Captain America: Civil War (2016)


<Prior Amod>
They are definitely making it look like stark is a reluctant "villian".
Well he says things like "If we can't accept limitations, we're not better than the bad guys." So you know his heart is in the right place. They, from the trailer, seem to do a good job in my eyes in making it so you could easily see both sides of their arguments. Which is good, that's how it should be.

It got me in the feels a bit when Cap says "I'm sorry Tony you know I wouldn't do this if I had any other choice, but he's my friend." and a doe eyed Stark looks at him and responds, "So was I...."

Shit's gonna be good man.


The Big Mod
People bitching in the Jessica Jones thread about the power levels not being constant, yet Bucky and Cap beat down power armor that succeeds armor that can take a blast from a tank.

I'm not complaining. I love it all for what it is. Just wish some people might not get all pissy. It's why George Lucas won't make anymore movies. (LOL)
Tony Stark is a faggot. cap and bucky for life


Blackwing Lair Raider
was he really or is this a joke
If you watch the stingers at the end of antman you actually get a bit longer part of the scene with captain and bucky and antman is there so pretty sure he is going to play at least some part in this.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Tony Stark is a faggot. cap and bucky for life
Stark takes everything to the extreme and it keeps biting him and everybody else in the ass. He freaks out about aliens almost kills pepper with his legion of iron man suits. Still freaking out about aliens builds ultron which nearly destroys the world. Now it looks like he is taking repentance to the extreme and going all out authoritarian to try to reign in the damage super heroes aka himself do.


If you watch the stingers at the end of antman you actually get a bit longer part of the scene with captain and bucky and antman is there so pretty sure he is going to play at least some part in this.
He's in the promotional posters so it is almost definite.


Antman, Vision and Spiderman will all supposedly be in this, the only missing ones will be Thor and Hulk as they are tag teaming against fire demons in Ragnarok.


French Madman
Funny how they totally ignored AntMan, Vision, Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch (well we at least had a shot of her) in the trailer yeah.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Stark takes everything to the extreme and it keeps biting him and everybody else in the ass. He freaks out about aliens almost kills pepper with his legion of iron man suits. Still freaking out about aliens builds ultron which nearly destroys the world. Now it looks like he is taking repentance to the extreme and going all out authoritarian to try to reign in the damage super heroes aka himself do.
Pretty sure I would take things to a relative extreme as well if aliens actually attacked Earth in this reality. Given his character's ego, it makes perfect sense that he would actually react the way he has. As the story arc progresses, so does the character. It will be interesting to me, to see what does happens to him, when we reach Thanos.


The reason Bucky is important in this movie

Plot spoilers

The plot of the movie focuses on Bucky being a wanted war criminal. After the Hydra breakdown Baron Zemo leaks a bunch of documents that show Bucky as the Winter Soldier had killed a bunch of important people including Kennedy he also killed Tony Stark's Father.

After AOU the world governments want to pass a law that strips the identities of superheroes and makes them tied to government groups. Cap opposes this but Tony does not things come to a head when Tony finds out Cap is hiding Bucky and that splits the Avengers in two.

It's basically a mishmash Civil War and Brubaker's Trial of Captain America


Log Wizard
Also that "old guy" is General Thunderbolt Ross. I don't think I'd want him running my team, either.


Nope, he's still with a contract option for Infinity Wars part 2. But they're probably going to have him "retire from superhero affairs" following some form of humbling failure at the end of the movie.
With the Infinite gauntlet in play they could easily kill off anyone just to bring them back for Infinity War. Cap could die at the end of Civil War, then Infinity War starts with Tony looking for the time gem to undo his death because he feels guilty. Thor dies at the end of Ragnarok but needs to be resurrected by using one of the missing gems to fight Thanos. It's a movie based around collecting magic stones that give god like powers anything is possible. I would be shocked if multiple characters aren't killed and resurrected by the time Infinity Wars 2 is finished.


The Big Mod
With the Infinite gauntlet in play they could easily kill off anyone just to bring them back for Infinity War. Cap could die at the end of Civil War, then Infinity War starts with Tony looking for the time gem to undo his death because he feels guilty. Thor dies at the end of Ragnarok but needs to be resurrected by using one of the missing gems to fight Thanos. It's a movie based around collecting magic stones that give god like powers anything is possible. I would be shocked if multiple characters aren't killed and resurrected by the time Infinity Wars 2 is finished.
i hope not, that would be fucking lame. if you're dead you should stay dead. none of this dragonball z resurrection shit.


The Big Mod
With the Infinite gauntlet in play they could easily kill off anyone just to bring them back for Infinity War. Cap could die at the end of Civil War, then Infinity War starts with Tony looking for the time gem to undo his death because he feels guilty. Thor dies at the end of Ragnarok but needs to be resurrected by using one of the missing gems to fight Thanos. It's a movie based around collecting magic stones that give god like powers anything is possible. I would be shocked if multiple characters aren't killed and resurrected by the time Infinity Wars 2 is finished.
i hope not, that would be fucking lame. if you're dead you should stay dead. none of this dragonball z resurrection shit.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
thing about stark, is that no matter how much he grows up, he's still tony stark and tony stark is an ego-maniac. He absolutely cannot reign that in. it's who he is. before he was ironman, he was the stereotypical playboy billionaire. as soon as he has his come to jesus moment with being a glorified arms dealer, he grows up and loses a large portion of his care free attitude, but he's still a raging egocentric lunatic. for the average person, it wouldn't make sense for them to act the way he does. When cap says that bucky is a better friend than tony, RDJ does a GREAT job of portraying that subtle nervous breakdown that tony would feel when someone he respects tells him he's not the best at something.


Molten Core Raider
Paul Rudd filmed his parts for the movie in under 7 days. So he is in there but not a huge part.

Hawkeye is in the trailer for a few seconds when the two teams are running towards each other. He is on team Cap.

Also Crossbones is the first act of the films big bad guy per Frank Grilo's (he played Rumlow the leader of the strike team in Winter Solider who went down fighting Falcon) twitter earlier this year when he was filming for the movie. Baron Zemo is the main real bad guy of the film, but he is a string puller mostly.