Captain America: Civil War (2016)


In Civil War it was pretty clear cut that IM, Pym, Richards were totally evil, because their big brains(as wolverine calls them) makes them lack empathy to the point of doing fucked up shit, cuz their "friends" didn't listen to them for once.

They test tube'd a cyborg Thor, after Ragnarok, gods were non-existant, They created their own bizzaro, of course his first victim is a black superhero.
They created a one way portal to a supervillian prison in the Nzone that they test with their "friends" who didn't register.
Half of Iron Mans side was supervillians with chips in their brains ala Suicide Squad.
Tony man handled Peter Parker in everyway imaginable. He's like, "look i'm rich, i'll give you a job, cuz your smart", "look i'm rich, come live in my penthouse", "look i'm rich have this iron man spider suit" "look i'm rich and i don't hide my identity, YOU SHOULD EXPOSE YOURSELF", then he's like "oh you decide to defect to Caps side, well fuck you! my iron man spidey suit has been monitoring your moves 24/7 and it can out spidey sense you now!"

Civil War was a horrible series, not b/c it did shit, but b/c once it did shit, the ending and consequences were pathetic. Reed and IM were forgiven b/c they were too smart to hate and Pym, the ever long loser was just made into a Skrull cuz he sucks.
They also shot Hulk into space in a antimatter-powered rocket (because they didn't want him getting in the way) and the finale of Planet Hulk (read: Hulk becomes giant green Space Conan) was the rocket exploded and killed almost everyone on the planet except Hulk.

Including his new space-wife.


Blackwing Lair Raider
They also shot Hulk into space in a antimatter-powered rocket (because they didn't want him getting in the way) and the finale of Planet Hulk (read: Hulk becomes giant green Space Conan) was the rocket exploded and killed almost everyone on the planet except Hulk.

Including his new space-wife.
Was that in Civil War? I didn't remember that happening then, the illuminati (or whatever they called the group) shot him into space because he was a rage monster who leveled cities but didn't think it had anything to do with the civil war era issues.


I always throw Illuminati and Civil War in together because they're both basically "Supersmart heroes think they know better than everyone else but massively fuck it up".


Trakanon Raider
Was that in Civil War? I didn't remember that happening then, the illuminati (or whatever they called the group) shot him into space because he was a rage monster who leveled cities but didn't think it had anything to do with the civil war era issues.
If I remember correctly, the illuminati formed and launched hulk into space just before the civil war, planet hulk and civil war happened kind of concurrently (time wise, I believe the planet hulk event was over before Civil war started, publication wise) and world war hulk followed Civil War.


<Prior Amod>
Yea, Illuminati was like "we gotta deal with this Hulk shit, yo", Cuz Illuminati wasn't "smart ppl" cuz the only reason to have Namor there is cuz he's basicaly fucking Poseidon and can drown the world. (they were representatives of, inhumans/mutants/sorcery)

Namor was the only guy with like fucking honor, he's like "fuck no, Hulk is our ally, go fucking cure him or some shit" and IM,Strange, Blackbolt and reed said "nah" fuck him, lets just send him into fucking planetary solitary confinement where he can eats vegetables and shit, "he just wants to be left alone anyway" Yea what about when he turns into fucking regular Human Banner and is like "Hello tree, how are you today?"

They had a lot of other arguments and said fuck this Illuminati shit, and broke up like high schoolers

Then IM got like an early draft of the Registration Act and is like, "hey lets all be cool bros and do this!", No one agrees with him except Reed, but they're like fuck it, we're both smarter than all of them!

(i'm pretty sure at this point Xavier was fucked w/ Mday or some shit, so he's out of the picture)

The irony w/ the Illuminati is that everything they touch has fucked up in every which way, nothing positive has ever come from an Illuminati intervention, and they always break up and come back together like some disfunctional relationship.

Don't forget when every Illuminati was weak willed and couldn't do shit, Cap stepped up to do it, and when he failed, they mind raped him so he wouldn't remember.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
From what they said in interviews, he'll be more like 15-16. He's a high school kid doing his own thing in New York while the Avengers do their thing. Similar to how he is in the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon, sans working with the Defenders.
Jesus that sounds even worse.


Yeah, it comes out in 2017.

It's a reboot into the Disney/Marvel story line. It is still owned by Sony, but they are letting Disney/Marvel call all the shots.


A 16 year old kid running around with veterans like stark, cap and the others is anime levels of story stupidity.
I wish I could find the old comic book where Spider-man gets fired from the Avengers.

Here is another one



Trakanon Raider
his young age could be used as a plot point to help further split people up. how young should people be registered? should he be allowed to be a super hero at 16? registered or otherwise.


Vyemm Raider
I kinda hope they do not introduce Peter Parker in this movie and it is just Spiderman. Will never happen.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The problem with Civil War was the outcome. If they kill Cap (or Iron Man) then how will they bring them back? I'm not sure the average moviegoer is going to be cool with the neverending cycle of death and rebirth in the comics, that us nerds have put up with over the last 30 years. It's shitty writing at its best.



The problem with Civil War was the outcome. If they kill Cap (or Iron Man) then how will they bring them back? I'm not sure the average moviegoer is going to be cool with the neverending cycle of death and rebirth in the comics, that us nerds have put up with over the last 30 years. It's shitty writing at its best.

Cap dies, Bucky becomes Cap avengers beat Thanos. Reality Gem Cap back?


Trakanon Raider
The problem with Civil War was the outcome. If they kill Cap (or Iron Man) then how will they bring them back? I'm not sure the average moviegoer is going to be cool with the neverending cycle of death and rebirth in the comics, that us nerds have put up with over the last 30 years. It's shitty writing at its best.
They did it with Fury. Worked ok. Have the reveal in an after credit scene so there is no Jon Snow BS where we know he's alive because the actor is shown on set.