Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Avatar of War Slayer
A Marine Corps veteran who has advocated for full integration, Katelyn van Dam, also took issue with the study, saying it is time to stop asking if women can "hack it" in combat units and instead focus on developing gender-neutral standards that apply to all. She is a spokesman for the Truman Project and Center's No Exceptions initiative, which calls for opening all military jobs to women immediately.

"It has been scientifically proven that overall physical fitness - not gender - correlates to injury," she said. "While the methodology and data from the Task Force has not been made available to us, we do know that female participants only had to meet the physical requirement of passing a third-class male physical fitness test, and that most came directly from the schoolhouse or non-combat jobs. Thus, their participation was based on old standards."
Again, also they clearly are overwhelmed with anxiety having to live up to male expectations, and thus do more poorly.

No jokes, more bodies in uniform sounds better then less to me. And, if a female meets the standards fine. But I would be concerned with women failing to meet the standards, being pushed through due to political pressure.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, it's not like the military only takes the cream of the crop. Tons of male soldiers and marines can't shoot for shit, and I'm sure there's still plenty of women who are better than average.

That's the whole thing about statistical means. They tell you absolutely nothing about an individual's attributes and abilities.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Mist, there is the military and then there are the Marines (and special forces). I know from personal experience their are women who can shoot and do the demanding shit required by those groups, but the moment they start pushing outliers through to meet a political quota we put the other (qualified) people and national security at risk. I am fine with quote shit in the Guard or the Air Force, but the blood and guts groups have to have minimum qualifications that are set in stone.


Buzzfeed Editor

No jokes, more bodies in uniform sounds better then less to me. And, if a female meets the standards fine. But I would be concerned with women failing to meet the standards, being pushed through due to political pressure.
"It has been scientifically proven that overall physical fitness - not gender - correlates to injury,"

I'm pretty sure this is wrong? Skeletal injuries, especially in the lower body region, most definitely correlate to gender. In addition, the strongest women are about the same in strength levels as the weakest men (The report states). I believe it was in Canada (I'll look it up) where women are already allowed into special units, there was a study done showing most of them developed severe hip disorders due to the heavy loads and long distances required during training. Scientifically we KNOW this is a handicap women face, thanks to their hip structure being less efficient so we could all be born. Combined with naturally less dense bones; and you have issues. These are fairly large differences.

That being said, I agree with you, more soldiers sounds good...I certainly won't be protesting if some crazy brave woman wants to jump in a fox hole to prevent me from being drafted if there is another big war, lol. They are welcome to it, and I have no doubt many of these women would out-perform me on an individual level, so good for them. But if we're doing things on a voluntary basis? And have the ability to be choosy? Things like this are troubling, and shouldn't be ignored.

Hopefully soon though we'll finish our exoskeletal technology and we won't have to worry about this anymore. When human fighting is done in mechs or with mech-drones; it won't matter.


Trakanon Raider
I believe it was in Canada (I'll look it up) where women are already allowed into special units, there was a study done showing most of them developed severe hip disorders due to the heavy loads and long distances required during training.
The question then is, should the packs weigh so much? Which is the same argument I've heard about male fitness standards, the woman who fail to reach them and the push for gender neutral standards. Can't meet standards, standards must be to high, lower the standard and give it a fancy name.

Or maybe divide up the female's pack and each male carries 5% of the weight...for equality.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Heavy backpacks are bad for everyone. Haven't the marines already slimmed their gear down a lot?


Murder Apologist
Nobody is disagreeing with meeting the basic PT standards, but there's plenty of evidence disproving the notion that women in military units will diminish discipline and cohesion. The Israeli IDF is one of the most admired infantry organizations in the world and they've had women in combat roles for some time. As for actual boobs-on-the-ground combat, there's even more current evidence that a physiological barrier to benching a hundred pounds doesn't really mean much. Not only is more than a third of the Kurdish forces holding Kobane women, they've actually beencommanded by a woman since last year.Sadly, one of her cuties (Ceylen Ozalp at 1:00) actually blew herself up rather than be captured during the battle of Kobane.

Plus dying at the hands of a dumb girlbars entry to paradise. So that's a big plus.


Musty Nester
I would pretty easily believe that fitness rather than gender correlates to injury. I don't see any problem with a single standard. And if a woman can meet that standard then you give her a gun and tell her to gitsum, I guess. I see a pretty big problem with a gender standard. FOB DerkaPipebomb doesn't give a SHIT.

You don't send fatass marines into combat situations if you can avoid it, either. Unless maybe you just don't like them or something.