Brave Frontier


Mr. Poopybutthole
Man, Mecha dungeon is way harder when you don't have a 7* Selena to use. Apparently I should have used Tridon to help out with it. Oh well.

Should have my Selena up soon (working on BB, but I'd say within the next 1-2 hours she'll be maxed out).

Edit: Selena's being a bitch. Threw 25 units at her just to get to BB 2. This shit might take longer than I thought. Only at lvl 99 right now too, and no energy to run metals.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Pulled 20 Burst Frogs out of my ass. I like the feeling of having a lot of stuff to do. Haven't felt that way since I started playing the game. Got lucky last SHS with Anima Selena & Magress


Mr. Poopybutthole
I just said fuck it and burned a lot of burst frogs too (did 3 BB's with units). Mine is a lord (pulled about 4 oracles), and lvl 99 right now. But at least the UBB is finally unlocked!

Arena is my bitch now.

Anyway, if you need to evo your 7*'s, I highly recommend you grab a Selena. She can solo all of em except maybe thunder (and Eze sucks anyway because his drop checks are broken).

Edit: I'm semi-annoyed. I've been keeping 99 of all the ores/seals for MONTHS and never using them. Finally like a week and a half ago I sold all the ores...and now you can make them into the new things. Damnit. Also, I prefer Breaker Magress.


Got my Anima 7* Selena up and running, did mecha water god with a turtle team, lilly matah/grah, healer, darv etc...

evo'ed her, dumped like 20 burst frogs into her, and all the crystals I had laying around to get UBB ready and lvl 120... then put a burst frog on her, and dumped any imps I had laying around on her.

Equipped Sol Creator and Lexida.. bring on the water vortex arena now, lol.


Mr. Poopybutthole
In the next few weeks, your entire friends list will likely be 7* Selena's with maybe a handful of Atro's and Magress's. That's how it was on JP.

And then in 2-3 months, replace half of those with Feeva's and Kira's.

That's kind of the point where I stopped playing JP, because there's no challenge anymore. Plus, they just keep pumping out more and more OP units (with the starter's they originally said those would be the only 7* units they release. 6 batches later...).


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Is the problem that there is only one way for them to really make money and that is rare summon? I know they said on the earnings report or whatever that they were looking for new ways to monetize the game. Has to be a point where people can't take the power creep.

Have breaker Magress too thought anima for everything heh.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is the problem that there is only one way for them to really make money and that is rare summon? I know they said on the earnings report or whatever that they were looking for new ways to monetize the game. Has to be a point where people can't take the power creep.

Have breaker Magress too thought anima for everything heh.
pretty much, the game is very poorly monetized when compared to a game like PAD. It's great as a free player, but sucks for their bottom line.


Golden Knight of the Realm
How are you guys getting Selena? Or any of the starter heroes for that matter? Did you just always have them? I've heard of a Vortex Dungeon where all the starters drop but have not seen it yet.

Also, as a player who apparently lacks the skill to play this game I appreciate the power creep. Maybe with a squad full of 7 star units I'll someday be able to beat Maxwell. Failed 3 times now. Don't have the energy for a 4th attempt yet...


Golden Knight of the Realm
I was hoping they would open up the starter unit dungeons to coincide with the release of the 7 star starter units. Doesn't look like that is happening though.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I have 2 Selena, 4 Eze, 2 Magress, and a Lance all from when they put them in the SHS. I have done a ton of summons though.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Hate RNG so much. I didn't get a single one in the last honor summon event. No sphere frogs either. Could really use both. Also, does anyone else get WAY more than double honor points during double honor points event? I go from 10/5 to 80/20 for Friends/Non-Friends during these events.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I got all mine from regular honor summons (and maybe one during SHS). The only one I'm unhappy with is Vargas where the best typing I've ever gotten was guardian. That said, I've probably used several hundred regular honor summons to amass them all.

I've been playing a LONG time, and never seen the starter dungeon. Don't count on it coming around anytime soon. They will likely up the honor rate for them though.


Golden Squire
Amazon just updated theirs this morning and since my new job lacks Wi-fi with internet access I'm going to have to wait until I get home to give this a show. Anything I should know? Haven't opened the app but once in the last couple of months.


Trakanon Raider
i don't get something...
I have my Atro (A) at level 100 and i just got the light mecha god, and i have all other stuff for his evolve to 7* but there is still a ? mark on the evolve screen... I got the legend stone sitting in my items... I thought that's what you needed as the last ingredient (as that's what the wiki says) so why is it still a ? mark


<WoW Guild Officer>
Woooo starter hero dungeons. LOOKS LIKE I KNOW WHERE MY STAM IS GOING.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
They are doing the 1day starter vortex so prob wait and see if you get a better type. Grab the legend stone in the brave rewards/redeem prizes most important I think.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
i don't get something...
I have my Atro (A) at level 100 and i just got the light mecha god, and i have all other stuff for his evolve to 7* but there is still a ? mark on the evolve screen... I got the legend stone sitting in my items... I thought that's what you needed as the last ingredient (as that's what the wiki says) so why is it still a ? mark
visual bug. Hit evolve, should work