Captain America: Civil War (2016)


Avatar of War Slayer
Who? the Asgardians? If that was true it would never be presumed lost like it says in the Lore.

They would have warped right in and taken it as soon as the Red Skull's scientists starting experimenting on it.
what "lore"?

and, Avengers 1, had Shield experimenting on it. What they did turned it on or whatever. And they expressly state they aren't controlling it/activating it, its being controlled from the other side of the portal.
And Loki comes through, working with Thanos minions.

Did the Asgardians not know where it was? Perhaps Odin, and Hiemdal did, but just told no one about it. letting it be "lost", to everyone else. What did Odin say about it? did he say anything at all?


Lithose_sl said:
Thor is an Asgardian prince, he is a member of the Avengers--Avengers one was cleaning up from the mess the Asgardians made by not doing something as simple as keeping an inventory of their super weapons.

Ultron was all the Avengers.

Again, we're talking a lot of incidents and responsability is complex, I'm trying really hard to dumb it down for you--but apparently 'chimp logic' is still too high end.
Asgardians don't have to clean up anything.... If they want their weapons to be all over the galaxy then deal with it.

Thor is an Avenger by name only because of Jane Foster otherwise I doubt he would care about such an insignificant planet.

Ultron could have happened anytime with Stark. Like I said earlier he didn't need them to get Loki's staff it just made it easier on him.

Your problem is you think Humans of are great importance in this Universe, and can demand sub subservience of Gods because the writing of movies has skewed our importance.

Is that dumbed down enough for you?

You're making my argument for me, the sad part is, you don't even realize it. Even something on the grand scale as trivial as a nuke would be looked at, on earth, as something that absolutely should be kept track of. Yet you have a device that can destroy entire worlds, potentially the universe if used correctly--and woops, we lost it?
Once again the Asgardians lost it. They don't have to do jack shit for us, they could leave this world to die. The earth's people serve no purpose...
Humanity absolutely has a reason to hold the Avengers responsible
Humanity holds everything responsible, we are a bunch of whiny faggots. We would rather Politic a situation to death ,and be wiped out in the process.

We're afraid to even help someone getting hurt anymore, because we are afraid we might get sued ourselves. We have legislated ourselves to in effectiveness.



Doom isn't in this Universe, Neither is Mr Fantastic who is much more powerful.


Buzzfeed Editor
what "lore"?

and, Avengers 1, had Shield experimenting on it. What they did turned it on or whatever. And they expressly state they aren't controlling it/activating it, its being controlled from the other side of the portal.
And Loki comes through, working with Thanos minions.

Did the Asgardians not know where it was? Perhaps Odin, and Hiemdal did, but just told no one about it. letting it be "lost", to everyone else. What did Odin say about it? did he say anything at all?
Yeah, I have no idea where the 'lore' is coming from. The Tesseract is the space stone, all we know is that it was once in the care of Asgard (Hence why it was in a church up in Norway or wherever, because it was left behind by them for some reason)...and then Hydra got it. Then Howard Stark had it for a number of years, under SHIELD--it's what Tony based his new power source off of.


Howard dies, SHIELD still has it, and attempts to re-activate. During this process, it is taken over remotely and opens a portal for Loki. How it was taken over, who knows.

But what we do know is that it was somehow 'not activated' even when it was creating power for weapons. SHIELD was trying to do something funky to it, outside of simply bleeding off power for things (Which they could do already, since they already had Tesseract powered weapons like Hydra). So maybe this activation is what lead to Thanos being able to manipulate it. (And maybe Odin couldn't detect it before then because it had not be turned on, it was just kind of idling.) But that is all speculation.


what "lore"?

and, Avengers 1, had Shield experimenting on it. What they did turned it on or whatever. And they expressly state they aren't controlling it/activating it, its being controlled from the other side of the portal.
And Loki comes through, working with Thanos minions.

Did the Asgardians not know where it was? Perhaps Odin, and Hiemdal did, but just told no one about it. letting it be "lost", to everyone else. What did Odin say about it? did he say anything at all?
What do you mean what Lore? It's on the Cinematic Marvel timeline.....

1000 years ago Odin defeats Laufrey on earth

Also shield wasn't the first people to activate it, Hydra was.


