Brooklyn Nine-Nine


Absolutely loving this, to be fair I watched it after this weeks HIMYM so perhaps that biased me to appreciate it all the more.

Terry Crews is great.

"It's all wart!" /puke


Whilst the ratings are poor, B99 is beating its lead-in and allegedly the night as a whole is down on previous years. It's still being list as "most likely to be cancelled" on most websites that follow that stuff though


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Whilst the ratings are poor, B99 is beating its lead-in and allegedly the night as a whole is down on previous years. It's still being list as "most likely to be cancelled" on most websites that follow that stuff though
And they are saying The Millers is looking great.

That show is fucking atrocious. They took a bunch of great actors and made the worst, laziest, most bland generic turd of a show they could with them. I hate the world.


Molten Core Raider
I will say that the first episode had me on the fence, but I'm in the yard now, and will continue watching. Samberg is probably my least enjoyed character, too.


Trakanon Raider
And they are saying The Millers is looking great.
No, they are saying The Millers' ratings situation looks great, which it is - it's on after The Big Bang Theory, and CBS has much bigger problems elsewhere (We Are Men was already killed after two episodes, they're trying to goose Mom with Big Bang Repeats, Two and a Half Men looks like a decade old show that it is). Quality wise, I think it looks like trash, but Greg Garcia has some history.

As for Brooklyn, the entire night has bad ratings. So bad that the day (maybe even the hour) the third week's ratings came in, Fox went and picked up another comedy for midseason. B99 got more scripts, which generally means "We don't like how you're doing, but may or may not be stuck keeping you for a while".

B99 is the only new show I'm watching, but Fox is going to take a scythe to those Tuesday shows before the year is out.


Yeah, I don't expect this show to last too long given Fox's history, but I can't help but laugh my ass off at the retarded jokes. However, even though I find it funny right now, I get the feeling that if this show isn't axed after season 1 (or hell, even before S1 ends) they'll run out of funny before too much longer.


Goddamn I love this show, getting some great guest spots as well.

Please let the gods of ratings let this one slip through the cancellation net and get renewed.


Some of my faith in humanity is restored!

Nine more episodes ordered for B99 and a post Superbowl slot awarded, that's abig thingapparently.


Log Wizard
It's not bad, but the cast is basically cast from the Parks and Recreation mold.

Andy is his own character, mostly.
The Captain is Ron Swanson.
Diaz is Aubrey Plaza.
Sculley/Hitchcock are Gerry.
Gina is Retta.
Boyle is a mix of Andy and Ben.

Still, it's enjoyable, but it's very much a copy.


Got something right about marriage
I mean, you're not wrong. But it's got it's own flare and comedic direction. Though The Captain is nothing like Ron Swanson. No man can be Ron Swanson except for Ron Swanson


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Andy is his own character, mostly.
So it's the same characters, except for the main character.

The Captain is Ron Swanson.
What? Just fuckin' no. 2 characters in TV history can be unexcitable without being the same character. Jesus.

Diaz is Aubrey Plaza.
Yep. She even looks like her. Just less funny/quirky version substituting "toughness" for quirkiness.

Sculley/Hitchcock are Gerry.
Yep. Though they seem to be actively useless and not so much mostly unexplained punching bags.

Gina is Retta.
A little bit but not really. She's a lot more confrontational/disagreeable.

Boyle is a mix of Andy and Ben.
What? See commentary on the captain. Just because both characters are dorky doesn't make them the same. Boyle is an old-lady boning sidekick puppy.

This is stupid. You get vague enough breaking down character archtypes you can make any show sound like a copy. And you couldn't even half ass a comparison for two of the main characters in Sergeant Terry and Santiago. It's similar to P&R and The Office in that they have a similar look because they're from the same people, and all 3 are office comedies filled with quirky characters.


Log Wizard
The Captain and Ron:

Both in charge. Both infallible. Both fucking stone-faced and unemotional. I mean short of the Captain eating a turkey leg in a canoe they're pretty damn similar.

Andy could be compared to Leslie Knope. The go-getting, unstoppable force who does everything their own kooky way, except I don't think I fully believe they're the same because Knope is more OCD and exact and Jake is more sloppy-go-lucky type.

Gina and Retta are basically both the exact office position, know all the gossip, cut through the bullshit, and do the fuck what they want. And maybe you missed the last episode of Parks and Rec where Retta had a twitter with the hashtag #BitchBoss for all the shit Leslie makes her do she hates.

Boyle is just a classic Joe Lo Truglio bumbling character. He reminds me of Andy in his reverence of other people and always being amazed and impressed by seemingly anything Jake does just like Andy is with..well...everyone. He's also the nerd/geek guy which is the Ben match up, but I agree most all shows have a nerd character so that's not really plagiarism as much as it is formulaic television.


FPS noob
The shows aren't alike because P&R is about characters who are positive and supportive of each other, its pretty unique in the TV marketplace actually. With Andy off shooting Thor (or whatever movie) this season its actually lost a lot, he was one of the funniest characters for being so dumb yet loveable and always wanting to help, like a big dog. It also has Pawnee as one of the stars, to highlight/exaggerate the highs and lows of small town middle America. B99 is more a generic sitcom set in a police precinct.

B99 was pretty boring for the pilot, but its definitely gotten better each episode and it looks like Fox is really, really behind it with a 22 order episode and placing it after the Superbowl. Hopefully the episode that airs then is really good and gets some ratings momentum. I kinda wish the show would lean more on the comedy side than the "cop" side of things, its more fun to exaggerate really bad cops ala Reno 911 than it is to show a mix of decent and dumb cops, but the Samberg character probably really wouldn't work if they made him too retarded. We also really need to see the personal lives of some of these characters, Terry Crews doing family stuff is gold.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Look for those DVR numbers to go up next week. I have 3 or 4 of them saved, and I should get my media monitoring thingy in the next few days. I might need to stop gaming in order to single handedly save decent TV programs.


Got something right about marriage
This weeks episode was kinda meh but still had some LOL moments.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I thought this weeks episode was hilarious. That whole scene with the "royal babies" juggling and doing a sleight of hand with those keys was just $$. I had to keep rewinding the DVR to watch it over and over.