless your life is. So, I guess continue to wallow in your shit and fling turd pies at the rest of society. We'll be over here having fun with all our 'nothing' while the big scary man tries to keep us down.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Have any of you ever felt like the fire inside died down? How did you get it back? I've been with my company for over 10 years. It's a good, privately owned family company. Instead of accepting my resignation 3 years ago when my wife and I decided to move to TX (to be near her family), they kept me on and would start training me to doing offsite stuff. Basically:

- 37 years old. Dropped out of high school, got a GED. Started this job in the mailroom, moved to warehouse, now I fly around the lower 48 putting together new retail stores (It's a franchise company). I'm on the road Mon-Fri. I'm probably not going to find another job making over 50K/yr, 5 weeks paid vacation, and a 401k with 4% match with my education level.
- My wife and I have a 1 year old boy, and we are going to have another boy, due around July 31st. Obviously this is the biggest game changer, and watching him crawl, then walk, and then say "dada" for the first time through facetime has made work hard.
- Debt: ER visit to the vet for a dog, a couple credit cards near max, and a difference in philosophy with my wife about money stresses me out when I'm working.

In essence, my work performance has suffered because I can't see past the next few years where we won't be doing much of anything but paying down debt, and I'll be gone a lot of the time while my sons grow up. I need to harness these things into an incentive to work harder instead of letting it drag me down.
Well, first of all, I'm near identical to you: I'm 39, and finished high school but nothing else. 5 weeks vacation, 401k with 4% match and 50k a year is a pretty decent job benefit for your education level and it sounds like the company is decent, and while you travel I presume all expenses (food, etc) are all paid for so your 50k is stretching further than someone just going into the office every day for 50k. However, your experience matters more than education despite what anyone else will tell you. There's a reason why some of the richest people in the world dropped out of high school and/or college.

Your kids will take a lot out of you, but they are the best part of life. Enjoy them as best you can and while working and seeing them walk and such over facetime vs. in person sucks, but they need you working and bringing in money. It sucks, but it's a fact of life.

I have a few close friends of mine and a family member who have this "difference in philosophy" about money with their wives. It causes nothing but problems, stress, fights, and aggravation and eventually divorce. I hope it wont happen to you, but you need to get on the same page about money or make separate accounts and make it crystal clear who is responsible for what. Personally, if it gets that far I think all is lost, but -some- people work okay with the split account thing.

GET OUT OF DEBT. Especially the credit card shit. Why the hell are you maxed out? Fix that shit ASAP, nothing kills someone more than CC Debt.

To survive burnout.. work to start your own business if you can get the time for it. That's what I did at 37. There are opportunities out there that are still untapped that few people know about. I posted about this in the past, but I opened a business creating things in Second Life at 37, from being a wage-slave at a fortune 500 company (Where I was paid well - over 110k a year, but still a wage slave). I now make 3-4 times that doing what I do now and love it. There are many "untapped" opportunities out there some require less time than others. I have another friend who spent money to buy outright a laser printer/engraver and makes a huge amount of money doing laser engraving and such for people. Others can finance it. There are opportunities.

But... at the end of the day if you don't want to do your own business that's cool... but I would evaluate what you can do based upon your experience. I wouldn't worry when you see shit like "Bachelors degree required" on job listings. On your resume highlightmoney. What didyoudo that saved/made the last company you worked for money. What processes did you implement? How much did you make/save the company? Even indirect... eg: "Implemented X policy which made the job site safer causing X less workplace accidents in 2015, saving Y in insurance costs and Z in workers compensation costs".


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
What's the fucking point? You're supposedly 'winning' and yet have nothing better to do than post here all the time.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
The flip side is that it's only a battlefield because we've chosen to make it that way, without really a consideration of why that is necessary.

So much of the landscape of that battlefield is shaped by artificial scarcity, competition towards no productive ends, and other societal delusions.
This just screams "if only human nature was different, we could be happier!"

Water is wet, sky is blue, this is how people are, etc


<Gold Donor>
Im happy as fuck. Mom moved me here from Poland in 81' with nothing but two suitcases and $100 to her name. She got a job in some manufacturing plant making barely above minimum wage. We used to eat tomato sandwiches, thats how broke we were. Living in the middle of Detroit shithole.

I got an education and now engineer/designer for automotive. I got there through hard work in school and work and tons of contract work. Every place I worked I was the top go to guy because I knew my shit and could do it faster than the other 99% . And now enjoying the fruits of my labor. Ive been in this company for 10 yrs. But never wanted a management position, Im perfectly happy where I am. I could become a manager, I was even asked before if I wanted to go that route. But no thanks. I make enough cash, have like 5 weeks vacation, nice bonus, 401K matching and definitely dont need any more stress in my life. Im content being the worker bee. I fucking come in here at 9AM and leave by 4:30PM with a 1:30 hr lunch without a worry. Shit is pretty slow right now so basically surf the net all day. Post shit here. But when the shit hits the fan, im still always the go to guy. Next up is reconfiguring the entire Nissan lineup because of Takata airbags. Japan is doing 1/2 the vehicles, we are doing the other 1/2. They are going with a different company and we have to redesign, reconfigure and retest everything so it should be a busy fall. Plus they are adding new airbags under the IPs for leg protection, I guess its the latest thing.

But yeah, Indians are a huge thing in Engineering too. Detroit area is now filled with indians because of automotive. But they are good people IMO. Plus their food is fucking awesome.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
My mom didnt buy her first house until she was 45. I bought my first house when at 28. A much nice house in a better area of town.

Also a product of stereotypical shitty innercity school system were I was a minority, how is such a thing possible?!


My mom didnt buy her first house until she was 45. I bought my first house when at 28. A much nice house in a better area of town.

Also a product of stereotypical shitty innercity school system were I was a minority, how is such a thing possible?!
Dude you are a white male. Don't lie that house was just taken from a hard working black family and given to you.
- Debt: ER visit to the vet for a dog
You are doing good man, don't get discouraged. Keep it up.

But, do you mind if I ask how much the "Dog ER visit" was? This recently came up in my family. My cousin's dog got cancer and my mom disclosed that he drained his most of his retirement account, allegedly "over $16,000" (dude is in early 30's and doesn't make much), to pay for it. And the dog *might* live another year.

Spending $16,000 on dog surgery is egregiously bad money management. Fuck that is a car, hefty house down payment, or a seed for kid's college fund. I have 2 dogs, but there's a cutoff of around $1000 medical bills and they are getting put down. Anyone else have a hypothetical "dog ER cost ceiling"?