The opening sequence of Captain America: The First Avenger, combined with the historical information at the start of Thor provides the answer. ~1000 years ago, Asgardians fought the Frost Giants on Earth as part of a cross-realm war. During a later war (or perhaps later battles in that same war), roughly 600 years ago the Tesseract was lost on Earth.
n the beginning of Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), they show what seems to be a small house, or tomb if you will. When the leader of HYDRA starts speaking, he talks about the "treasure room of Odin" Odin's prize in that room was the Tessaract, and Odin lost it while fighting his battle with the Frost Giants on Earth. It was found and encased with a leader of Europe when he died. When people found the tomb they protected it when the found out what it (the Tessaract) was from legend.


Avatar of War Slayer
Hydra just siphoned off power.

Also, so, its never said. "Odin left it on Earth, after the Jotun war" is all we know. we have no reason to think it was lost at all. Odin probably knew exactly where it was. Thor didn't.


Hydra just siphoned off power.

Also, so, its never said. "Odin left it on Earth, after the Jotun war" is all we know. we have no reason to think it was lost at all. Odin probably knew exactly where it was. Thor didn't.
Hydra activated it.

Odin didn't leave his prized possession on earth.... Come on man

The only way that would work is if Odin wanted us to Evolve quicker, and I doubt that is the way he would go about it considering the Kree just came down, and did it very easily.


Buzzfeed Editor
Thor is an Avenger by name only because of Jane Foster otherwise I doubt he would care about such an insignificant planet.
Thor 2 starts by him going to many other worlds and protecting them. Odin's spell activates only when Thor realizes his life is only as important as the humans which surround him. You could not possibly be more wrong, it's like you don't even watch these movies or the premises they are built on.

Watching these movies for you must be like pointing and laughing at pretty colors. I kind of feel bad for you. I mean, this shit isn't complex, it is a fucking comic book movie, and you still can't grasp it even on a fundamental level...what does that say about you?

Ultron could have happened anytime with Stark. Like I said earlier he didn't need them to get Loki's staff it just made it easier on him..
No evidence of this. Even if it were true, the reality is the mind stone was in all their custody. Red Herring, and completely irrelevant.

Your problem is you think Humans of are great importance in this Universe, and can demand sub subservience of Gods because the writing of movies has skewed our importance.

Once again the Asgardians lost it. They don't have to do jack shit for us, they could leave this world to die. The earth serves no purpose...

Is that dumbed down enough for you?
All you're saying here is you agree with Loki and the bad guys. Which is a perfectly acceptable point,The strong do what they can, the weak suffer what they must, Thucydides philosophy isn't exactly a new concept, Column, the fact that you believe you're 'dumbing it down' by thinking of it? Kind of proves this can't be dumbed down enough for you. But it again, misses the point of the movies, and why strong/good characters struggle, and it also is you admitting you were wrong...

Clearly humans have a reason to hold the Avengers accountable and find them responsible(You seem to agree with this now)...Nowyour argument is they are too weak to do anything about it, so fuck em.(Okay, this is a new argument though.)

Humanity holds everything responsible, we are a bunch of whiny faggots. We would rather Politic a situation to death ,and be wiped out in the process.

We're afraid to even help someone getting hurt anymore, because we are afraid we might get sued ourselves. We have legislated ourselves to in effectiveness.
Let me translate this. "I dislike the internal struggle of nearly all comic book characters...I like HULK SMASH. Give me more HULK SMASH. WHY HULK HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT PUNY HUMANS? ALWAYS FAGGOT TIMES WHEN BANNER IS CRYING OVER HUMANS."

lol, but your straw man aside. I never said might doesn't make right, never commented on the ABILITY of the Avengers to ignore humanity--I even said it makes sense for the Avengers to say fuck it and operate out of the public eye. However, it is perfectly logical for the powerless, and those who are made to suffer under the heel of power to WANT to control that power. It's what democratic legitimacy is based off of, again, these are elementary concepts; like the whole Thucydides saying above.


Buzzfeed Editor
What do you mean what Lore? It's on the Cinematic Marvel timeline.....

1000 years ago Odin defeats Laufrey on earth

Also shield wasn't the first people to activate it, Hydra was.

Hydra siphoned off power, they didn't activate it (There is a difference, in Avengers one its shown SHIELD also could create weapons, before they attempts to activate it). The Tesseract is the space stone, it generates power all the time due to folding space--however, activating it allows you to travel through wormholes. We know this because Thor used it to rebuild bifrost.

Attachment 133732

Obviously the bifrost part isn't in the movie, but the above is an MCU comic called Prelude. (In it Odin specifically says the Tesseract is needed to rebuild bifrost, that otherwise, dark energy is needed to move between worlds but its costly to his Health.)

