Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Some of you may findthisarticle of interest. He has strong opinions on the problems of cultural Marxism and proposes counters to them, though I think he's highly optimistic in their success. chance.


Buzzfeed Editor
Wasn't she already branded as an anti-feminist for some reason or other?
Because she said Fallon Fox, a Transgender MtF shouldn't compete in a woman's league, it was unfair. Fallon Fox had just gotten done breaking a woman's face, literally, and the other fighter said "It was overwhelming, I have never been hit like that before....", so the whole league went into an uproar because those injuries typically just aren't seen in the woman's bracket.

Funny story though, the single woman that defeated Fallon Fox was heralded by the usual suspects as "proof" that Fox was no different from any other woman, and could be beaten. The chick who beat Fox, Ashlee Evans, flat out said Foxwasdifferent than other women she fought, that Fox's punching power was enormous, saying "it felt like I as being hit by my male sparring partners, it was brutal". Essentially Evans said the only reason she won is because she had loads more experience and was a far, far better fighter (If the two had been at all evenly matched skill wise, Fox would have wrecked her.)....So yeah, the feminists have really been bagging on the female fighters for not wanting to fight Foxx.

The the thing about Fox though is she didn't even begin fighting until in her 30's, 33, I believe. And she came in and went like 6-0, destroyed her competition. And when I mean didn't begin fighting, I mean she had NO mat or competition experience, or even martial arts training before her thirties. She WAS in the Army when she was a he in her 20's, but other than that she didn't even get in to fighting until her 30's. Now, other people pointed out that's not unheard of for a fighter to start his career at such an age and do well, there have been a very small handful that have done it--but it is RARE, AND, the thing of it is, all the guys that have done it, had some kind of amateur background. (IE they wrestled, boxed ect) Fox coming in as a rookie and taking down a lot of the top tier talent really put a lot of people off, especially when her punches started breaking faces. And Rousey responded to that and they tried to lynch her for it.

I mean, hey, though, maybe Fox is just a kind of fighting genius, I know the Olympics have done tests which shows TG people do lose the benefits of testosterone in their transition. But what the girls who fought Fox say, repeatedly, is that her punches and stamina (Ability to take a hit) are off the charts. I have to wonder if like old boxers, that punching power is a vestige transgender fighters keep (Different theories as to why, some people speculate the actual muscle fiber composition is different, TG people have more of the high tensile, high energy type of muscles, even if they do lose overall mass...Maybe stronger ligaments, bone structures? Who knows.)


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Brock should remove his cock and fight in the MMA woman's league.

That would be fair, rite?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider


Registered Hutt
Related, slimgur got taken down. Someone uploaded CP and then the site was reported to the hosting company. Likely the same person did both things. They're now atSLiMG - Upload and Share, and the site has been improved a bit, which is nice because the old site was not very smooth and I often used imgur because I couldn't make slimgur work.


Murder Apologist
I'm starting to see a pattern with the people who complain about cultural appropriation. I think it may folks from cultures who never get appropriated just feeling a little left out.



Registered Hutt
Some good stuff on that site. Tumblr is still annoying as shit though. Navigation is just total ass.

I personally find the super wide nose terribly unattractive. I've dated two black girls, and they both had slim noses. Same thing with a lot of fat white chicks, they have that enormously flared nose. /shudder. Also black chicks think they're allowed to be overweight because it gives them a big ass. Nope. A lot more slim white girls in these parts than slim black girls, cutting my choices down a lot.