Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Cute, you could also say deception and superficial charm are defining characteristics of psychopaths, and that "not presenting" the condition in interviews for the PCL-R is a survival mechanism or outright manipulation.
If you're going to go the interviewer manipulation route, that most likely means that even more white people are psychopaths, as they're more likely to convince white interviewers that they're not.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Not really, I think it's a valid question. The premise of the argument relies on the presumption that being psychopathic is inherently bad, but no argument is presented to that fact outside stereotypes.
not directed at you. i have a friend who might be a psychopath/sociopath but is motivated by his Christian upbringing. He does not express emotions and comes off rather extreme awkward. Yet, he is very diligent and interesting. Probably does not have a close friend, but he has a lot of connections and acquaintances.


Shit Lord Supreme
Unemotional behavior is not descriptive of anything other than repression and social awkwardness, and contrary to TV shows Hannibal Lector is not a common template, a thug that shoots a bunch of people is just as much a sociopath as is any self ascribed intellectual asshole that writes a manifesto before going on a rampage. Lack of empathy is the common tie. The bit that will stick out is the inability to find fault in ones own action, blame will be placed everywhere but on one self. It will always be someone else's fault, the people, the govt, the world, they will almost never shame themselves. Look for lack of introspection if you're so concerned.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Unemotional behavior is not descriptive of anything other than repression and social awkwardness, and contrary to TV shows Hannibal Lector is not a common template, a thug that shoots a bunch of people is just as much a sociopath as is any self ascribed intellectual asshole that writes a manifesto before going on a rampage. Lack of empathy is the common tie. The bit that will stick out is the inability to find fault in ones own action, blame will be placed everywhere but on one self. It will always be someone else's fault, the people, the govt, the world, they will almost never shame themselves. Look for lack of introspection if you're so concerned.
he is pretty good socially. more so than an average person. just has a different charm. he shows no fear or concerns when engaging with people. he went into Department of Philosophy to debate with the professors and teaching assistance. he does not give a fuck. does what he wants. and what he wants is his faith.


Tranny Chaser
Everyone everywhere is 100% out of their mind rabid monkey poop flingingcrazy.Some of us hurt other people, some of us don't, and some of us hurt people that hurt other people. Everything else is fancy grunts.


Molten Core Raider
If you're going to go the interviewer manipulation route, that most likely means that even more white people are psychopaths, as they're more likely to convince white interviewers that they're not.
What study were you quoting where the PCL-R interviewer wasn't the same race/sex as the interviewee? I didn't check your quoted numbers. Lets not forget the fact that the PCL-R is administered to criminals exclusively, so PCL-R are actually only an accurate representation of psychopathy in convicts.


Molten Core Raider
And Trollface, I know he/she/it is just spewing out troll nonsense, I just don't see much else to post about atm.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
You're an idiot. There's no biological basis for the sociological concept of 'race.' That doesn't mean there aren't genetic characteristics found more commonly among certain ethnic groups. Do you know anything about what these words mean?
Wait, you mean that words have meaning and that we're expected to to understand what they mean before arguing on the internet?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Speaking of words that have meanings, so-called feminists on twitter are making my head fucking explode. I keep seeing the phrase "epidemic of rapes" being tossed around, when rapes per capita are down 85% in the US in the past 40 years despite increased reporting rates. 100% decline sure would be nice, but that's a shitty fucking example of an epidemic.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Speaking of words that have meanings, so-called feminists on twitter are making my head fucking explode. I keep seeing the phrase "epidemic of rapes" being tossed around, when rapes per capita are down 85% in the US in the past 40 years despite increased reporting rates. 100% decline sure would be nice, but that's a shitty fucking example of an epidemic.
welcome to social media.


This thread is a giant TL;DR that I couldn't be bothered to deal with, but based on the title I figured I should swing by and call you all faggots.


Shit Lord Supreme
I think it's important to address psychopathy as a spectrum similar to how psychologists addressed the inconsistencies in autism.

Psychopath is a set of traits(on a scale, like all traits), and like any traits, how those traits manifest is a combination of their interaction with other traits, and their environment.

It's not even slightly black and white, some psychopaths will have more introspection than others, etc, just like any other set of traits. The psychopathic traits just tend to be more dominant than the general population, who possess them in lower amounts.

Even something as common as saying a psychopath is always acting in self-interest is really too broad a brush. In that it typically assumes this abstract level of ultra-ruthlessness, even though helping others is a completely logical way of acting in self-interest when you apply principles of game-theory(See: Vampire Bats), you take a calculated risk of sharing with others under the guise that what you receive back over time results in greater reward than what you could accomplish via a different strategy.
What is the argument you're posing here? That some sociopaths are nice. That you're a nice sociopath. That you have a Dexter fan fiction club were you meet with a group of your fellow "sociopaths" and talk about your vigilante justice because everyone got tired of you calling yourself an energy vampire 5 years ago.