The rest of your post is just conjecture, but with some evidence. Yes, because the Tesseract is in a norse cathedral, and because the norse lore is the one with Odin, we can assume the big battle between Frost Giants and Odin happened somewhere on earth, in Scandinavia. But nothing in there says the Tessract was 'lost', or even that Odin had it--we assume it was lost because why the hell else would you be so irresponsible? We guess the Asgardians had it because it was needed to build Bifrost.


Lithose_sl said:
Thor 2 starts by him going to many other worlds and protecting them. Odin's spell activates only when Thor realizes his life is only as important as the humans which surround him. You could not possibly be more wrong, it's like you don't even watch these movies or the premises they are built on.

Watching these movies for you must be like pointing and laughing at pretty colors. I kind of feel bad for you. I mean, this shit isn't complex, it is a fucking comic book movie, and you still can't grasp it even on a fundamental level...what does that say about you?
God you are dumb, Asgardians are protectors of the nine realms. Doesn't matter who inhabits them. Midgard is one of those realms.

They are not Subjects of the Worlds they protect, and do not take orders from them.

Also it's not a spell, it's an evolved science which Jane foster completely dismissed in the first movie. Magic is Dr Stranges area.

Lithose_sl said:
No evidence of this. Even if it were true, the reality is the mind stone was in all their custody. Red Herring, and completely irrelevant.
The Evidence is that Stark is seemingly able to fly into the Barons fortress pretty damn easily. Stark could have just made a whole nother set of Iron Men, and done the same damn thing those other Avengers did. What exactly were they doing anyway except looking cool in slow motion lmao...

Stark had close to 100 suits in the first batch he blew up, and now he has a HulkBuster. So he is building more suits even after he said they were too dangerous to exist in IM3

Clearly humans have a reason to hold the Avengers accountable and find them responsible (You seem to agree with this now)...Now your argument is they are too weak to do anything about it, so fuck em. (Okay, this is a new argument though.)
The Avenger's are mostly Human with gadgets....

What you really want is Super Human registration.

Lithose_sl said:
lol, but your straw man aside. I never said might doesn't make right, never commented on the ABILITY of the Avengers to ignore humanity--I even said it makes sense for the Avengers to say fuck it and operate out of the public eye. However, it is perfectly logical for the powerless, and those who are made to suffer under the heel of power to WANT to control that power. It's what democratic legitimacy is based off of, again, these are elementary concepts; like the whole Thucydides saying above.
Of course it does, and it's lucky we haven't wiped ourselves out yet. We are experts at casting blame


Hydra siphoned off power, they didn't activate it (There is a difference, in Avengers one its shown SHIELD also could create weapons, before they attempts to activate it). The Tesseract is the space stone, it generates power all the time due to folding space--however, activating it allows you to travel through wormholes. We know this because Thor used it to rebuild bifrost.

Attachment 133732

Obviously the bifrost part isn't in the movie, but the above is an MCU comic called Prelude. (In it Odin specifically says the Tesseract is needed to rebuild bifrost, that otherwise, dark energy is needed to move between worlds but its costly to his Health.)

The rest of your post is just conjecture, but with some evidence. Yes, because the Tesseract is in a norse cathedral, and because the norse lore is the one with Odin, we can assume the big battle between Frost Giants and Odin happened somewhere on earth, in Scandinavia. But nothing in there says the Tessract was 'lost', or even that Odin had it--we assume it was lost because why the hell else would you be so irresponsible? We guess the Asgardians had it because it was needed to build Bifrost.
And hes scramblin folks.. You have no idea what activation means in terms of the Tesseract communicating, or what Hydra was doing with it this whole time.

Thanos sounded like he knew that it was there for years now.

The start of Cap 1 says that the tesseract was in Odin possession in his treasure room....

n the beginning of Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), they show what seems to be a small house, or tomb if you will. When the leader of HYDRA starts speaking, he talks about the "treasure room of Odin" Odin's prize in that room was the Tessaract, and Odin lost it while fighting his battle with the Frost Giants on Earth. It was found and encased with a leader of Europe when he died. When people found the tomb they protected it when the found out what it (the Tessaract) was from legend.


<Gold Donor>
Holy fucking shit. What has happened to this thread?

I'mma go have a drink with Lyrical and talk about the good ol' days I think. Christ.


Buzzfeed Editor
God you are dumb, Asgardians are protectors of the nine realms. Doesn't matter who inhabits them. Midgard is one of those realms.

They are not Subjects of the Worlds they protect, and do not take orders from them.

