Brave Frontier


<Prior Amod>
you can waste all those stupid xmas mats now (frozen heart shit, etc) makes advent solace, a tiny bit worse than thief cloak, so theres that, basically zelnite accessory if you don't have thief cloak. (note there is 3% difference to sol creator for bc gen)

also xmas dungeon open again, guess i'll run that zone, w/o vortex 1/2 energy for 2days.


<WoW Guild Officer>
The top end sphere is better than medulla, so make another if you can.
In the jp server is better then global category. They don't have dailies like we do, instead you get points for completing dailies and also for milestones that range from number of quests completed to get OHK on a boss. These points can be used to buy every evolve mat in the game, special spheres, etc. I'm pretty disgusted at this point with how far behind global is. Raids are the obvious, but then you have the grand quest,their daily system, vortex dungeons that drop unique units, an imp dungeon, five point burst frogs, 300k jewel God's, spheres that destroy what's on global. The list goes on and on. Oh and their honor summon is apparently always at our super honor summon rates. I've managed to fuse up three five star units to eighty without once opening the metal parade. This is at level 38 btw.


I'm also keeping track of my rare summons on jpg versus on global. Now this could just be a super luck streak but I've summoned ten times now on jp and eight times on global since I started playing jp. With the exception of oulu o haven't pulled any dated units on jp and I've recieved two five stars and the rest at four star. One Oracle, one guardian, three anima, three Lord, and two breakers. On global out of my eight recent summons I haven't received a five star, have received a couple of threes and fours. Three Oracle summons, three guardians, one Lord, and one breaker. Three of those summons where two dupe lancias, and an aem.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Shit like this just makes me mad. At least with PAD Global/JP the turnaround has closed by a significant margin.

edit: Could this be because it's Alim running JP (and developing BF) while Gumi just licenses and distributes the game outside of Japan? Gumi customized some shit in Global so they would be "special" but don't have the talent/resources to port that customization into the version Alim has in BFJP?
The worst part is global is not behind at all really on units. Missing one full batch that i can think of (rigu batch) and half the dragons batch. So global can stay pretty current on their money maker but can't stay relevant on actual content. The nice thing about this is ill probably get a very basic understanding of Japanese writing just because I want to play the game properly.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The achievement system is pretty new. Something like in the last 2 months or so. It's not really comparable to dailies, and I think global will eventually get it too. Also, the super honor summon rates aren't always up. They've been gone for a few weeks now, but just started up again.

There are some other difference though, like being able to pay 3 keys for a super metal parade and that they have imp parades. There's the slot machine (can get basically all the good stuff from SHS; crystals, gods, jewel stuff, imps burst and sphere frogs, plus imps). The slot machine is heavily tied into raids though, as you get the tokens from raids (and they giveaway what seems like 100 coins a month or so). The slots cost 3 coins per try. There's quite a bit of other stuff that I can't even figure out what it is. There's a few extra buttons on the Imperial City screen which have popped up in the last month. The biggest difference to me is in what Alim gives in the gift box though. Right now we're midway through the 80+ gem giveaway, but you also get inundated with frogs, imps, and crystals. They have an interesting system where you can input promo codes all the time for more free shit. I've been able to get a massive amount of zel from this, as well as max out most of my units.

I'm hoping some of the smaller changes come soon. Stuff like how they made Dark/Light totem dungeons permanent on totem day. There's no reason for them to be rare.

I actually think the rates on global are better than JP. I've seen lots of people complain about this one. It sounds like you just had much better luck. There is a big difference here though, and that's that JP almost always runs a "summon x times, get a unit free" type of thing. It's usually every 5 summons, but sometimes 10. Gumi has started this with their exclusive units (Tridon and Ultor had it after 10). I've got plenty of old terrible units that I've summoned on JP though.

Example being during the dark rate up, where I was hoping for Kuda or Elza; I believe I got Alice, Dilias, Lich, Zephyr, Borgeous, and Kajah from that one. The free unit was either Lich or Dilias. That's pretty fucking terrible.

