Captain America: Civil War (2016)


Mr. Poopybutthole
Physics doesn't really work in these movies. Super Strength, for example, doesn't also make you heavier or give your shoes better grip. Take the Winter Soldier stealing the guys motorcycle, for example. He grabs the handlebars as the guy rides past, picks up the bike, twirls it around and places it down so he can climb on to it. Where did the velocity of the moving bike go?

I still loved that movie, stupid physics or not.
It was funny to me specifically because we've had a discussion in one of the threads here specifically about how his shield obeys absolutely no laws of physics.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I did get a good laugh out of Spiderman pointing out that the shield doesn't obey the laws of physics.
Me too. It's like they were making fun of the nerds you'd find on this site. Same thing when RDJ was asking why Aunt May was so hot and young. There were some meta moments.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I was the only one in the theater to laugh at that joke.
I loved that joke. It was great to see humor being pointed at obvious physics flaws *Cough* Antman *Cough*.

I loved the movie but I have to rate it just below Winter Soldier. This movie felt more like Avengers Civil War than Captain America's movie. The pacing was good but not quite as fluid as Winter Soldier, which is obviously due to the number of characters involved. They never even used his music from Winter Soldier which I felt was excellent. That being said, the music was fairly generic. The story was very well done and I enjoyed all the tie ins. Given the complexity of trying to manage all the characters, it does make me wonder just how the hell they are going to do the final Avenger movies.

A solid 9/10 and well worth watching multiple times.


Trakanon Raider
Me too. It's like they were making fun of the nerds you'd find on this site. Same thing when RDJ was asking why Aunt May was so hot and young. There were some meta moments.
This is why I both love and hate you guys... and can't stay away


Mr. Poopybutthole
The one big thing I didn't like about the movie was the letter Cap sent Tony at the end. "Hey, you tried to murder my friend and probably would have murdered me too, and I know your BFF may never fully recover from that severe spinal injury he suffered as a direct result of our fight at the airfield, but we still cool"


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The one big thing I didn't like about the movie was the letter Cap sent Tony at the end. "Hey, you tried to murder my friend and probably would have murdered me too, and I know your BFF may never fully recover from that severe spinal injury he suffered as a direct result of our fight at the airfield, but we still cool"
But the guy killed his mother so you know.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Physics doesn't really work in these movies. Super Strength, for example, doesn't also make you heavier or give your shoes better grip. Take the Winter Soldier stealing the guys motorcycle, for example. He grabs the handlebars as the guy rides past, picks up the bike, twirls it around and places it down so he can climb on to it. Where did the velocity of the moving bike go?

I still loved that movie, stupid physics or not.
Yup I ignore comic physics because I don't care how strong you are mass and momentum would win in a lot of these scenes and while it would be more accurate I don't think people go to comic movies for accuracy.
Physics doesn't really work in these movies. Super Strength, for example, doesn't also make you heavier or give your shoes better grip. Take the Winter Soldier stealing the guys motorcycle, for example. He grabs the handlebars as the guy rides past, picks up the bike, twirls it around and places it down so he can climb on to it. Where did the velocity of the moving bike go?
It went, "COOOOOOOL!"


<Gold Donor>
SeeHD one?
I'm not sure if that is the one he's talking about, but I did watch that one the other night and can say that the well-lit parts of it looked fantastic. There were some really dark parts that were almost impossible to see like always though. But if you've already seen the movie it isn't a big deal, and if you haven't it is still the best you are probably going to get for a few months. Short of an actual disc leaking, I don't know how it could get any better.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Ok so cam rips arent normally that good? I made a comment a few pages back
I downloaded a cam to see what the hell I might have missed and the 2nd post credit scene and holy crap. Didnt realize how good the quality of cams have gotten, almost looks like a DVD


<Gold Donor>
No, they aren't normally that good. They usually have a lot more color bleed, excessively light and dark parts, etc. Audio has gotten a lot better because apparently people get access to the line audio easily somehow, so at least you don't get crowd noise. But plenty of cams still might have some dude stand up in the middle of the movie, or have a few minutes cut out due to technical/quality issues, etc. I don't watch many cams unless I've already seen the movie in theaters because I figure if I want to see it that badly I can spend a few bucks and go see it, but the ones I have seen are nowhere close to this one. I actually have a hard time believing that this is a camera set up on a tripod recording the screen, it is that good. It still has issues with light/dark like I said, so it clearly isn't a straight recording of a source, but it is pretty fucking good.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ok so cam rips arent normally that good? I made a comment a few pages back
They usually suck. I've noticed the last few months, that they are getting a lot better. But they are still no substitute for the real thing.