Brave Frontier


<WoW Guild Officer>
Basically the exact situation I'm in. I need a bunch of ranks to have enough team cost to evo and use all my stuff at 5*. Which I don't have the patience for. This game is such a brainless grind. Which all these games are, but here there's not even the distraction of a skill based "action" portion. It's all just items/skill management. If you're "better" than someone else at tapping the characters it makes almost no difference.
For the skills :
Arena, yeah. Otherwise if you can get the timing down Spark can help a little bit to a shitload. Maybe's it different because I've got white-lion or whatever, but I'm able to CRUSH things I shouldn't once I get timing down for sparks (especially with a behemoth friend).

For the Units:
Yeah, I'm stuck at the same place. Grind rank while I grind components to do evos. I'm not even to 4* though, I'm still stuck at 3* for most of my units.


Trump's Staff
Ok I gave up and took the 4 star dragoon zephu or whatever, probably shit. Can I now add a bunch of you guys and get some free metals for xp?
Throw your ID on the Friends google doc and start adding people.

Also, that Grahden or whatever is a beast. Helped me kill Abbadon!


Golden Squire
Pot dungeon: Pots are pretty rough but considering you need them for a few 5* evos I believe they're tuned appropriately. Don't quote me on that though.

I'm in something of a holding pattern waiting on the next event. I'm going to spend some time the next couple of days farming the very first dungeon in Mistral and try to get some BB levels up with the fuse rate up. I have a couple of units that are ready for 6* but don't really have the need for them at the moment (Aem, Leore). I'm trying to get Elimo to that point but not having much luck on my MP runs with blue units.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
For the skills :
Arena, yeah. Otherwise if you can get the timing down Spark can help a little bit to a shitload. Maybe's it different because I've got white-lion or whatever, but I'm able to CRUSH things I shouldn't once I get timing down for sparks (especially with a behemoth friend).
Even using your lion dork and my centaur firedork's BB skill which boost spark damage it doesn't make much difference on bosses. I can consistently get 6+ sparks with ease and it's still just whittling them down and makes very little noticeable difference compared to if I intentionally fuck up the attacking and get like 1 spark.

Originally I was spending the first few floors working out a perfect attack order and trying to match it. Then I started just using three fingers. Spam the back row as fast as possible(put melee there) then spam the front row as fast as possible. If it's something that attacks super slow like Cyborg Lilith I'll have her go first and wait a beat, but other than that it's just fast spam and I get sparks galore. I probably just stumbled in to units that it works with and if I made changes I'd bungle it, but right now that has been the best way.

Dean is tits for sparks. Get a few people attacking close together while his hits and the rapid fire 5 hit stack guarantees multiple sparks.


I have a full four star rainbow team that is max level, just waiting on miracle totems I think to get them all to five but I don't have the team cost to upgrade them. I also have an all thunder team that is all four stars but I am just feeding them right now to max their level.

It's an odd place to be that I just can't recall progress except to grind out quests that don't seem to currently be hard.


I have the following as my main team.

4* World Tree Altro (guardian)
4* Half Blood Lira (lord)
4* Dragon Graven (lord)
4* War Demon Vishra (breaker)
4* Pixy Royal Leore (oracle)

As you can imagine that Leore is a wet tissue in fights for defense but his leader skill brings me 15% damage across the board.

You are right though I just need regular totems to evolve them. Do you think I can do that dungeon with this team yet?


Molten Core Raider
You can probably do it with that team. The dungeon is tuned for toons about to level, it's not hard. See if you can find a friend with a healer or someone who has a high level dps.


Golden Squire
Just as an FYI, I wouldn't put too much stock in "doing well" in the VP tournament. Unless you do a lot of gemming you won't get anywhere.

My daily "yay" moment: Got a Light Pot right off the bat in the Pot Dungeon so I was able to evo Aem to 6* AND I had a couple of Light Gods leftover from my last MP run. Good times.


<WoW Guild Officer>
So... is the arena really just "work your way up slowly off of guys much lower level than you"? As I've crawled my way up slowly, but if I go against someone who's even level (or a bit above) and win, I get shitty points, but if I lose I get dropped the equivalent of 5 lower-level wins. The risk system is stupid.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So... is the arena really just "work your way up slowly off of guys much lower level than you"? As I've crawled my way up slowly, but if I go against someone who's even level (or a bit above) and win, I get shitty points, but if I lose I get dropped the equivalent of 5 lower-level wins. The risk system is stupid.
Only really early on. The higher level you get the bigger the window of people you can beat is. Right now I just challenge anyone within 2 levels of me. I imagine once you get high enough that you have the team cost to run anything you want the upper limit on who you should fight pretty much go away. At that point it's just your best vs. their best.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Only really early on. The higher level you get the bigger the window of people you can beat is. Right now I just challenge anyone within 2 levels of me. I imagine once you get high enough that you have the team cost to run anything you want the upper limit on who you should fight pretty much go away. At that point it's just your best vs. their best.
It sucks shit right now. I fight even level opponents and win, I get ~60pts, I lose and ~120pts. I fight lower level opponents (and never lose) and win <30pts. I honestly wish the game started with ~50 team cost. I'm at a wall where I want to evolve a few guys (Eze and Weiss) but can't, because it'll put me over team-cap. So instead I'm grinding out rank and trying to keep some evolve materials around to evolve the guys.

Do most people expand box space? I feel like 50 is way too small. Maybe I need to just get rid of some of the evolve materials?


Golden Squire
I definitely recommend expanding box space. The further along you get it helps to have the room to do MP runs without needing to pause to fuse. Plus having evo units on hand is never that bad (unless you're overflowing with them).


If you have a level maxed four star team you shouldn't be looking for any arena fights except people who look like they have 1000-2000 more points than you. You lose -10. You win +200. It's entirely down to luck once you level max 4 stars. One aoe BB will hit the entire other team for about 80-100% of their health. Build around AOE BB and survivability and then learn to rage at your faggot Aisha who filled BB 1st turn and died seven turns later without using it because she is a STUPID WHORE.


<WoW Guild Officer>
rage at your faggot Aisha who filled BB 1st turn and died seven turns later without using it because she is a STUPID WHORE.
It's like you're watching me right now.

Also the AI is so fucking stupid.


After a certain point you just hit accept with whoever they match you with. If you have a team with all breakers / 50% attack spheres you will beat about 99% of the teams out there.


Molten Core Raider
What's the best way to level my account rank, just go through the quest zones as they come up, or is there a better way? I'd like a bigger energy pool and cost limit asap, it's really cramped right now. Also, should I bother with making a crappy 3-4 star mono team (i.e. move back a few zones and farm the units) or just use my best units and bruteforce it by abusing whatever ridiculous leaders you guys have?


Mr. Poopybutthole
If you have a level maxed four star team you shouldn't be looking for any arena fights except people who look like they have 1000-2000 more points than you. You lose -10. You win +200. It's entirely down to luck once you level max 4 stars. One aoe BB will hit the entire other team for about 80-100% of their health. Build around AOE BB and survivability and then learn to rage at your faggot Aisha who filled BB 1st turn and died seven turns later without using it because she is a STUPID WHORE.
This is how I've climbed so fast (right behind moontayle right now). Beating someone who's much higher than you gives 150-200 generally (max 200). Losing to that person only knocks you down 10. It's kind of a retarded system. If you challenge someone lower than you, you can end up losing hundreds.


The fastest way to level is during the 1.5 exp events and going online to the reddit and seeing which zone has the best exp per energy and just grinding the shit out of it. My brother went from 80 to 100+ in a day on the last one grinding the 4 pillars or whatever quest.