Brave Frontier


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ultimate Brave Burst (unlocked on 7* units when they max out their SBB).

You fill up the bar at the bottom. Next turn you can use it like a brave burst (I think it's swipe left?) and it empties the bar but nothing happens. At this point you can fill the bar up again (red under the unit using UBB) by either BC's or a fujin. Using a fujin allows you to UBB the next turn after activating it, while filling it up requires a 2nd turn of no brave burst effects on that unit. UBB overtakes all other BB abilities, so once you activate it you can only use UBB (unlike SBB when you can still BB).

It also goes away if you don't use it or can't fill up the bar. I believe it's 3 turns.

Edit: Oh, and only 1 UBB at a time since the overdrive bar is shared. So once you activate it on a unit, you need to fill the whole damn thing up again. This only really matters when you have more than one 7* in your group though.

Overall this is why I feel like UBB is a failure of a feature. Sacrificing 2 turns to use it (or 1 plus a fujin) just isn't worth it most of the time. The effects, to me, aren't good enough to warrant it on tough fights. And on fights that are rough, I also don't want to go burning fujin's either.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I don't have any of the units you are talking about. Kira's batch is the one in the rare summon gate right now? But no increase chance to pull so its not worth sinking gems into it?

Also, how tough is the Elemental Machine God? It's in the Mecha Gods Awaken dungeon right? So I'd run Sanctum of Water Lv. 6 for Selena?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yes, Kira's batch just got added. The others are newish on JP. I'm just saying that in the next 2 months or so the 7*'s will likely be out of control and the starters worthless. And no, I wouldn't bother summoning until a legit rate up.

I had never run Mecha's on JP without using Selena. I went in with Maxwell, Orna, Shera, Ulkina, and Elza and got my ass kicked. Apparently Tridon would have been a better choice. That said, you can just take a 7* Selena friend and solo it. Actually, not only can she solo it, you can autobattle it.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I need to prune my friends list of freeloaders and get a Selena friend as well. I wish you could sort your friends by "days since last gifted" or something similar.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I pulled a Kira and a Kanon. What makes them so crazy town banana pants? Normally I use Lily Matah as leader for hard content. How do you build and end game team with Kira as lead?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Kira is kind of a better version of Maxwell, except the bonus damage is light/dark as opposed to all for Maxwell (but the crit damage is all).

Leader skill: 150% crit damage and 125% element damage dark/light (Kira); 125% crit damage and 100% element damage all (Maxwell)
BB: 60% crit and ignore defense (Kira); nothing for Maxwell
SBB: 60% crit, ignore defense, and attack down (Kira); 30% crit (Maxwell)

Plus you get the added bonus of 7* versus 6* so much higher stats, and about double the imp cap. Damage is 280%/500% on BB/SBB for Kira, and 250%/660% on BB/SBB for Maxwell. 1200% on UBB for Kira.

Kanon is kind of like a beefed up Narza, but the mitigation is UBB. I actually haven't used Kanon, but people swear that it's an amazing unit.

With Kira, I'd build a team like this: Kira (lead - crit buff), Elza (spark), Maxwell, Feeva (attack/BC), Cardes. Without Feeva, you could probably sub in Atro (attack/def), Magress (def), Zergel (attack), Kuda (attack), or Ardin.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Thanks for the info. How do you build a team for him? I crutch so hard on my Lily Matah / Darvanshel / Zelnite core I don't know how to build anything else.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Heh that Sphere list was from when I made a thread on reddit to see if we could do a sphere list like the long term unit list. I wanted to know the same thing of which spheres to delete since I was over 100. I've deleted a lot but getting rid of all sacred and medulla except one each was the biggest help. Hopefully it's ok to get rid of a lot of them. I don't even use most of them.

Also new item in town that fills up UBB.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I have a problem and did 5 summons.

Shera (G)
Athena (A)
Phee (O)
Kira (A)
Eve (A)
Nick (L)

I'd call that a resounding success. All units I didn't have except Shera, and I'll take another (although I have 2 Darvanshel, Shera, Oulu, and Tridon all maxed). But anima Kira...fuck yes. I still would have preferred Feeva, but fuck it.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Super Honor Summons are back.

Anecdotal, I know, but I've had better results (with only 30ish pulls).
3 imps, 5 burst, 10 crystals, 1 superfat jewel guy. bunch of gods, etc.

Edit: Is the list from the first post still valid? I see 2/28 it was updated, but I'm just trying to figure out what to move focus on.
I'm starting to max out BBs on people (though Selena is going to take some time...) and don't want to waste effort.

Double Edit: I found this.Read Brave Frontier - Haruto no Shoukan Nikki Online


Golden Knight of the Realm
Does anyone have a maxed out Selena I can friend? With Lexida?

Also, what is the strategy for using her to farm the Seven Star Evolution Component? Do you just take her and some random level 1 unit, let the level 1 die, and the literally let her solo the rest? I need that last piece to evolve my Selena.

Edit: I gift daily!


Mr. Poopybutthole
I take a normal team, and if they die, use Selena. Level 2 of them all is kind of a pain in the ass.

For my light mecha, I took Selena (lead), Tridon, Shera, Ulkina, Arus, and a Lilly friend. Even with all that defense/healing, I lost Arus and Ulkina at one point, and Selena had to burn her angel idol buff.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm having no trouble with the 3 I ran (dark, light, thunder) using Lily Matah leader, Zelnite, Darvanshel, Arus, Rigness and either Tridon or Elza as a friend.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
I just started about a week ago, still really little idea of what I'm doing and all my units are so low not worth mentioning what they are aside from a 6* sodis who in looking at it can't even go to 7* yet. I'm going to add some of you though on the list that are posting still, I could probably use all the help I can get.

Edit: I'm 2619340921 Brando


<WoW Guild Officer>
Cleared water mech without a problem... Tridon is still OP. Lily Lead, narza, Zelnite, Orna, Elimo, Tridon friend. Two +BB-on-hit buffs, two dmg reduction buffs. EzPz.