Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Golden Knight of the Realm
All I've picked up from this thread is what I've known all along: that it's fucking great to be white. Regarding some of the aforementioned atrocities that have taken place to get us to this point, that's all fine, because it has benefited me. So the world keeps on spinning as it should.


Pay to play forum
What is the argument you're posing here? That some sociopaths are nice. That you're a nice sociopath. That you have a Dexter fan fiction club were you meet with a group of your fellow "sociopaths" and talk about your vigilante justice because everyone got tired of you calling yourself an energy vampire 5 years ago.

Get your behavioral pysch bullshit out of here dude, it's not a joke and it's not a good thing to be branded a sociopath, it's something we do strictly to give a name to a dangerous disorder. So there's a guy that doesn't feel empathy for other people, but doesn't hurt them either, fucking eh--good on him. Why would I try to establish a label for him when he's not an actual threat? I don't care, no one with a brain is wasting their time trying to identify his non-disorder.

Megolmania, Sadism, Extreme misanthropy, Xenophobia, God Complex, NO MORAL COMPASS -- it's pretty fucking easy to define Sociopathic traits. Sociopaths are broken people, that live empty shells of a life. It's like a special form of retarded, that's not a thing you would ever want to be. Be glad that you're not a sociopath there's nothing positive about the label, it doesn't need to be "SPECTRASIZED" like some special Saturday Morning Cartoon, ("Is Your Child a Sociopath? Well has he tried to murder you in your sleep?") you're either actively a callous fuck who doesn't care about people and has and or will fuck other's over for your own gain, or who the FUCK CARES? You're not making the Monday Night News because you drove a minivan through a parade of blind children--that's a good thing, keep not doing that!

I'm tired of this silly shit, it's not a fucking trendy label, get over yourself. If you rape babies you're a sociopath, if you fuck people over and leave them to die, you're a sociopath. If you don't care about people, but don't actively fuck them over...than you're an unemotional dick, but I can tolerate that.
Do you want to speak about it, Voyce?


Musty Nester
People are just expanding the definition of rape these days in order to bandy about statistics. I heard a co-worker of mine say that 20% of all females in college right now will be raped before they finish. Since he has three daughters I didn't want to question him too hard, but he obviously isn't referring to forcible rape. The only way I can see these numbers making sense is if the female feels slightly bad about the sex afterwards, it's rape. If you call all sex rape, then surely there is an epidemic.
It's probably true if you count just plain aggressive sex as a rape. Which you could, fairly, call softer forms of manipulation than hiding in the bushes with a knife still a rape. Or if you count drug induced sex as a rape. Which I don't think you fairly can -- unless she is straight up roofied she needs to take some responsibility for her actions. This is not gender discrimination. Men assume this exact same repsonsibility, it is only the dangers that are slightly different. If you get drunk and suck a cock you were not raped. You just sucked a cock.



Musty Nester
I just know that when I was that age some of the sex that I did have and more of the sex that I didn't have bordered on rapey. And while I was no paragon of virtue neither was I particularly scumfucky.

If you're holding there's a pretty good chance you can get laid. You just have to set the stage properly so that The Implication does most of the work for you.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
It's probably true if you count just plain aggressive sex as a rape. Which you could, fairly, call softer forms of manipulation than hiding in the bushes with a knife still a rape. Or if you count drug induced sex as a rape. Which I don't think you fairly can -- unless she is straight up roofied she needs to take some responsibility for her actions. This is not gender discrimination. Men assume this exact same repsonsibility, it is only the dangers that are slightly different. If you get drunk and suck a cock you were not raped. You just sucked a cock.

rape between men and women spreads to about 60/40.

Manufacturing Female Victimhood and Marginalizing Vulnerable Men | GendErratic


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
It's probably true if you count just plain aggressive sex as a rape. Which you could, fairly, call softer forms of manipulation than hiding in the bushes with a knife still a rape. Or if you count drug induced sex as a rape. Which I don't think you fairly can -- unless she is straight up roofied she needs to take some responsibility for her actions. This is not gender discrimination. Men assume this exact same repsonsibility, it is only the dangers that are slightly different. If you get drunk and suck a cock you were not raped. You just sucked a cock.

The way I've always seen it, if BOTH parties are under the influence to the point of neither being in control of their actions, then it can't be called rape. If one party intentionally gets the other party intoxicated for the purposes of having sex, or takes advantage of an already intoxicated person, then that's definitely rape.

However, I've been told I'm wrong many times by 'feminists' that I'm wrong in the first case, that if both parties are intoxicated it's still the man's fault somehow. That doesn't make sense to me. Part of being a good feminist should be being aware and on-guard at all times, even if that means not partaking of alcohol or drugs. I mean, if your entire life philosophy is based around educating people about how shitty men are, then shouldn't you be assuming the most defensive posture possible around them?


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
The way I've always seen it, if BOTH parties are under the influence to the point of neither being in control of their actions, then it can't be called rape. If one party intentionally gets the other party intoxicated for the purposes of having sex, or takes advantage of an already intoxicated person, then that's definitely rape.

