Boston Marathon Explosion - Today's Topics: Public Schools


Molten Core Raider
Are you fucking kidding me? Religious wars have killed more people than anything. Ever.
Wrong. Add up all the Crusades and multiply them by 10 and you still wont make a dent in the 60 million killed in World War 2. Money, power, "because they could", even the need to breed all come LONG before religion in terms of why people kill each other. Religious folks and their only slightly more retarded stepbrother "Atheist" just like to shout a lot about it.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I love how the 90% liberal retard population on this message board is going to ignore and excuse the fact that these two psychopaths were muslim and that this was an act of terrorism, but if this had been a beer drinking truck driver who hates American Inventors and Obama, then this would have been a clear case that all republicans are racist greedy polluters.
Same difference whether its Muslim or Christian its almost always a fundamentalist conservative religious guy.


Before this turns into a politics thread 2.0
I want to thank everyone, it was incredibly entertaining.
I had to get off the computer to socialize tonight and missed out on the live conclusion, but going through the 30 pages of MMO references was a blast.


Dystopian Dreamer
<Gold Donor>
And everyone is already drunk as fuck since they've been locked down all day. I predict beer shortages this weekend.


Pretty sure people with a liberal mentality have resulted in the deaths of more innocent humans then all those killed by "religion". And by "pretty sure", I mean, a fucking fact, just in case there was confusion. Look it up, liberal.
Pretty sure you're a fucking idiot. And by "pretty sure", I mean, a fucking fact, just in case there was confusion.


I actually think it was beneficial to the overall survival of many people that they used pressure cookers versus something like a plastic container. Those pressure cookers work from 15-20 PSI, with a usual max failure rate of 25-30PSI. When the bombs went off, a lot of the energy was used to destroy the actual pressure cooker container vs. propelling the nails/ball bearings/etc out at the people. If they used a container which gave way much easier, say something like a plastic bucket or something, it would have only used a fraction of its energy to rip apart the container and more energy would have been saved to propel the shrapnel and make things much much worse.

Source: I do engineering. Could be wrong since I don't do material engineering but it seems fairly plausible.


Unelected Mod
I'm guessing the pressure cooker is more about making sure all the explosives detonate than making the blast bigger.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I think the reason for the pressure cooker is to allow a lot of pressure to build up before shit starts flying. If it's not held in for a while the shrapnel doesn't get enough velocity.


I am pretty sure they used a black-powder core that filled the inner middle portion of the container and the outside was filled with projectiles. Think of a black powder tube inside the container. As soon as the blast goes off, it is a 360 degree wave the pushes the projectiles outward. The first thing they hit is an aluminum wall that is rated to handle 30PSI of pressure against it before rupturing. That is a lot of energy lost. I guess detention issues might arise with different containers, but I am pretty sure that is simple to solve and I for one am glad they weren't smarter at it.


Molten Core Raider
I think the reason for the pressure cooker is to allow a lot of pressure to build up before shit starts flying. If it's not held in for a while the shrapnel doesn't get enough velocity.
How is pressure being built up inside of it? Where is the outside energy source?


I think the reason for the pressure cooker is to allow a lot of pressure to build up before shit starts flying. If it's not held in for a while the shrapnel doesn't get enough velocity.
I think you got it a bit wrong.

Think of the situation like you are shooting a gun through air and through water. In air, the bullet will fly hundreds of feet because there is little resistance in the medium to slow it down. In water on the other hand, the resistance factor ramps up many times, and the bullet wouldn't travel more than a few feet.

While aluminum pressure cookers vs. something like a plastic container wouldn't be as drastic as bullets in air vs. water, it would still be a large lose of energy.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
The black powder explosion isn't instantaneous. If there isn't something to contain it, it would scatter all the shrapnel without much velocity. The pot contains it until the gas expands enough to build pressure so when the shrapnel starts flying it's going to go at high velocity. Sure the pot absorbs some of the force, but it makes the shrapnel much more effective because it propels it at higher velocity.


<Gold Donor>
No I think hes got it eactly right. And youre an engineer? Why do you think they wrap firecrackers in layers and layers of tightly wrapped paper? Why not just wrap it in tissue? Its to build up pressure so there is more explosive force.

Take for example a pipe bomb...Although the black powder (charcoal and potassium nitrate) is slow, the build up inside a sealed pipe creates tremendous pressure and then explodes releasing ? beside the blast wave ? a deadly wave of shrapnel.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Actually now that I think about it I saw a guy try to make a bomb in a bottle with black powder once. It didn't explode at all, it just burned like a little torch. You need to contain the gas to build pressure to get an explosion.