Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Just found a link to this giant pile of insanity on another forum:

April | 2016 | 4thWaveNow

These people are seriously damaged, I feel rather bad for them.
Did you read any of that? That is a blog of people skeptical of the transgender insanity, people skeptical of people being pushed by radical trans SJWs into thinking they'retransjust because they're non-gender-conforming and gay.

I only read the first post, and it really resonated with me. Just because I was always a tomboy, doesn't mean I ever wanted to be male, or ever thought fucking with my hormones would be a good idea. I tried hanging out with LGBTQ people, but I never identified with their 'cause.' I never really even identified publicly as lesbian because I just didn't really want to be associated with those people, because those people are mostly fucking crazy or at least have some irrational axe to grind. That first story is about someone in a similar situation, without the same conviction in their own identity, who got conned into thinking they were trans and then regretted it.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Yes, that would be the insanity I was referring to. Well that and the radical feminist ideology the whole thing was couched in. So it's crazy from two angles, thus "giant pile of insanity."


Buzzfeed Editor
Did you read any of that? That is a blog of people skeptical of the transgender insanity, people skeptical of people being pushed by radical trans SJWs into thinking they'retransjust because they're non-gender-conforming and gay.

I only read the first post, and it really resonated with me. Just because I was always a tomboy, doesn't mean I ever wanted to be male, or ever thought fucking with my hormones would be a good idea. I tried hanging out with LGBTQ people, but I never identified with their 'cause.' I never really even identified publicly as lesbian because I just didn't really want to be associated with those people, because those people are mostly fucking crazy or at least have some irrational axe to grind. That first story is about someone in a similar situation, without the same conviction in their own identity, who got conned into thinking they were trans and then regretted it.
I did, those people are seriously damaged. I mean mentally harmed in serious ways. They were preyed on by ideological zealots who channeled that harm into a kind of gender identity cult (I swear, some of those posts sound like what you'd hear Scientologists go through, where people are CONVINCED Thetans are their problems, or an evangelical cult group where everything is linked back to the devil). But look at the first post? Is she better now? She's left her specific cult but she still can't leave the ideology behind. She's just channeled the harm into another sect of the ideology, this time talking about misogyny, and internalizing it (IE it's still couching her world view in genders and bigotry). It's really no different than someone with serious demons turning to drugs first, then being 'saved' by being 'born again'.

What's sad is how this is infesting fields which should be practicing harm reduction--like psychology (I have to imagine a gender counselor at least has to have a psych degree....Right? Though why the fuck a Psychiatrist isn't needed is beyond me.)...This is one way in which the shit rising in social sciences and the biases forming toward this dogma are actually becoming dangerous.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Psychiatrists these days are almost always useless for anything outside of writing 'scripts.

Also, don't confuse culture with biology, or you're guilty of the same things these insane people are. A lot of that post has to do with the realities of living in the LGBTQ subculture and have nothing to do with transgender as a scientific or medical issue.

That subculture is a very real thing that has to be dealt with if you actually want to have friends and date; a large reason why I do not date is because I have no interested in dealing with any of that shit. Dating older women isn't a good idea either, they're all fat crazy cat ladies.

And of course she's still talking about misogyny and bigotry, because those are things that exist.


Buzzfeed Editor
Also, don't confuse culture with biology, or you're guilty of the same things these insane people are. A lot of that post has to do with the realities of living in the LGBTQ subculture and have nothing to do with transgender as a scientific or medical issue.

And of course she's still talking about misogyny and bigotry, because those are things that exist.
Ideology is a cultural construct. I'm not sure why you're talking about biology vs culture; my post was about ideological indoctrination. We've seen how that can do very damaging things to people (Indoctrinated people have mutilated themselves, killed people, allowed people close to them to be raped, committed mass suicide ect--Cults have very strong control factors. MANY people in these communities exhibit cult like behavior, not all, I believe some are genuinely trans, but many are being swept up into the cult of this stuff.)

Also, yes, bigotry and misogyny are things that exist. The Sun also exists, it doesn't mean its a god that controls the crops; even if it does directly affect the crops (Just as misogyny does directly affect women, but it isn't a force that can explain everything). The issue is not about their existence, its that their entire world view is predicated on those things, because they are the 'big evil' in their ideology (A unifying construct/ritual)...Want to see the core of her beef? I can show it to you.

