Captain Marvel (2019)


<Prior Amod>
The most "offensive" parts of the movie to "white men" would be her ignoring some catcalling and getting visibly irrated a moment about a "cockpit" joke. Stuff that in my line of work (HR for those that have forgotten), are day one examples of displays of musculinity that aren't appropriate. (And that was by late 90's standards, mind you... I educated a long time ago, and in a conservative business school)

or how with almost every origin story they just make a central status quo character a female
gotg - nova prime
dr strange - the ancient one
captain mar vell - thanos' greatest enemy whose final losing battle was to cancer, his death is so sacred he almost never gets resurrected, and when he does, it's a "haha fooled you, just some clone, mar vell is truly dead", mar vell and uncle ben DO NOT get revived

nope, replace him w/ some uppity bitch.
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Millie's Staff Member
After the "cat" scratches him across the eye, someone asks if he's alright and he says "Sure it's just a cat scratch" and you get a close-up of Talos going "Oh noes" because he knows that's not a cat and Flerken scratches are apparently really bad for you. Cut to Fury needing a glass eye / eyepatch in the next scene. Rocket science really...
Its so stupid. I'm starting to think the movie might be pulling a fast one. Cuz I would not still keep that mofo next to me if it cost me an eye. Could be goose swiped something that was near fury's eye and the something was some ant sized anomoly! Or yeah it's just fucking stupid because it's a bad movie
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<Gold Donor>
You need to stop listening to other people and assuming things are connected that aren't.

The most "offensive" parts of the movie to "white men" would be her ignoring some catcalling and getting visibly irrated a moment about a "cockpit" joke. Stuff that in my line of work (HR for those that have forgotten), are day one examples of displays of musculinity that aren't appropriate. (And that was by late 90's standards, mind you... I educated a long time ago, and in a conservative business school)

At least if people were making complaints about the
Refugees aren't always bad
subtheme I could get it, since that's a major part of the film. But saying "white guys won't get this movie" because she said in the past that all movies shouldn't be geared for "white guys" is moonman logic. At no point did she say "And I refuse to be part of any movies geared towards guys again..." or any other assumed context.

Um, you need to stop making shit up. I never said anything about your last two sentences regarding white guys not getting movies nor did I claim she made any statement about refusing to be a part of projects for white men.

My issue is in our current political/social climate she knows full well the effects her comments would have. All she had to say is "Reviewer X is entitled to his opinion, but the opinion that matters most to me is the minority girl this movie was made for." Instead she went with the low hanging fruit/lowest common denominator/race baiting/down with white men because they are evil narrative that is far from atypical currently in our country. I know the majority of things in this country are made for white men, because well white men are the majority (of the male population), but I would never say to one of my black friends his opinion on Bill & Ted's does not matter because he is black.

I get that bad things have been done to minorities and in some cases still happen today, but let's not forget that this country is by far the least bigoted and most free country in the history of earth and guess what it was built by white men. I am so tired of these tribal politics, I am tired of hearing about appropriation of Culture X. Not that I believe this, but just to be cynical the next time someone says "hey, you cannot do that XYZ because you are appropriating my culture" I want to say "hey, you cannot tell me what to do because telling people what to do is part of my white male culture and you are not allowed to appropriate that." Ridiculous right? Well that is my point.

I am tired of women saying they are equal to men in all ways, no they aren't we are biologically different in so many ways and in saying that I am also saying men are not equal to women. Add in millions of years of evolution and the differences are staggering, why not celebrate those differences and be complimentary toward one another? Women cannot compete with men in the vast majority of physical activities/athletic feats it is just a fact. Even our brains are different, take the game of Pool for example the best female player in the world would get smoked by the best male in the world, why? Because of evolution and spatial awareness along the hunter gather lines. Does that make women less than men? No. I am tired of hearing that women are oppressed in this country, women out number men and have more college degrees than men.

