Breaking Bad


Ssraeszha Raider
Walt did turn her from her side onto her back. There was even a scene previously where Jane instructed Jesse on how to properly lay and put a blanket/tower behind you to ensure you were always on your side. Walt came in, turned her on her back and when she started choking he just let her lay there. I always thought it was kind of unbelievable that he'd turn her on her back and immediately she starts choking to death but I guess it doesn't matter much.

I'm not rooting for Walt. I hope he dies in a poetic and surprising way. I do, however, like his character and enjoy seeing him.
She definitely is more to blame for her death than Walt. He in no way meant to kill her and was actually there to try and help Jesse, even after his girlfriend just blackmailed him. If someone has threatened to ruin me and my family's life, I'd let them choke on their own vomit, too.

I don't see him as good or bad. He's just a guy. Don't be a threat to him or his family and you have nothing to worry about.


Millie's Staff Member
Walt only ever killed gangsters. Gale while a nice guy was a willing participant. He counts as a gangster. Jane, the kid riding his dirtbike and that planeload of people died but walt is only indirectly responsible via domino effect.

Jane was a junkie and her death was nothing uncommon.

Plane crash was due to dad doing his flight controller job while an emotional wreck.

Dirtbike kid was killed by todd who acted on his own


Tranny Chaser
This is moving pretty damned fast. I was afraid that at the start of the season we would drag our feet some with some cat and mouse but that hasn't been the case at all.


Millie's Staff Member
These amc motherfuckers need to stop ransoming breaking bad trailers to pump up viewership for their own mediocre programming


Buzzfeed Editor
god damnit, that flew by haha.. WHATS GONNA HAPPEN IN THAT ROOM THE-- Credits.
No shit. I was crushed when I saw it Gomey telling him about Jesse and looked at the clock and realized we won't see that until next week. Great fucking episode. Skyler is hardcore as fuck. I would have folded like a bitch if Hank or Marie came at me like that.


As much as I hate to say this, but Skylar earned a point in my book this episode. She still sucks though.


Millie's Staff Member
skylar is not protecting walt, shes protecting her own skin and her children. walt goes down then so does she when they seriously look at her bookeeping along with everything they own.

was i the only one who thought when marie was talking to skylar that she was wearing a wire and when skylar wouldnt answer her its because she suspected she was wearing one?


Tranny Chaser
I had that thought but I was waiting for a tussle between Skylar and Marie that left the baby injured/dead.


FPS noob
goddamn it marie, its skyler not skylar

since I just recently marathoned through, walt broke into jesse's house to get the meth to courier it to gus's guy, who had given him a 1 hour deadline to deliver for $5m. Jesse and Jane were asleep on their sides, Jane was spooning Jesse. Walt shook Jesse around to try and wake him up, Jesse was out though (he mumbled where the meth was) but the motions shook Jane and she choked to death a few seconds later. Walt was about to roll her on to her side, but then hesitated for a second, watched her die, cried a little, then grabbed the meth and ran. So yeah, he did basically kill her via action and inaction but hardly his worst moment.

Hank vs Pinkman should be insane next week, I really hope he doesn't flip on Walt. Also I guess we answered the question of who was cooking for Lydia, it was initially Todd @ 74% purity but he fucking started some fires, goddamn it Todd, so they switched back to their own guys.

Not super happy about Lydia, she's kind of a shitty character but lets see how this whole white power nazi cooker thing goes. You can pretty much guess they will somehow force Walt to come clean up their cook, and then possibly want to kill him. I hope the M60 isn't going to be used against them, thats kind of a weak story.

if anyone is in new mexico this is apparently the coords to Walts GPS (he put the numbers on a lotto ticket too), go out there and dig up $20m!


Musty Nester
Point of Order: Is it Skylar or is it Skyler?

I say it's Skylar, because it's a girls name and the Skylark is a bird. Girls get named after Birds, Flowers, and Idealism. Pretty things.

Skyler looks like a female variant of Tyler which considering they're in in New Mexico might actually make sense too.