Captain America: Civil War (2016)


Mr. Poopybutthole
In Winter Soldier they really figured out just the right amount of exaggeration to make Cap's fight scenes fucking awesome. Glad to see it carry on.

Also, Scarlet Witch/Cap Fastball Special. Nice.
Cap was fucking terrible in Cap 1 and Avengers. Winter Soldier completely turned him around.


Life's a Dream
I agree completely. Cap 1 didn't do anything for me, but I accepted it because I wanted Avengers. Cap 2 is probably my favorite marvel movie thus far, but it sounds like Cap 3 is going to take that title for me.


<Bronze Donator>
I'm in the minority i suppose, i loved cap 1, felt it was a good origin story.

Sure cap 2 was better, but as far as initial origin stories to set up the universe cap 1 is right there with iron man for me.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I didn't hate the movie, I just hated how pedestrian Captain America seemed, and it got even worse in Avengers when he even seemed lame compared to Widow, much less the rest of the Avengers. Cap 2 and Age of Ultron he suddenly seems like he belongs with the Avengers.


Log Wizard
Cap 1 was... rough. The story was good as him rising up and up to the experiment. Red Skull was good. But the hydra weapon lasers, the lame 'footage' action montage, and some of the direction was just very meh. It could've been amazing. Instead it was just 'okay'.

Cap 2, however, is fucking great all around. Watching Cap fight mortal men is the best part of any Cap movie though. When he holds his own against a super, even though it's true to canon, it just feels a bit lame. Hopefully there's plenty of goons for him to dispatch in Civil War.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Really wish they would just start shooting people with guns again. Little annoying to see randomguy_01 take a hit to the chest that would break every bone in it and liquefy his organs yet not die. BvS was full of it, batman probably killed 20 dudes in that movie.


El Presidente
Holy shit, expectations are so high, just hope I don't end up disappointed because I expected something unreasonable.


Golden Squire
I don't see any way this movie won't be my movie of the year.

I'm glad the guys who directed this have taken over Avengers, AoU sucked compared to Cap 2.


Life's a Dream
One of Weadon's (director of Avengers & Avengers: AoU) problems was that Iron Man 3 really fucked things up with the series. Suddenly he quits doing everything and blows up his Iron Man armor, yet he's back again with the start of Age of Ultron as though that never happened. It's almost like Iron Man 3 was the movie version of an Anime "filler episode".

I realize that Age of Ultron wasn't as good as the first Avengers (and even that had problems), but it was still good. I definitely enjoyed seeing it. But I guess something happens when there are too many chefs in the kitchen.


One of Weadon's (director of Avengers & Avengers: AoU) problems was that Iron Man 3 really fucked things up with the series. Suddenly he quits doing everything and blows up his Iron Man armor, yet he's back again with the start of Age of Ultron as though that never happened. It's almost like Iron Man 3 was the movie version of an Anime "filler episode".

I realize that Age of Ultron wasn't as good as the first Avengers (and even that had problems), but it was still good. I definitely enjoyed seeing it. But I guess something happens when there are too many chefs in the kitchen.
Agreed, it was still a good movie, but I think the main problem with AoU was Ultron himself. Loki was a much better villain in the first Avengers because he was portrayed by a person who's a really good actor. Ultron, while powerful and threatening in what he did, didn't really translate to the screen very well - uncanny valley and all that.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority opinion here, but every time I re-watch AoU I like it even more. Really solid action, and Ultron has grown on me quite a bit, and I even liked him coming out of the theater for the first time. I dunno, I thought it was a damn good installment personally. It's possible I'm untainted by comic representations of Ultron, as I've never seen him depicted, other than simply knowing of his existence from owning all the Marvel trading cards when I was a kid. But I thought they did a really good job of depicting him as an AI based somewhat off of Tony's personality. I crack up at the end when Hulk leaps into the plane or w/e those things are that Ultron is using to fly away from the flying island, and you just hear Ultron say "oh for the love of..."

It also might help that I have a man-crush on James Spader ever since Boston Legal.

-edit- To add some on-topic stuff: This just keeps looking more and more amazing each trailer/teaser. I will probably have to stop watching them if any more get released. I just can't even.


Trakanon Raider
Cap was fucking terrible in Cap 1 and Avengers. Winter Soldier completely turned him around.
I've said it before, but Cap's biggest issue in Avengers was the fact he looked like he was wearing pajamas. Cap 2 and AoU got him in a costume that was more in line with the rest of the team.

On another note, Team Cap was good on Kimmel last night. Evans said something that made me stop and think. He was talking about being a Patriots fan and meeting some of them and being embarrassed because he wasn't a sports guy due to being busy acting in plays. I guess you see him over the last 5 years being this huge dude and forget that he's an arts guy. He also talked about being scared of committing to a 9 movie deal, but is past that now and having fun making these movie. Guess if I got to hang out with Scarlet Johanson and Elizabeth Olsen on set I'd be having fun too.


Silver Knight of the Realm
He also talked about being scared of committing to a 9 movie deal, but is past that now and having fun making these movie. Guess if I got to hang out with Scarlet Johanson and Elizabeth Olsen on set I'd be having fun too.
He has a 9 movie deal? Wonder what are going to be the other two movies.

Cap 1, 2 and 3, Avengers 1, 2 and Infinity War 1, 2. That's only seven movies.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Pretty sure infinity war only counts as one. I could be wrong though, but I remember reading that it's being filmed as one movie in two parts so it doesn't affect the contracts


Silver Knight of the Realm


what Suineg set it to
So is the only thing stopping Ironman from becoming unstoppable Black Panther and not letting him make a Vibranium alloy suit of armor?