Breaking Bad


Trakanon Raider
I am having a hard time processing Todd.

Last episode, he kept Skyler alive, despite Lydia's wishes; he grins when Jesse reveals Todd's murdering the kid.

The only way I can rationalize these two actions is that Todd has a strong (albeit fucked up) ethical system. Skyler is an innocent, and thus is off limits; Jesse rats in the video, which suddenly makes the permanent slavery Todd had planned for him justifiable (and thus Todd smiles because he wasn't engaged an an immoral act in enslaving him).

If the show set this up in the second to last episode, it has to pay off in the only episode left: somehow you're going to get a room with Todd, Walter, and Jesse in it, with the former two arguing to the latter about how their actions were justified. I don't think Jesse will find either of their arguments persuasive.

Or in tabular form:
Walt: Assaults Nazi base, is killed by Jesse there.
Jesse: Kills Todd and Walt, lives in anonymity in Alaska.
Skylar: Lives, gets money from Jesse on his way out of town.
Walt Jr: Lives, gets breakfast. (Sorry, I gotta steal this line.)

Marie: Lives
Todd: Killed by Jesse
Lydia: Ricined by Jesse on his way out of town.
Jack: Killed in Assault on Nazi compound.
Gretchen & Elliot: Their office or car gets shot up by the machine gun, but live when Walt finds out someone is still producing Blue Meth under Heisenberg name, cue Nazi assault.


Musty Nester
I'm pretty sure that Todd is smiling because he's gaining the acceptance and respect of his peer group. It's not a complex ethical system as much as a childlike yearning for recognition.

It could be either way, but tbh Todd doesn't strike me as the overly intellectual sort of psychotic asshole. And that's what so fucking creepy about Todd... there is an certain innocence to him.


A Man Chooses....
Todd didn't want to kill Skylar because he likes and admires Walt. I think it's pretty much that simple.

Walt: Attacks and kills nazis, frees Jesse. Is alive but soon to die at the end.
Jesse: Ends up in prison or dead. Leaning towards prison.
Skylar: Lives, but her life sucks forever
Walt Jr: Lives, I think we get one more face to face between he and walt.

Marie: Lives, I think her part is over
Todd: Takes over as the new Heisenberg
Lydia: She either gets arrested or dies, leaning toward arrested even though the ricin somehow taking her out would be fitting.
Jack: Dead by Walt's hand
Gretchen & Elliot: They have no part in the finale.


Millie's Staff Member
Todd did not kill skyler because of either his deep respect for walt or because she is white. He is a nazi after all. Killing a mexican woman was pribably no big deal to him


Buzzfeed Editor
I think it is more simple than that. Right now nothing ties the Nazis to Heisenberg. If Todd kills Skyler then he is tied to them and could bring down the entire operation. He never wanted to kill her, he just wanted to make sure she understood the danger.


ResetEra Staff Member
Pretty sure this is a leaked image from the finale!



Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Walt: Dead
Jesse: Dead
Skylar: Alive
Walt Jr: Alive

Marie: Alive
Todd: dead
Lydia: dead
Jack: Dead
Gretchen: Alive
Elliot: Alive

an accordion_sl

Walt: Alive but stuck in jail knowing his family will receive nothing.
Jesse: Dead
Skylar: Alive
Walt Jr: Alive

Marie: Alive
Todd: Dead
Lydia: Dead
Jack: Dead
Gretchen and Elliot: Alive.


Shit Lord Supreme
Final prediction before Walt kills Jesse or/ keeps him alive in a prison to make his meth for him while he rebuilds his empire, He tells him how the fuck he managed to poison Brock, because Brock always gives him a look when he comes in...


Tranny Chaser
As I was emptying my internal organs into the toilet bowl this morning and cursing our uncaring god I had the thought that the ricin is going to get handed off to Jesse (need a cigarette? WINK WINK) and he'll add it to a batch of meth. With a whole bunch of addicts getting sick or dying from ricin poisoning no one will touch the stuff again. The brand will be dead.


Buzzfeed Editor
Walt: Shoots up Gray Matter, makes it look like Nazi's did it--threatens Gretchen and Eliot with linking them to doing business with the Nazi's if they don't get the money to his family. Goes to the Nazi's with the gun that shot up Gray Matter, and convinces them he will cook for them if they hide him--as they do, he tips of the DEA to his location, making sure the gun will be found. When the DEA begin their raid, he shoots Jack in the face, bathes in his blood--and then pops the Ricin. Once the DEA busts in, Walt is there sitting on a throne made up of Nazi corpses--they bring him in, and he makes a full confession, convincing the DEA he abused Skylar, taking the spotlight off his family--also gives the DEA all the stuff on Lydia's corporation as a trade to make them leave his kids alone. Sitting in a jail hospital, dying, Walt Jr comes to ask him what happened..Walt says: "I won." and dies.

Jesse: Is about to be killed by Walt but Jesse welcomes it, and when Walt asks why, he finds out Jesse's woman was killed by Nazi's. Walt decides he's suffered enough. He convinces Todd to let Jesse go by telling Todd he will do the cooks if he does so. (Just before calling the DEA and bringing all the law enforcement down on them.)

Skylar: Lives, a secret message is delivered letting her know Walt sacrificed everything for his family, and did NOT kill Hank. (She then feels bad she's such a cunt and kills herself--okay, not really, but I can hope).

Walt Jr: Lives, goes to college on a Gray Matter trust fund from "hidden stock" shares Walt had but was "lost" in the books.

Marie: Lives.

Todd: Killed moments before the DEA raid by an escaping Jesse.

Lydia: Ricin poisoning to keep away blow back from Walt's family.

Jack: Shot by Walt during the DEA raid.

Gretchen & Elliot: Set up the fund for Walt's kids.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Walt: Kills Nazi's, saves Jessie, gets his $ to his family, turns himself in to protect family, dies in custody
Jesse: rescued by Walt, goes on to live a boring life, takes the Mexican kid on as his own child
Skylar: Reconciles with Walt, raises the kids while sitting on a mountain of cash
Walt Jr: Same as Skylar

Todd: Dies at the hands of Heisenberg
Lydia: Turned in by Heisenberg
Jack: Dies at the hands of Heisenberg
Gretchen: won't see again
Elliot: won't see again