Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Checking Privilege Checking - Phoebe Maltz Bovy - The Atlantic
I'm still confused what "checking my privilege" means.
Am I supposed to act dumber to let my lessers identify with me? Less white? What does it mean when people tell me to "check my privilege"? They are saying that I must carry out an action of checking my privilege but I dont even know where to start.
For the record, I am a white male who grew up poor, was a latchkey kid, who eventually put himself through college and made a better future for himself.
I am just confused.
I'm going to pretend you are asking a serious question and not just trolling here.

First of all, let me start by explaining what being privileged DOESN'T mean:
- It doesn't mean you will never experience hardships or difficulties.
- It doesn't mean you haven't earned the things you worked hard for in your life.
- It doesn't mean you "owe" anything in particular to people you don't know.
- It doesn't mean you're the bad guy.

Put simply, "checking your privilege" means realizing and acknowledging that, as a white male, you have certain privileges that other races and genders simply don't have. That's it.

I get it. You grew up poor and worked to better your own life. You can't stand the idea of people supposedly implying that you didn't earn what you worked for. That's not what "check your privilege" means. I'm not trying to belittle the efforts you made in your life, nor am I implying that you had it easy because you're white and male. However, whether or not you realize it, you still had several advantages afforded to white males. You could go shopping without store clerks eyeing you like a hawk waiting for you to shoplift something. You could take public transit and not feel the eyes of strangers staring and judging your attractiveness regardless of how you dress.

Also, you should be aware that by saying that you equate "acting dumber" with "acting less white", you are being an asshole who gives the whole "check your privilege" crowd plenty of fuel for their ire.

I don't see it any more, but that video of Louis CK is basically Louis CK checking his privilege. He's a professional comedian so it happens to be hilarious, but he's acknowledging that it is advantageous in today's society to be white. If you agree, you have successfully checked your privilege. Congratulations.

Gentlemen, this has been your daily voice of reason. Now bring on the negs!


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The main privilege of being a white male (who doesn't look poor/like a drug addict) is that you're just met with far less skepticism in just about every possible situation versus how a non-white non-male would be treated. You're automatically assumed to be more competent, on average, than everyone else not in that category. It's not a huge advantage, but it's a small one adds up over and over again through the course of your life until it accumulates into something significant late in your career cycle.

It's not a big fucking deal, but you really have to acknowledge the fact that as a white male you do have to try a little less hard to prove yourself versus everyone else.

EDIT: Unless we're talking about math, then you're fucked and they're picking the slant-eye next to you.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The man is holding down the poor jungle babies. If it wasn't for affirmative action and Obamacare they'd probably be out in the streets rioting again like it's the 90s or Katrina.
It's not the man, it's the fact that they had shitty fucking parents. And if you don't want that cycle to just keep perpetuating itself over and over again, society has to step in and do something to compensate for it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Seriously? I'm fucking proud and unapologetic that I am a white male STEM. This shit is stupid.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Am I supposed to act dumber to let my lessers identify with me?
The VAST majority of people, statistically speaking, fall within a very narrow range of average intelligence. The fact that you think you're smarter than other people generally means that you're not, as dumb people/average people tend to overestimate their own intelligence while smart people tend to underestimate it.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
It's not the man, it's the fact that they had shitty fucking parents. And if you don't want that cycle to just keep perpetuating itself over and over again, society has to step in and do something to compensate for it.
You can't unlearn stupid.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
I want to hear more about male privilege when it comes to divorce laws and child custody and also about being falsely accused of rape or assault on a female.


Trakanon Raider
What a hard road it must be to be non white, non male, getting looked at in public must be terrible. Those brave brave souls.


I want to hear more about male privilege when it comes to divorce laws and child custody and also about being falsely accused of rape or assault on a female.
As well you should. If you did learn more, you'd know that feminism (which is often considered to be the entity pushing the "male privilege" agenda) is against favoring the mother in custody cases "just because", and that they acknowledge that false rape accusations are awful and do nothing to help women in society.


Pay to play forum
Tanoomba, why do you think, that women never judge the attractivness of a stranger? They do the same fucking thing and talk about your ugly ass aswell. It always baffled me, that there is this big assumed distinction between the genders.


Shit Lord Supreme
Sweet OK so let's draw up teams I'll be team Captain and so can Toonamba; Toonamba you can have first pick, it's my privilege.


<Silver Donator>
I just wanted to drop by and let everybody know I took the time today to check my privilege, and you know what?

It still works.. just fine...

So nobody needs to worry about me.



(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
As well you should. If you did learn more, you'd know that feminism (which is often considered to be the entity pushing the "male privilege" agenda) is against favoring the mother in custody cases "just because", and that they acknowledge that false rape accusations are awful and do nothing to help women in society.
So what you're saying is that women should also check their privilege?

Funny how we never hear that one.

Tom Lightner

Molten Core Raider
I always find this one funny too. Seems everything has a label, a PC label at that, as if the previous labels weren't good enough. To understand it I think it's best to look at it for what it is, when we label stuff like a box of a dozen donuts, 87 octane gasoline, 32oz Pepsi... It is so we can easy & quickly identify it, categorize it and make a judgment based on what we know about it and take whatever action, make whatever decision, etc. is required and move on. Here is where this all gets exciting tho, so it's ok for us (as humans btw) to do these things in everyday life, some call it progress actually, yet when it comes to doing this to our fellow humans it is all of a sudden this huge bad negative issue! LOL to me it is stupid. I could go on further but I'm sorta tired now and need some salsa, btw I ain't white. But anyways my bro said it best once, he goes; "Look the reason there's stereotypes is cuz that shit is true!" on a side note my grampa or maybe it was my football coach, ahh oh well one of em said when I would get discouraged; "Hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up first." don't ask me what the hell all this means, but it is probably a way more important topic to be had.


Shit Lord Supreme
Tanoomba, why do you think, that women never judge the attractivness of a stranger? They do the same fucking thing and talk about your ugly ass aswell. It always baffled me, that there is this big assumed distinction between the genders.
I always like how Jerle told men to stop rating female attractiveness.


Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Tanoomba, would you recommend non-whites check their double standard privileges?

Also, pizza crust should always be super thin and slightly crisp, fuckers.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
I always like how Jerle told men to stop rating female attractiveness.
He's on there strictly because of his personality dude. If Chris Farley was still alive, he would have been the one on the magazine I'm sure.