Boston Marathon Explosion - Today's Topics: Public Schools


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Oh, I meant cutting your finger isn't shock. Shock is a systemic stress response. Cutting your finger with a sharp knife don't rate for shit in the scheme of things, but sometimes for various reasons sometimes you can get an effect which mimics shock. That's probably the best way to understand it through analogy. Apparently some people don't understand the concept.

Getting your legs blowed off is absolutely shock. My guess is that he's got that look on his face because he literally can't be bothered to think right then. Brain is busy trying to decipher wtf just happened, because every system in his body just went insane.
I got what you were saying and I agree to an extent. I've been in shock before and it's very different but also related.


I don't know about you guys, but when I scheme massive and brilliant plots, I make sure there is at least one unnecessary fake plant that could unravel the whole scheme. I thought that was standard evil mastermind stuff?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Boston Police just announced they arrested three additional suspects in the marathon bombings


Molten Core Raider
That's actually my favorite part of conspiracy theorists. Most of them, such as Lumie, derive a sense of superiority from their theorizing. Only they are smart enough to see the world for what it truly is, and all that. And yet many of their theories, or at least portions there of, are just flat out retarded. Like this fake double amputee shit. It started the day of the bombing, pretty much within a couple hours of the pictures circulating online conspiracy websites started circulating a picture of a double amputee solider who admittedly looks somewhat similar to the guy at the marathon with his legs blown off. Whoever started that, and whoever continue to circulate it, all think they're fucking geniuses for figuring it out. Which is hilarious, because it's retarded on so many levels.

The bombings themselves were not faked, real people were legitimately injured and killed. No one can dispute this, given it happened in public. So why bother with "actors" or "plants" of fake amputees? There is zero reason to do so, again because actual people were injured or killed. There is less than zero reason to do that. Further, if they wanted shocking pictures to emerge from it all, they wouldn't need to actually have actors/plants at the site of the bombing. If they could fake the moon landings in the 60's, I'm sure they can fake a couple cripples on the street in 2013 with Photoshop or whatever else.

It's both hilarious and sad that these idiots think that their theorizing is actually a mark of intellectual superiority, and not inferiority.
werent real people hurt and or injured in the 9/11 attacks and everyone ate up that conspiracy theory, and still do today.


werent real people hurt and or injured in the 9/11 attacks and everyone ate up that conspiracy theory, and still do today.
The argument is that, if real people are killed and injured, why would anyone plotting a conspiracy add a fake injury and risk it getting exposed? It's like I win the lottery today, and tomorrow I decide to rob a bank for a little extra money. Makes no sense.
...Most of them, such as Lumie, derive a sense of superiority from their theorizing. Only they are smart enough to see the world for what it truly is, and all that...
This. Whenever I read a conspiracy post from here, or an article elsewhere, I often assume that the author is a narcissist and an egomaniac.

I don't often find myself arguing with anyone in real life, but it can happen (family, friends & at work in a professional way). The thought always crosses my mind, "what if this person used to believe in what I believe in, but they've since learned otherwise in their life experience?"

I can only assume conspiracy theorists do not have this inner monologue.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Newer conspiracy theories are dumb anyways and pale to the classics.

Roswell: Government covered up the crash!
Reasoning: They don't want people to know aliens are real and they don't want the world to know they have alien tech
Why it works: Well, it seems like a reasonable reason to have a cover-up, since people might freak out about aliens and you don't want other people to know you have super advanced tech
"Evidence": Eye witnesses, Government changing their story a ton of times

JFK: He was killed by someone else and it was covered up by the Government!
Reasoning: The president was going to do something or reveal something that shouldn't have been done or revealed (bonus points for connecting Roswell reveal to this!)
Why it works: Feeds the idea that the president (and by extension, the people who vote) don't really run the country.
"Evidence": "suspect" government summary of the incident, video and physics interpretation seem compelling to the lay person, the alleged assassin was killed before we could find out more

then you have modern shit like:

Tower 7: They blew it up!!!!!
Reasoning: They wanted to blow up the tower because, um...
Why it works: By blowing up Tower 7, which was mostly empty, the evil Government forces that did it were able, blow up another tower that wasn't iconic?
"Evidence": Some janitor thought he heard bombs go off, a guy said "pull it"...which is obviously code for igniting all the secret thermite bombs!!!!

