Border Issue


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I would have thought you had learned your lesson by now but apparently you truly are the worthless flemwad that nearly everyone seems to believe you are. Don't you have a make believe store to open? Actually don't answer that as I really don't want to hear your excuses, hear about your make believe contacts, hear about your make believe condition or hear about your sad existence and depression.
Still waiting on that proof of brown people rioting and ripping american flags off of homes and burning them.

You had your stupid fucking comment completely dismantled and respond with some personal attack bullshit.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Still waiting on that proof of brown people rioting and ripping american flags off of homes and burning them.

You had your stupid fucking comment completely dismantled and respond with some personal attack bullshit.
Also waiting on said proof.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Nobody complains when we spend hundreds of millions on aiding foreign refugee camps, but domestic refugee camps? BETTER GET ENRAGED!!!

Oh wait, we'll just continue to call them illegal immigrants when they're clearly refugees at this point, that will keep our retards chomping at the OBAMA IS BAD bit.


Nobody complains when we spend hundreds of millions on aiding foreign refugee camps, but domestic refugee camps? BETTER GET ENRAGED!!!

Oh wait, we'll just continue to call them illegal immigrants when they're clearly refugees at this point, that will keep our retards chomping at the OBAMA IS BAD bit.
Because they still are illegal immigrants, you god damned retard.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I would have thought you had learned your lesson by now but apparently you truly are the worthless flemwad that nearly everyone seems to believe you are. Don't you have a make believe store to open? Actually don't answer that as I really don't want to hear your excuses, hear about your make believe contacts, hear about your make believe condition or hear about your sad existence and depression.
"Nearly everyone" = between 6-12 people. I've actually received more than a few PM's confused about my Tuconets being negative recently from people that consider me a valuable poster. (And of course note, it took me six months or so to get here - think they went in around Jan, right? You've almost matched me in just a few weeks)

And not doing much work on the store yet - its on the far horizon being that it's going to be opened in Florida after my move... and I don't even have my scouting trip for houses set until November since we want to move down there in the Winter ideally to skip the snow up here and get a break before the Summer down there.

I was treating you with a civil response after taking a break from the thread for a bit though, it's a shame you couldn't join the same higher road I was attempting to take.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Because they still are illegal immigrants, you god damned retard.
Depends on if they're trying to integrate into society without going through the refugee channels sneaking past or if they're actually just coming here and immediately going to refugee processing stuff. In reality it's probably some of each. Calling them all one or the other is likely inaccurate.

Plenty of people have fled here in the past illegally and gone straight to the refugee processing stuff and we've not used the term before - so for the one's that are being PROPER about it, it does seem Gavin's concept fits. But no doubt there's some that skip the waiting lines. But for the "pens of people" pictures, those do fit with the refugee label.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Nothing says wanting to integrate like breaking several laws just to get here on top of whatever else they have done in the past before they got here, and no way to keep track of what they've done since they got here.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Nothing says wanting to integrate like breaking several laws just to get here on top of whatever else they have done in the past before they got here, and no way to keep track of what they've done since they got here.
I'm guessing you've never listened to a refugee interview or read one's memoirs. It's typical for a refugee to break multiple laws while running from their old homes.

Based on what you're implying we shouldn't help 90%+ of the refugees we assist.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
You seem to be completely misconstruing the (pretty obvious) intent of his post to have something to argue against. Wait, what's that called again?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I went to mass for my niece's first communion (I'm not catholic) and the priest delivered a quick message about the border issue. He ended with a 'what would Jesus do in our position?' and walked away. I thought about (and looked at all the conservatives suddenly looking uncomfortable about all the posts they probably made on facebook about sending the illegals home) and this is what I came up with.

If I wanted to adopt an 8 year old trafficked child I wonder how hard it'd be.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think Jesus would just expand his borders. I mean, if we're going to take care of citizens from perfectly capable countries, we may as well profit.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If I wanted to adopt an 8 year old trafficked child I wonder how hard it'd be.
It would be a long, involved process with no guarantee of success. Now if you wanted to foster that same child, I believe that is a much easier process (depending on your state, there are certifications involved, visits with social workers, I am unsure of the exact requirements), and the government sends you a check each month. That is where many of those children are going to end up eventually, dispersed throughout the US network of foster homes.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
One of my ex-girlfriends and her husband adopted two refugees from an orphanage in Haiti and it seemed like it took two or three years to get them home in America. They were able to make trips to Haiti 5 or 6 times a year and visit with them/hang out/buy em stuff, but it was apparently a very long and drawn process. But it had a happy ending.


<Gold Donor>
I actually would not mind taking in a kid like that. I have 2 of my own and we have plenty to go around.


I went to mass for my niece's first communion (I'm not catholic) and the priest delivered a quick message about the border issue. He ended with a 'what would Jesus do in our position?' and walked away. I thought about (and looked at all the conservatives suddenly looking uncomfortable about all the posts they probably made on facebook about sending the illegals home) and this is what I came up with.

If I wanted to adopt an 8 year old trafficked child I wonder how hard it'd be.
A.) Catholics are liberals not conservatives
B.) Adopting is more the end stage of foster care, start there, I am adopted and that was the 80's when it was a lot easier
C.) Do NOT do foster care out of some guilt, you will ruin a kid

On to the concept of WWJD. Have you read the Bible much? He didn't adopt any kids during his time on Earth. He was roaming through an Israel oppressed by Roman rulers with plenty of kids suffering and didn't adopt them or setup refugee camps. I find sermons like that to be sensationalist spotlights designed to make the preacher look like he is in tune with current events and somehow he is going to galvanize the people. Meanwhile he walks off from the stage and does nothing. Reactionary spiritual guilt is not a basis for making life decisions. If you are looking to adopt/foster kids for any reason that reason needs to be because you just always had a desire. If you don't want a potentially scarred and broken kid who might hate you every day and aren't prepared to handle that and still pour everything into that kid don't do it.

Write a check to an orphanage and feel good about that, but not the orphanage the pastor talked about but it's rival one.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
To be fair to the pastor I wasn't really listening throughout most of the sermon, I started paying attention when he brought up the refugee situation.

I'm also not considering adopting/fostering, I was just curious as to how difficult it'd be to foster a refugee. I agree that if someone 'just wanted to do something to help' that mailing a check would be better than guilt-fostering a kid.

also lol @ the 'Catholics are liberals', as if there isn't a huge number of conservative Catholics, along with the, 'have you read the bible much?'. You get so irritating anytime religion comes up.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Guessing he is referring to the Hispanic population who tend to be left wing Catholics? I don't know, but you can't generalize this subject in anyway. There are a shit load of conservative Catholics in places like Texas who will shoot an illegal on thier land lol