Boston Marathon Explosion - Today's Topics: Public Schools


I generally try to be pretty open minded about other cultures, but there is a much higher percentage of muslims who support killing random innocent people than there are people in other religions. And hell, even Christian crazies who bomb abortion clinics are attacking people whom they believe to be murderers, not innocents. Intentionally killing 8 year olds and other random civilians is something entirely unique to Islam.

Obviously a vast majority of muslims are peaceful, but Islam stands out way above the rest in terms of propensity to be used to justify random violence against innocent people. It hasn't always been that way and it may be different in the future, but in the present, no other religion is used to justify murdering innocents even close to as much as Islam.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I am all for internet heroes shooting at criminals while in a fire fight with authorities. Best scenario internet hero ends up dead to.


Of course, because propertied, wealthy white men are Christians, and Christians are propertied, wealthy white men (compared to most Muslim communities). You typically don't have propertied, wealthy white men suicide bombing to kill propertied, wealthy white men.

You reverse the roles of which religion sits in poverty vs control of most of western culture and economy, it would then be peaceful Muslim communities getting attacked by Christian terrorists. The religion makes no fucking difference outside of a label.
Pretty much. The same way you don't see Saudi sheiks worth billions strap on suicide bombs.


Vyemm Raider
Islam calls for the killing and fighting of any who would attack members of Islam, but also to live peacefully with those non-believers who have no quarrel with Islam. It does not allow any member of the faith to deal peacefully with aggressors against Islam or else those members become "unjust". True justice is essentially revenge; kill and attack in the same way you were attacked. But if any of the non-believers are to convert to Islam, then they can be forgiven.

The Quran states numerous times to never be the aggressor in any situation. But once an attack is suffered, there is no resolution until the attackers are killed or converted. This justification of violence within the text itself generates countless issues.

The problem is the vague language surrounding non-believing aggressors. Islam fails to stipulate that these policies should only be applied on an individual basis. That each person should be judged only by their own actions and not the actions of their country, or faith or race or creed or any other group label that might apply.

This leaves it open to interpretation. When the US military invaded Iraq to defend Kuwait (or other interests in the region) this was seen as an unmitigated attack against Islam by many of the more fundamental Islamic groups. Under this all or nothing interpretation, all Americans become enemies of Islam. Also any allies of known enemies, become enemies. So the U.S. backing of Isreal does not earn us any points.

If seen through a very fundamental interpretation, it's very easy to have rapidly increasing groups of people deemed as enemies with the only true resolution coming through retaliation against these enemies, or conversion of them. Now, any attack visited upon these people, that is of the same nature as the attack suffered by Islam, is justified.

The other interpretation of these passages is that all are to be judged individually. But if our government perpetrates attacks on Islam, and anyone supports that government (hence being an ally of it) they too become an enemy by association. It's just so easy to see enemies everywhere, and to invariably create new ones, if you try to strictly hold to the precepts laid out in the Quran. It takes a desire to live peacefully prior to adhering to any doctrine; and a willingness to ignore several key passages, in order for Islam to become a religion of peace.

Of course this is true for any religion that justifies violence against enemies. Anyone that believes that in certain circumstances, God ordains killing, is going to be more prone to condoning the activity themselves.


Tranny Chaser
No, he is right because no one ever asks Christians to condemn the extremists in their group, or even address the issue.

A Congressman like Peter King can go on Sunday Morning talk show and run his mouth about how we should be profiling muslim communities and infiltrating them.

Imagine if someone went on the news and said the same thing about Christians.
No one asks Christians to condemn Christian extremists because they don't need to... they condemnation has already happened. Megachurches that take money from naive elderly? Condemned and ridiculed. Westboro Baptist? Condemned and ridiculed everywhere. Mormons? Condemned, ridiculed, and then condemned some more... and they aren't even dangerous!