Modern conspiracy theories are even more derp than their believers.


I don't often find myself arguing with anyone in real life, but it can happen (family, friends & at work in a professional way). The thought always crosses my mind, "what if this person used to believe in what I believe in, but they've since learned otherwise in their life experience?"

I can only assume conspiracy theorist do not have this inner monologue.
This is precisely the secret ingredient that all reasonable people have, and all unreasonable people don't have.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Tower 7: They blew it up!!!!!
Reasoning: They wanted to blow up the tower because, um...
Why it works: By blowing up Tower 7, which was mostly empty, the evil Government forces that did it were able, blow up another tower that wasn't iconic?
"Evidence": Some janitor thought he heard bombs go off, a guy said "pull it"...which is obviously code for igniting all the secret thermite bombs!!!!
I don't pretend to know what is going on in the real world, but for some reason I am compelled to provide a more accurate depiction of the Building 7 theory. I haven't even reviewed this site in detail, but it is surely more accurate than your description.

I don't often find myself arguing with anyone in real life, but it can happen (family, friends & at work in a professional way). The thought always crosses my mind, "what if this person used to believe in what I believe in, but they've since learned otherwise in their life experience?"
There are vast portions of the domestic population who have no idea about relevant recent history or global affairs. The majority of people in this country don't have a clue who Mohammad Mosaddegh is or know the details of the coup d'?tat to remove him from power. Ask a random student on any community college campus about the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina and you'll be lucky if they can even name the continent the countries are on (you get Africa a lot). They tend to think Grenada is in Africa a lot too for some reason. This stuff carries important lessons about how governments operate. Sure they can get on their phone and look it up, but they don't have a working knowledge of the material. When you realize that the swathing masses are stumbling around with no perception of history sometimes you can't help but step back and say "This society is ridiculously distracted, oblivious and easy to manipulate". It's logical to assume this kind of person isn't sitting around reading archived articles about the implications of 1980s/1990s neocon foreign policy on modern affairs (A major component of a lot of conspiracy theories concerning global government) in their free time if they can't point out Saudi Arabia on a map.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I don't pretend to know what is going on in the real world, but for some reason I am compelled to provide a more accurate depiction of the Building 7 theory. I haven't even reviewed this site in detail, but it is surely more accurate than your description.
Even that website doesn't seem to explain the reasoning WHY they would blow up Building 7. That's a key part to any conspiracy theory: You need give a "credible" reason as to why the conspiracy exists. Without a credible reason, it's basically the equivalent of Crazy Hair Alien Guy saying aliens did everything.

The Ancient_sl

There are vast portions of the domestic population who have no idea about relevant recent history or global affairs. The majority of people in this country don't have a clue who Mohammad Mosaddegh is or know the details of the coup d'?tat to remove him from power.
Fuck you, we've all seen Argo.


A Mod Real Quick
A senior civil engineer at our school got an award at the state house for all of her accomplishments. Some local news channel did a story about how she didn't deserve it because of all the events stemming from our school, needless to say a Facebook shitstorm is brewing. They're also saying people heard explosions in the woods months prior to the bombing and ATF is sweeping the woods again. I think this is bigger than anyone thought.


Molten Core Raider
A senior civil engineer at our school got an award at the state house for all of her accomplishments. Some local news channel did a story about how she didn't deserve it because of all the events stemming from our school, needless to say a Facebook shitstorm is brewing. They're also saying people heard explosions in the woods months prior to the bombing and ATF is sweeping the woods again. I think this is bigger than anyone thought.
Like goverment big?


Vyemm Raider
His parents are getting a second autopsy to search for the hidden FBI mind control device. Because that's the only thing I can possibly come up with for wanting another autopsy.