However, I've been told I'm wrong many times by 'feminists' that I'm wrong in the first case, that if both parties are intoxicated it's still the man's fault somehow. That doesn't make sense to me. Part of being a good feminist should be being aware and on-guard at all times, even if that means not partaking of alcohol or drugs. I mean, if your entire life philosophy is based around educating people about how shitty men are, then shouldn't you be assuming the most defensive posture possible around them?
Unless the guy forced it down her throat somehow, she still got willingly intoxicated. If she's an adult, she knows she might make bad decisions while intoxicated. Unless she's intoxicated to the point of unconsciousness, she's still consenting. If she's consenting, it's not rape. It might be a douchey thing to do, definitely taking advantage of an intoxicated person, but again, if they willingly became intoxicated they are responsible for their own decisions. That is absolutely not rape. When she sobers up and realizes it was a mistake, she might wish she could take back her consent and willingness, but that doesn't make it rape either.

If these are what you're calling rape, then yea sure, 20%!


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Unless the guy forced it down her throat somehow, she still got willingly intoxicated. If she's an adult, she knows she might make bad decisions while intoxicated. Unless she's intoxicated to the point of unconsciousness, she's still consenting. If she's consenting, it's not rape. It might be a douchey thing to do, definitely taking advantage of an intoxicated person, but again, if they willingly became intoxicated they are responsible for their own decisions. That is absolutely not rape. When she sobers up and realizes it was a mistake, she might wish she could take back her consent and willingness, but that doesn't make it rape either.

If these are what you're calling rape, then yea sure, 20%!
considering the amount of drinking and fucking going on in college, 20% does seem plausible.
Mist's statement about "college girls" being most vulnerable, on the other hand, is no better than "so-called feminist" saying men are just out there to rape vulnerable college girls in the state of drunkness.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Woman becomes voluntarily intoxicated and then voluntarily has sex, but claims rape because she regrets it later. Woman is deemed faultless for her actions as she was not in a position to consent.

Woman becomes voluntarily intoxicated and then voluntarily gets behind the wheel of a car and then hits and kills a pedestrian. Woman is held accountable for her actions and then convicted.

Conclusion: Women shouldn't drive.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Unless the guy forced it down her throat somehow, she still got willingly intoxicated. If she's an adult, she knows she might make bad decisions while intoxicated. Unless she's intoxicated to the point of unconsciousness, she's still consenting. If she's consenting, it's not rape. It might be a douchey thing to do, definitely taking advantage of an intoxicated person, but again, if they willingly became intoxicated they are responsible for their own decisions. That is absolutely not rape. When she sobers up and realizes it was a mistake, she might wish she could take back her consent and willingness, but that doesn't make it rape either.

If these are what you're calling rape, then yea sure, 20%!
If you actually think that way, then you might be a rapist. That you fully admit it's taking advantage of someone, but then somehow distinguish that from rape, is really just a way of rationalizing rape.


Mr. Poopybutthole
If you actually think that way, then you might be a rapist. That you fully admit it's taking advantage of someone, but then somehow distinguish that from rape, is really just a way of rationalizing rape.


Trakanon Raider
If you actually think that way, then you might be a rapist. That you fully admit it's taking advantage of someone, but then somehow distinguish that from rape, is really just a way of rationalizing rape.
More than a few times, I've had sex while I was very intoxicated. The women were generally were about as intoxicated as I was, sometimes more, sometimes less. Does that mean I'm a rapist when they were more drunk than me? Or that they are when I'm more drunk than them? Because I really don't see how a drunken hook-up automatically equals rape when both parties were willing participants just because intoxication was a factor.

If one of the parties is too drunk to talk/walk or outright unconscious, well then obviously that shit's not kosher.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
More than a few times, I've had sex while I was very intoxicated. The women were generally were about as intoxicated as I was, sometimes more, sometimes less. Does that mean I'm a rapist when they were more drunk than me? Or that they are when I'm more drunk than them? Because I really don't see how a drunken hook-up automatically equals rape when both parties were willing participants just because intoxication was a factor.
I covered this a few posts up. *I* don't think it's rape when both parties are intoxicated, unless of course one party specifically got both parties intoxicated for the purposes of making the other more vulnerable while getting themselves in a rapey kinda mood. This is one of the ways women rape men btw.

Lots of feminists yell at me and disagree with me saying it's always the man's fault and therefore always rape if both parties are drunk. If you want this ridiculous double standard to end, I strongly suggest more men start calling rape when they wake up with a hangover and a whale in bed next to them.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, my bad, after I made the post I read further up. I decided not to just edit my whole post out.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
If you want this ridiculous double standard to end, I strongly suggest more men start calling rape when they wake up with a hangover and a whale in bed next to them.
There is no double standard. You are pushing for your standard on men. Fuck you.


There is no double standard. You are pushing for your standard on men. Fuck you.
Now now, Trollie, Mist actually made a great suggestion. What better way to say "fuck you" to the feminist movement than by using their own weapons against them?

You're just bitter 'cause ain't nobody layin' your ass enough for you to call rape.


Tranny Chaser
The way I've always seen it, if BOTH parties are under the influence to the point of neither being in control of their actions, then it can't be called rape. If one party intentionally gets the other party intoxicated for the purposes of having sex, or takes advantage of an already intoxicated person, then that's definitely rape.

However, I've been told I'm wrong many times by 'feminists' that I'm wrong in the first case, that if both parties are intoxicated it's still the man's fault somehow. That doesn't make sense to me. Part of being a good feminist should be being aware and on-guard at all times, even if that means not partaking of alcohol or drugs. I mean, if your entire life philosophy is based around educating people about how shitty men are, then shouldn't you be assuming the most defensive posture possible around them?
You know what? Unless one party is unconscious being drunk doesn't make it rape! If you get hammered and ride some guyyou weren't raped.


Trakanon Raider
Cause we're aware that actions have consequences and don't blame anyone for those actions that have negative consequences. You know, adult stuff.