Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


The Big Mod
what are the ratings on the dikes. like even ellen page is 6/10. dykes are disgusting fucks.
there's some major babes there, not even sure if they're dykes. maybe they just don't feel me because i've been out the gym for a while and haven't regained my swole yet.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
i recently joined a gym that is notorious for having a lot of gay in it, and i find the women (dykes) inside are a lot less receptive to me trying to eye fuck them while working out than the girls at normal gyms. any suggestions?
Lick and smack your lips while you eye rape them.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I would suggest walking in, putting your hands and your hips and loudly yelling to everyone "I AM NOT A FAG!" and then proceeding with your workout


Is she responsible for taking those drinks? Absolutely. Was the possibility of rape on her mind? Probably not... But it should have been. It's awful that it has to be, but that's just reality. When was that moment that she should have clued in that her ability to give her 'consent' was being diminished? Those 3 j?ger shots brought her from coherent to drooling in 10 minutes. Should she have used that 10 minutes to inform him that she had no intention of sleeping with him that night?

I've seen it happen to young girls and it's pretty rough... But it's certainly a grey area. They did, after all, do the shots.
Now, wait a minute here. In your words, you say she (Note: I'm using "she" because this is a reference to real-life scenarios witnessed and described by Quaid) should have been concerned about the "possibility of rape". You didn't say she should be concerned about the "possibility of being taken advantage of, which by the way is totally legal". You're saying a woman has at least partial responsibility forbeing rapedbecause she did, after all, "do the shots".

Don't get me wrong, I think womenshouldbe careful. I think there are things that womenshoulddo to reduce the chances of getting raped, even if that makes me a bad feminist. That doesn't make a rape any less of a rape, nor does it make a rapist any less of a rapist.

If you leave your bicycle out in public without locking it, there's a more than decent chance somebody will steal it. People will tell you "What were you thinking, leaving your bike unchained? Of course somebody stole it!" But see, the person who stole your bike is still a thief. That person absolutely broke the law, and if it's in any way possible to find and prove who did it, that person should absolutely be punished for it. Making a rapist's job easier doesn't mean it doesn't count as rape when it happens.


Trump's Staff
Now, wait a minute here. In your words, you say she (Note: I'm using "she" because this is a reference to real-life scenarios witnessed and described by Quaid) should have been concerned about the "possibility of rape". You didn't say she should be concerned about the "possibility of being taken advantage of, which by the way is totally legal". You're saying a woman has at least partial responsibility forbeing rapedbecause she did, after all, "do the shots".

Don't get me wrong, I think womenshouldbe careful. I think there are things that womenshoulddo to reduce the chances of getting raped, even if that makes me a bad feminist. That doesn't make a rape any less of a rape, nor does it make a rapist any less of a rapist.

If you leave your bicycle out in public without locking it, there's a more than decent chance somebody will steal it. People will tell you "What were you thinking, leaving your bike unchained? Of course somebody stole it!" But see, the person who stole your bike is still a thief. That person absolutely broke the law, and if it's in any way possible to find and prove who did it, that person should absolutely be punished for it. Making a rapist's job easier doesn't mean it doesn't count as rape when it happens.
What I'm saying is, that in that condition, she may not have the capacity to say 'No'. Is it then, rape? The accused 'rapist' never got rejected... She was conscious enough to fuck him (assuming that is the case).

It's tricky, and that's why it's used by evil twats.


What I'm saying is, that in that condition, she may not have the capacity to say 'No'. Is it then, rape? The accused 'rapist' never got rejected... She was conscious enough to fuck him (assuming that is the case).

It's tricky, and that's why it's used by evil twats.
I agree. Itistricky, and that's why it's used by evil rapists.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Because he held her down and poured all those shots down her throat. So she would voluntarily agree to go back to his house and have sex with him.


Trump's Staff
Because he held her down and poured all those shots down her throat. So she would voluntarily agree to go back to his house and have sex with him.
*shrug* I've been around alcohol enough to know, down to the drink, when someone will tip from heavily buzzed into the land of 'oh shit I'm fucked'. I could easily see how I could use this knowledge to really manipulate a situation where a woman was already buzzed and feeling somewhat attracted to me.

Remember, we're talking about very young individuals here.


*shrug* I've been around alcohol enough to know, down to the drink, when someone will tip from heavily buzzed into the land of 'oh shit I'm fucked'. I could easily see how I could use this knowledge to really manipulate a situation where a woman was already buzzed and feeling somewhat attracted to me.

Remember, we're talking about very young individuals here.
Welcome to the reasonable people club. We're up to, like, eight or nine now. I'm not actually keeping count.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Yeah Quaid, you're in the same club with tanoomba. COngratulations.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Canada is the land of the enlightened. Nah just kidding. Left wing despotism everywhere in education to politic.