Also it's not a spell, it's an evolved science which Jane foster completely dismissed in the first movie. Magic is Dr Stranges area.
Asgardians protect the 9 realms, Asgardians don't care about the 9 realms! Column logic. Can you even go a post without contradicting yourself.

Hey dip shit, the point of Thor 1 was pointing out that a KING IS THE SERVANT OF HIS SUBJECTS. That was the whole fucking point of the spell placed on Mjolnir, and it was a fucking spell, Thor REFERS to it as a spell, Thor says they are one in the same. Do you watch these films? Seriously, do you?

The Evidence is that Stark is seemingly able to fly into the Barons fortress pretty damn easily. Stark could have just made a whole nother set of Iron Men, and done the same damn thing those other Avengers did. What exactly were they doing anyway except looking cool in slow motion lmao...

Stark had close to 100 suits in the first batch he blew up, and now he has a HulkBuster. So he is building more suits even after he said they were too dangerous to exist in IM3
Seems like you're making up a bunch of stuff here to try and salvage a terrible argument that is already a Red Herring. Thor could have taken it on his own too. SO WHY DID STARK GET IT. Why did Thor trust him with it? There are a thousand hypoetheticals here that keep Stark from getting it, you're making shit up to try and give stark more responsibility...that's your argument now "I'll make something up that didn't happen, and thus it absolves everyone else.".

Because the bank robber COULD have driven himself away from the scene, it means his getaway driver and look out aren't responsible.Column Logic!

The Avenger's are mostly Human with gadgets....

What you really want is Super Human registration.
I don't personally want anything. If I was an avenger, I'd go full Tyrant mode--fuck humans. I'd certainly understand their logic when they asked me to take responsibility for my shit (Why wouldn't a weaker person want a say in how the strong do things? We certainly like to keep control over our military for that reason. Having a say in how power is wielded is what democracy is, literally.). But then I'd just laugh and do it anyway.

But that doesn't stop me, again, from understanding the struggle inherent in these stories forgoodpeople. Why people pay attention when someone weaker says "dude, your shit was kind of the reason I'm suffering". Sometimes the logic is flawed, like J Jonah Jameson blaming spidey for stopping a super villain that was completely unrelated to him. But sometimes people are being logical about assigning responsibility, especially with something like Ultron--that was clearly an Avenger turd. But being 'logical about assigning blame' doesn't mean you're right.Might makes right. But might doesn't take away responsibility, it just gives you a way to not assume the consequence of it.

In short, villain or Anti-hero thinking (There is a reason most super heroes feel guilty when people die around them even if they are not the cause). But not what this conversation was about. The conversation was about responsibility, and again, that is different from being simply too powerful for consequence or judging that your actions were overall better than the loss incurred.


Buzzfeed Editor
And hes scramblin folks.. You have no idea what activation means in terms of the Tesseract communicating, or what Hydra was doing with it this whole time.

Thanos sounded like he knew that it was there for years now.

The start of Cap 1 says that the tesseract was in Odin possession in his treasure room....
They talk about activating the Tesseract in the start of the Avengers. SHIELD had already made weapons, like Hydra, before that point. Simple logic indicates that you can make weapons, without activating the tesseract (If you can't, then there would be no reason for Red Skull to get in his chopper in Cap 1, he could have just teleported where he wished to go.).

Like this isn't hard...I have to break everything down into baby food for you, it is exhausting.

Also, yeah, in Cap 1, Red Skull talks about Norse Lore and Odin's treasure room. I should have said "nothing in Thor" talks about Odin having it. Within Norse Lore, Odin is said to have had it. And we can assume he did because you need it to build the bifrost.


Lithose_sl said:
Asgardians protect the 9 realms, Asgardians don't care about the 9 realms! Column logic. Can you even go a post without contradicting yourself.

Hey dip shit, the point of Thor 1 was pointing out that a KING IS THE SERVANT OF HIS SUBJECTS. That was the whole fucking point of the spell placed on Mjolnir, and it was a fucking spell, Thor REFERS to it as a spell, Thor says they are one in the same. Do you watch these films? Seriously, do you?
O he mad now folks, you know you are winning the Debate now. I wish they Had a Trump emoji for this, it works so perfectly

Lets continue to tear him apart point by point shall we.

Asgardians do not take orders from thier subjects. They are protectors of the 9 realms, if anything inteferes with that directive they could care less about adhering to it.

2nd Thor isn't the King ;} You seem to think Thor has always been in Control, but Asgardians still think Odin is very much alive.