I didn't know this then.I subscribed to an incredibly misogynistic set of beliefs for years. "DFAB privilege" was a common phrase in our community - "designated female at birth privilege." It was accepted fact that being born female gave you a lifelong advantage over a male who transitioned. This included men who used transition only to mean using different pronouns on Tumblr and having an anime girl as their avatar. We believed that, as "dfabs," we needed to shut up about our petty problems. We could never have it as hard as any "dmab women or non-binary people." Everyone in the trans community agreed that it was our responsibility to uplift "dmab voices." None of this seemed outrageous or strange to me; it felt pretty intuitive.Growing up under male domination is a grooming process that leaves many girls and women extremely vulnerable to manipulation.

IE; within my ideology of victim-hood=righteousness, someone else had a higher victim-hood status than me as a woman. I wanted this, and thus cut my breasts off because a bunch of other psychos also believed this and preyed on me as I was young and impressionable. I no longer believe THAT part of it, and instead think THAT part of it is actually another form of misogyny and thus, I am still victim prime.

Look at how even in the end she still finds fault with the evil male domination--THAT leads to the twisted warping of her little cult. No matter what her ideology only runs in one direction, it all goes back to misogyny, men, patriarchy. The only reason her LGBT ideology is messed up is because of men! (IE Heathen teachings have caused the reformation). This is still a cult, she's just fighting over the rules.

This is a fight, essentially, between two different sects of an ideology--like baptists fighting lutherans. She is still fairly insane, but at least HER form of ideological insanity is more tolerable because it doesn't require people mutilate themselves to fit in. (Unlike the more radical sect of her ideology which gives highest honors to those that crucify, I mean.."transition" themselves).


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Growing up under male domination is a grooming process that leaves many girls and women extremely vulnerable to manipulation.
While I can't make the logical leap she has come to associate this with her predicament, in a vacuum I find this statement to be true. Female sexuality is, fundamentally in our society, about the expression of vulnerability, sexualizing ones own vulnerability, etc. Our society grooms girls to portraying vulnerability to attract the attention of men. Coincidentally, this has always been the thing I find the most undesirable about heterosexuality from my personal point of view. I am not comfortable portraying any vulnerability, let alone sexualizing that vulnerability.


Murder Apologist
Did you read any of that? That is a blog of people skeptical of the transgender insanity, people skeptical of people being pushed by radical trans SJWs into thinking they'retransjust because they're non-gender-conforming and gay.

I only read the first post, and it really resonated with me. Just because I was always a tomboy, doesn't mean I ever wanted to be male, or ever thought fucking with my hormones would be a good idea. I tried hanging out with LGBTQ people, but I never identified with their 'cause.' I never really even identified publicly as lesbian because I just didn't really want to be associated with those people, because those people are mostly fucking crazy or at least have some irrational axe to grind. That first story is about someone in a similar situation, without the same conviction in their own identity, who got conned into thinking they were trans and then regretted it.
haha you really are a TERF.


Silver Knight of the Realm
While I can't make the logical leap she has come to associate this with her predicament, in a vacuum I find this statement to be true. Female sexuality is, fundamentally in our society, about the expression of vulnerability, sexualizing ones own vulnerability, etc. Our society grooms girls to portraying vulnerability to attract the attention of men. Coincidentally, this has always been the thing I find the most undesirable about heterosexuality from my personal point of view. I am not comfortable portraying any vulnerability, let alone sexualizing that vulnerability.
Female sexuality is about smelling nice, having smooth skin, and having huge tits. the fuck does it have to do with vunerability?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Female sexuality is about smelling nice, having smooth skin, and having huge tits. the fuck does it have to do with vunerability?
Smelling nice, as in food that is ready to be devoured.

Having smooth, soft, vulnerable skin, not the calloused skin that comes from doing physical labor.

Having huge tits, being unable to get up off one's back in a hurry, being ripe for impregnation, etc.

Obviously adding hyperbole to hyperbole, but you get my drift.