Get your behavioral pysch bullshit out of here dude, it's not a joke and it's not a good thing to be branded a sociopath, it's something we do strictly to give a name to a dangerous disorder. So there's a guy that doesn't feel empathy for other people, but doesn't hurt them either, fucking eh--good on him. Why would I try to establish a label for him when he's not an actual threat? I don't care, no one with a brain is wasting their time trying to identify his non-disorder.

Megolmania, Sadism, Extreme misanthropy, Xenophobia, God Complex, NO MORAL COMPASS -- it's pretty fucking easy to define Sociopathic traits. Sociopaths are broken people, that live empty shells of a life. It's like a special form of retarded, that's not a thing you would ever want to be. Be glad that you're not a sociopath there's nothing positive about the label, it doesn't need to be "SPECTRASIZED" like some special Saturday Morning Cartoon, ("Is Your Child a Sociopath? Well has he tried to murder you in your sleep?") you're either actively a callous fuck who doesn't care about people and has and or will fuck other's over for your own gain, or who the FUCK CARES? You're not making the Monday Night News because you drove a minivan through a parade of blind children--that's a good thing, keep not doing that!

I'm tired of this silly shit, it's not a fucking trendy label, get over yourself. If you rape babies you're a sociopath, if you fuck people over and leave them to die, you're a sociopath. If you don't care about people, but don't actively fuck them over...than you're an unemotional dick, but I can tolerate that.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Speaking of words that have meanings, so-called feminists on twitter are making my head fucking explode. I keep seeing the phrase "epidemic of rapes" being tossed around, when rapes per capita are down 85% in the US in the past 40 years despite increased reporting rates. 100% decline sure would be nice, but that's a shitty fucking example of an epidemic.
People are just expanding the definition of rape these days in order to bandy about statistics. I heard a co-worker of mine say that 20% of all females in college right now will be raped before they finish. Since he has three daughters I didn't want to question him too hard, but he obviously isn't referring to forcible rape. The only way I can see these numbers making sense is if the female feels slightly bad about the sex afterwards, it's rape. If you call all sex rape, then surely there is an epidemic.


Molten Core Raider
So.. White privilege =rape? Holy. Crap I'm a rapist. How the fuck did that happen?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
People are just expanding the definition of rape these days in order to bandy about statistics. I heard a co-worker of mine say that 20% of all females in college right now will be raped before they finish. Since he has three daughters I didn't want to question him too hard, but he obviously isn't referring to forcible rape. The only way I can see these numbers making sense is if the female feels slightly bad about the sex afterwards, it's rape. If you call all sex rape, then surely there is an epidemic.
No, you're wrong. 20% is pretty accurate for real actual rape. Those 6% of men that are committing most of the rapes really get around, and college aged girls are the most vulnerable targets.

If you want to expand it to all unwanted sexual contact, it's around 75%.

But it's still not an epidemic, because it's been following a steady decline.


Mr. Poopybutthole
What is the argument you're posing here? That some sociopaths are nice. That you're a nice sociopath. That you have a Dexter fan fiction club were you meet with a group of your fellow "sociopaths" and talk about your vigilante justice because everyone got tired of you calling yourself an energy vampire 5 years ago.

Get your behavioral pysch bullshit out of here dude, it's not a joke and it's not a good thing to be branded a sociopath, it's something we do strictly to give a name to a dangerous disorder. So there's a guy that doesn't feel empathy for other people, but doesn't hurt them either, fucking eh--good on him. Why would I try to establish a label for him when he's not an actual threat? I don't care, no one with a brain is wasting their time trying to identify his non-disorder.

Megolmania, Sadism, Extreme misanthropy, Xenophobia, God Complex, NO MORAL COMPASS -- it's pretty fucking easy to define Sociopathic traits. Sociopaths are broken people, that live empty shells of a life. It's like a special form of retarded, that's not a thing you would ever want to be. Be glad that you're not a sociopath there's nothing positive about the label, it doesn't need to be "SPECTRASIZED" like some special Saturday Morning Cartoon, ("Is Your Child a Sociopath? Well has he tried to murder you in your sleep?") you're either actively a callous fuck who doesn't care about people and has and or will fuck other's over for your own gain, or who the FUCK CARES? You're not making the Monday Night News because you drove a minivan through a parade of blind children--that's a good thing, keep not doing that!

I'm tired of this silly shit, it's not a fucking trendy label, get over yourself. If you rape babies you're a sociopath, if you fuck people over and leave them to die, you're a sociopath. If you don't care about people, but don't actively fuck them over...than you're an unemotional dick, but I can tolerate that.
Good to know you still don't know what a sociopath is.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
No, you're wrong. 20% is pretty accurate for real actual rape.