50 years ago the KKK was tolerated in communities in the deep south, but that tolerance did not last long and by the 1970s you would be hard pressed to find anyone who would even think about looking the other way should a Klan rally happen. I am about as far from Christian as you can be, but the Christian faith has done an excellent job of policing their own. For every Christian nutjob who expresses ideas about death and oppression you have hundreds of other much louder voices drowning that person out. The message is active and the rejection of the crazy people is palpable.

The Troubles in Ireland was especially poignant and highlighted violent elements in both Catholicism and Anglican communities resulting in a great deal of violence and terrorism, and yet even in the worst of it the public face on both sides uncategorically and loudly denounced the violence and every other Christian community around the world was angered and upset by the events and made their distaste well known.

Islamic communities do not. You hear interviews conducted with common people who talk about the peace of Islam but only in small groups and only when pressed by a major tragedy. There is phenomenal wealth in the Arabic community and they aren't doing one damn thing to counterbalance or denounce the radical's who seek nothing but suffering and death.

Maybe if the Islamic community were to grow a pair and actually do something about their radical brothers then people would stop blaming islam...but I have yet to meet a single man of islamic faith that was willing to walk up to someone spouting evil filth and tell him to shut up.

The only violent nutjobs that quote christian beliefs as their impetus and justification for killing are the one's who assassinated abortion doctors and the christian right took it on the teeth for that and were called to task for even suggesting that such a thing was allowable.

Tamerlan and Dzokhar Tsarnaev were not two crazies who just happened to be muslim, the younger one has given deposition that they did their act specifically because of their beliefs. Guess what? Exactly NO ONE IS SURPRISED.

Stop whining about how muslims are treated and start doing something about it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hate to break it to you Qhue but mega churches that preach prosperity gospel take money from many more groups than the naive elderly.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Islam calls for blah blah blah
It doesn't really matter what the Quran says, most of the people in these groups know next to nothing about it. I bet these dudes didn't speak 10 words of Arabic. It's like in the dark ages when the Bible was only in Latin and the Catholic Church had a monopoly on interpreting it. The crazy ass mullahs tell their followers that they are supposed to kill infidels for the glory of Allah and since they have been taught since birth not to question the church, it doesn't really matter what the actual teachings of the prophet were.


Vyemm Raider
Well the actual text is what moderate Muslims refer to when they defend their religion and claim it is one of peace. But the text itself creates a situation that responds to violence, with violence. In fact it demands that violence is the only way to resolve a conflict with an enemy of Islam. There is no room for reconciliation with non-believers who attack the faith.

I understand that the words spoken from a minbar/pulpit usually drown out any other rational thought for most believers. But to understand that the text itself prohibits forgiveness unless your enemies convert, is important. At least I think it is.

Most reasonable Muslims realize they can not exist in a world where they are at constant war with all who offend Islam (Otherwise there would be MANY more attacks); That tolerance is the only way to reach a lasting peace. But to get to this point they either have to apply some very unorthodox interpretations of the text, or simply ignore it.

I do believe that any Imam or cleric that calls for the deaths of Americans or other enemies of Islam, should be denounced openly and vocally by every Muslim that professes to love peace. Failure to vehemently and publicly deny these radicals as true members of the faith, essentially legitimizes them and their message.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I generally try to be pretty open minded about other cultures, but there is a much higher percentage of muslims who support killing random innocent people than there are people in other religions. And hell, even Christian crazies who bomb abortion clinics are attacking people whom they believe to be murderers, not innocents. Intentionally killing 8 year olds and other random civilians is something entirely unique to Islam.

Obviously a vast majority of muslims are peaceful, but Islam stands out way above the rest in terms of propensity to be used to justify random violence against innocent people. It hasn't always been that way and it may be different in the future, but in the present, no other religion is used to justify murdering innocents even close to as much as Islam.
Northern Ireland ring any bells?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
A lot of death happens every day, but I was really hoping that the silver lining in this incident was that all the misguided attention to Sunil would result in him being found. c'est la vie.