Thor's hammer we don't know enough about yet. They haven't done any backstory on it, and it difers from the Comic Book version.

We have to assume it is another cosmic weapon made by the Celestials.

Thor believes everything is magic, hence when Jane tells them it's really just science they don't understand.

Do you watch these films? I think not.

Lithose_sl said:
Seems like you're making up a bunch of stuff here to try and salvage a terrible argument that is already a Red Herring. Thor could have taken it on his own too. SO WHY DID STARK GET IT. Why did Thor trust him with it? There are a thousand hypoetheticals here that keep Stark from getting it, you're making shit up to try and give stark more responsibility...that's your argument now "I'll make something up that didn't happen, and thus it absolves everyone else.".

Because the bank robber COULD have driven himself away from the scene, it means his getaway driver and look out aren't responsible. Col
Hmm your argument was Stark could never do this on his own, I'm clearly showing you he had every resource to be Avengerless, and Ultron would still exist.

Shifting goal posts? seems to be your specialty

I don't personally want anything. If I was an avenger, I'd go full Tyrant mode--fuck humans. I'd certainly understand their logic when they asked me to take responsabiliyt for my shit. But then I'd just laugh and do it anyway. Because being a good guy is dumb.

But that doesn't stop me, again, from understanding the struggle inherent in these stories for good people. Why people pay attention when someone weaker says "dude, your shit was kind of the reason I'm suffering". Sometimes the logic is flawed, like J Jonah Jameson blaming spidey for stopping a super villain that was completely unrelated to him. But sometimes people are being logical about their responsibility, especially with something like Ultron. But being 'logical about assigning blame' doesn't mean you're right. Might makes right. But might doesn't take away responsibility, it just gives you a way to not assume the consequence of it.

In short, villain or Anti-hero thinking. But not what this conversation was about. The conversation was about responsibility, and again, that is different from being simply too powerful for consequence.
So these Avengers are responsible for almost destroying the world, as well as saving it multiple times.

Asgardians are responsible for losing all their items across the universe.

Kree are responsible for making In-Humans

and so on ,and so on.

Avengers signing that shit was the first step to Super Human registration. Let's round them up, and tag em. Keeps us safe at night right?

They talk about activating the Tesseract in the start of the Avengers. SHIELD had already made weapons, like Hydra, before that point. Simple logic indicates that you can make weapons, without activating the tesseract.

Like this isn't hard...I have to break everything down into baby food for you, it is exhausting.

Also, yeah, in Cap 1, Red Skull talks about Norse Lore and Odin's treasure room. I should have said "nothing in Thor" talks about Odin having it. Within Norse Lore, Odin is said to have had it. And we can assume he did because you need it to build the bifrost.
Holy shit, you have to be trollin now, or you really are on the Astrotard level.

You guys are talking about the Tesseract activating an actual portal for travel! when we were having a conversation on how the Tesseract could be found..

Clearly the tesseract isn't laying dormant when Hydra had it....

If any other worlds were to find it, that would be the time. Also like I said, we have no clue what Hydra did with the Tesseract the whole time it was in their possession.

Lithose_sl said:
Also, yeah, in Cap 1, Red Skull talks about Norse Lore and Odin's treasure room. I should have said "nothing in Thor" talks about Odin having it. Within Norse Lore, Odin is said to have had it. And we can assume he did because you need it to build the bifrost.
O, yeah you've been wrong many times. At least you are taking " responsibility" for it now, and I didn't even need an "Accord"!

Mic Drop...


Buzzfeed Editor
Mic Drop...
Yeah, people that do mic drops are who you'd emulate lol (Someone who believes they are a genius but is actually the dumbest guy in the room). Honestly, Column, I've shit on your logic so bad you've devolved away from 'why do you think those people are mad' to 'might makes right, why should they CARE of people are mad'.

So, uhh yeah. You chase that red herring. I already won when you agreed with me, right here.

Of course it does, and it's lucky we haven't wiped ourselves out yet. We are experts at casting blame
So have fun watching the pretty colors on the TV screen.


Yeah, people that do mic drops are who you'd emulate lol (Someone who believes they are a genius but is actually the dumbest guy in the room). Honestly, Column, I've shit on your logic so bad you've devolved away from 'why do you think those people are mad' to 'might makes right, why should they CARE of people are mad'.

So, uhh yeah. You chase that red herring. I already won when you agreed with me, right here.
It's alright man. The Donald still loves you



Silver Baronet of the Realm
Pretty sure odin purposely split up the infinity stones. The gauntlet is sitting in the Treasury.