Breaking Bad


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ya, Todd is totally alive too. And Walt, fuck, he ain't really dead. I mean, did we see a trained medical professional check their pulse and declare them??? Answer: NO.

JFC... you idiots know how to rustle some jimmies.

Why don't you just write your own fan fiction. Create your own little fantasy going in the opposite direction Vince Gilligan took the show in the finale. Ignore everything he said in the Talking Bad after-show and interviews. Completely ignore the straight forward finish he and the writers gave the series.

You fucking faggots have made this thread completely unreadable the past few weeks.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I tried writing a fan fiction about Lydia living, but every time I get a few pages in it turns in to a Jesse/Walt Jr. mutual JO session=/


Tranny Chaser
I don't know what kind of person Vince Gilligan is but there are plenty of other writers that I can think of that when asked "and then what happened" would just look at you and shrug their shoulders. I've seen ambiguity used so many zillions of times it's become my default position. I always want specifics and they are so rarely given.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's all ambiguous right?

I am sure, that Gilligan went to the pain-staking detail to formulate a plausible demise for Lydia, over the course of 18 months of filming, that included call backs from 3 years ago, setups from countless scenes, only to have her pull through like a champ.

Yes, I am sure they filmed that final scene where she is pale as a ghost and sweating bullets, to imply that shit was going to be jusssssst fine. I mean, that HAD TO BE their intention right? That Lydia was all good? I mean, since we won't ever have another minute of show to confirm or deny, we can safely assume she will be back on her feet and sipping Corona's on a beach somewhere in a week or so, right?

I need to go punch someone in the face.


Tranny Chaser
I am very happy to come across someone that hasn't had all of the certainty beaten out of them over decades of shrugged shoulders.


Buzzfeed Editor
I thought everything happened in the same day?
I could have sworn it was the next day. I even thought Walt said to Skyler something like "Whatever happens to me tomorrow..."

But I could be wrong. Either way, I don't see the ambiguity. Lydia died. Jesse got away. Flynn gets his money. Roll credits.


Musty Nester
Obviously in the story the implication is that Lydia dies from the ricin poisoning. I don't think she necessarily would, is what I'm saying.

It's a minor quible. Dang, I didn't expect anyone to get raged over it. You can read that either way. Either she straight up croaked in her bed, or she had to go explain that she's been poisoned with ricin and eventually explain HOW she got poisoned with ricin (people will be interested in that shit)... which for a mouse like Lydia ends her involvement in the meth trade and she "dies" that way too. Walt got revenge on her without having to kill her is one way to read that.

I don't think Walt killed any women in the show did he? Which may be why Gilligan wrote it that way. Killing a woman, no matter how much of a cloak and dagger cunt she is, is a different emotional response than killing a violent man.


Buzzfeed Editor
I did actually see a cool theory comparing Walt to Travis from Taxi Driver, saying that Walt actually died in the bar in New Hampshire and everything after is fantasy. Of course that is horseshit but it is kind of awesome to think about. There is definitely a dramatic change in Walt after the phone conversation with Flynn, which leads to him seeing the Schwartzes on tv and then the rest of it.


Tranny Chaser
That sounds pretty lame but I know for a fact all of the Next Generation movies after Star Trek Generations take place in Picard's heat stroke baked head after Sauron kicked the shit out of him. That's why he's a completely out of character action star with one-lines and shit.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Let's have a laugh : on a less GoogleSearch / Wikipedia / YahooMD / side, general ricin poisoning, if not taken after first 15 minutes, is canon fatal. We don't really know how potent Walt ricin is, we could only assume it's pretty strong since Walt's chemistry expertise has been quite proven among the time. Of course ricin poisoning could be handled right with first response' top notch medecine, which isn't the case with Lydia, since we can assume she got aware of it roughly 12 after ingestion. How about Walt's ricin ? He'd have best interest to powerup his ricin's potency, wouldn't he ? Lydia lives near Houston, TX, which means she'd have hard time calling 911 for ricin poisoning and get an adequate EMT response by then (CDC doesn't deal in isolated cases, they deal pandemia-type stuff and unlike Hollywood told us, they don't have magic wand-like syringes antidotes sitting around).

But let's gofull Hollywood for the lulz: 12 hours after bucco-ingestion, Lydia is in Atlanta's CDC (helicopter, plane, let's not care) : with full pre-diagnosis, there is no way in 2013 we'd know, at a molecular level and without postmortem, what she'd swallow from the last 24h, there is NO microscopic / atomic analysis which would totally nail ricin on a molecular level, especially if Walt made it much more potent. There is no fed genius around, waiting for THAT case. Science, bitch ? No, money. All along.

But heh, we're in Hollywood, let's pretend CSI shit is all around with unlimited budget and we have a fully patent microbiologic analysis within 12 hours (Hollywood time, we're already +24). At that time, unless you're PotUS, VPotUS, CoS or some key cabinet staff / NSC key advisor, there is no way you'll get a proper EMT response. It's all about training and contengencies. You will NEVER get a proper medical response, mostly because ricin diagnosis is easily misinterpreted as food poisoning / behaviour disorder. Good luck telling that underpaid ER doctor you're a ricin poisoning victim, especially if you look like a wornout 40 years old execuctive woman. By textbook you're a strung out employee, welcome to the fucking club. You'll be sent home with chlorazepam and aspirin at best.

TL;DR : Lydia is fucked, deal with it.


Millie's Staff Member
all i know is that the NSA is must be shitting its pants over all the ricin discussions going on across the net


Lord Nagafen Raider



Millie's Staff Member
listening to the podcast. gilligan regarding gretchen and elliot, basically says walt is warped and its very possible that walt left gretchen for no real reason.


Unelected Mod
Incoming Lithose to point out Walt is not warped and never deceived himself. Gilligan is a fucking dumbass who never watched his own show.