All in all though I think I've done 35 summons (including free ones). I've got a lot of strong units to work with, including Arus, Darvanshel, Lancia (only healer), Kuhla, Rosetta (new earth unit; Deemo LS + Elza, but higher %), Lucca, Ragshelm, Orna, Deemo (not RS), Borgeous, Lilly, Ardin, and Hikaru (new dark unit). Once I evolve my Darvanshel, Lancia, Lilly, and Arus, I'm going to go ahead and blast Maxwell. Should be cake with 6* Grah friend.
Yeah like I said it could just be a super luck streak for my rare summons. I mean I'm not level forty yet and I'm running a squad of breaker Lucca, anima shera, Lord tree, breaker mifune, and anima zelnite. Then I have a Lord orna, breaker ardin, anima darv, and a Lord rigu for switching with elements. Got a borgeuos and a belfraga(?) That I haven't used yet from the free summons. Just seems insane to have that line up so early.


<Prior Amod>
servers are back up... and there's still shit all to do. jewel parade? fuck that, who needs zel?


Been waiting for this, had enough BP for 2 summon tickets, + 2 in the treasure box + 25 gems = 9 summons.

Oracle Ardin (Not a dupe, but Oracle, oh well, still a good unit)
Breaker Faris (Not a dupe, happy about this pull.)
Lord Kajah (Not a dupe, he's okay I guess)
Lord Belfura (Not a dupe, one of the new units, but not one of the rate ups.. prob the worst one of the dragon batch though)
Lord Yujeh (Dupe, bleh)
Anima Copra (Not a dupe, nice I guess, already have pimped out Darvanshel though)
Guardian Ciara (Dupe, and worse typing.. lame)
Breaker Signas (Dupe.... seriously? bleh)
Anima Falma (Not a dupe, but not excited for him at all)

Not a single rated up unit, really wanted Ragshelm... fuck this game ugh.
Good choice. Whelp, I think I might be done with global completely. Logged in after maintenance with two summon tickets and fifteen gems to pull on the new units. First pull timed out and didn't give me the unit using up a ticket, then when log back in all my gems are gone. Guess the servers went completely fubar after that cause I can't even connect right now. To top that I did another two pulls on jpg which got me my third free summon. First pull was a Lord kuda, second pull was an Oracle tiara, and the free summon was an anima ragishelm or however you spell it. The tiara was my first truly bad summon on jp and I was sandwiched by two great ones. Yup good bye global aside from when my jp energy is out and I don't have shit else to do.


Apparently I already had a JPBF account on my tablet, forgot that I tried it out several months ago and only got to lvl 17.. had 15 gems in my mailbox all dated for today?

Did 3 summons..

Anima Mariudeth
Breaker Yujeh
Guardian Barog (new guy from batch we don't have in Global)

And I already had a Breaker Edea, and Anima Vargas.

Guess i'll start playing this.. or should I reroll?

Also had honor in the treasure box, and did 10 honor summons, got some burst frogs and crystals.
you could reroll but you have some solid units there. I think the biggest thing, not one hundred percent sure if this was just for holidays or if it's for all new accounts, was the five days of sphere frog and imp dungeons for 15 energy once a day. I want to say it's a starter for every account but not 100 percent sure. It was basically free levels and lots of burst frogs and crystals. I even got five of the five point burst frogs. The imp dungeon of course gives an imp on every round but then gives the white imp at the end which can be fused to a unit once and boosts every stat. If you want to check then just created your game ID in options and save the number. Uninstall and do a fresh start to see if those dungeons are active. If not and your beginner summons suck then you can just enter you save ID to access your other account.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I even got five of the five point burst frogs. The imp dungeon of course gives an imp on every round but then gives the white imp at the end which can be fused to a unit once and boosts every stat.
I fucking hate Global.

Anyone know if I was right about the licensing bullshit? Gumi doesn't run JPBF do they?
Alim runs jp bf how they want too. I doubt believe that gumi owns them though. Kind of like how tencent owns league of legends now but allows riot to do what they want in the non Chinese markets for the most part


<WoW Guild Officer>
Alim runs jp bf how they want too. I doubt believe that gumi owns them though. Kind of like how tencent owns league of legends now but allows riot to do what they want in the non Chinese markets for the most part
I actually meant that Alim developed and owns the game and runs it how they want, and the license the game (and code) to Gumi to do the non-JP side.


Golden Squire
It's Archeage: Mobile Version!

You know, at this point they need to just release new units with their 6 star versions already set to go. This waiting around bullshit keeps good units on the sideline.