I believe in free speech and I am not here to shut women up nor any minority out there, but when I am attacked every day via the media because I am a white middle aged male then yes, I am going to speak up. However I am not going to use racial rhetoric nor will I use any sexist rhetoric when I do. I attack the message first and the individual second if needed. Look at that razor blade add from a month or so ago, I am tired of the narrative that being male and masculine is bad. I am tired of being told I should feel guilty for being white and that my opinion does not matter. I am tried of being told I am privileged because I am white and never had to deal with real adversity. I did not feel privileged when I was literally getting ass raped as a kid. We all have our shit to overcome and everyone deserves respect until they don't deserve respect.

TLDR: Brie could have used very different language to make the point she was going for, but she didn't. She went the route of the lowest common denominator to get traction and attention in the media. It's not just Brie, it is Kathleen Kennedy and many other people trying to force their agenda at my expense. I just want to live my life and raise my kids to respect themselves and others, but how can I take my kids to a movie where the star has bashed me. What message would I be sending to my kids?
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Trakanon Raider
I dunno, the whole “last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye” line gets funnier and funnier to me the more I think about it. Whatever, I don’t mind it.
I find myself honestly enjoying the angle they went with.

Fury's whole character is "super competent ultimate badass," so I thought having him lose his eye playing with an alien cat that got pissy was actually a fun twist.
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Buzzfeed Editor
When something isn't geared for a group? Yes, its appropriate.

If I make a movie about hating a random celebrity in China that no one in the US has ever heard of besides those with connections to China, would anyone but those that have the cultural reference be able to review my potential masterpiece correctly? To compare it to my recent art class I took (working on a pivot in my career now, wife's health decline will make travel a bad idea and income in my current career is limited without travel) - I made many pieces that the teacher, roughly a similar age to me, that blew his socks off for a neophyte but yet every single other student (normal student ages) didn't get a single one of my pieces. [And the praise he heaped on me was unique among the students]

She didn't say they're irrelevant - she said IN CONTEXT TO FILMS THAT WERE CULTURALLY ALIEN TO THEM they were irrelevant. Again, see my Madea reference above. I hated the one Madea movie I tried to watch, I think they're dumpster fire tier - but clearly audience score (and revenue) show that there's an audience for it and that critics are drastically out of touch with urban black life or whatever culture she's supposed to represent.

Valclav, could you make a movie for white males and tell black people and women that their opinions on it are not relevant? Would that be acceptable? Isn't the whole point of characters like Carol Danvers to stop comics from being so "white male centric"--isn't that LITERALLY why this movie is supposedly "important", because its a BAD thing for "white males" to dominate a field of culture? Isn't DIVERSITY all about STOPPING this exclusionary style of art? So again, if I made a movie for white males, and said its only for white males, don't review it you blacks and women, because its white male culture, how would you react?

You are twisting yourself into knots to try and defend this, because you're attempting to not address your double think. Is there a piece of culture or entertainment that is only white and male, and thus off limits or unable to be commented on by women or minorities? Can white males have something like that? (For fuck sake, look at the outrage of Eqsuire doing a portrait of what its like to be a white boy in the midwest. Because even speaking of those evil white males is considered bad. Do you HONESTLY believe white males could have their own films that they could tell others their commentary of is not relevant?)
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Buzzfeed Editor
PunieHop PunieHop stop being a cowardly faggot.

Heh, Nooo, Punie and Tarsik (Sp?) whatever are highlights of my day. Whenever I see a neg from them I know I'm hitting the bullseye. I like them better than upvotes from others. If people who disagree with you express their anger but can't summon up an argument, its the best confirmation they have nothing, and are salty as fuck. I love it.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Heh, Nooo, Punie and Tarsik (Sp?) whatever are highlights of my day. Whenever I see a neg from them I know I'm hitting the bullseye. I like them better than upvotes from others. If people who disagree with you express their anger but can't summon up an argument, its the best confirmation they have nothing, and are salty as fuck. I love it.

Actually I wouldn't be surprised if Punie and Tarrisk are the same account. I find it funny they get mad enough to neg apparently several posters but yet are too cowardly to post an opinion.
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Karazhan Raider
She didn't say they're irrelevant - she said IN CONTEXT TO FILMS THAT WERE CULTURALLY ALIEN TO THEM they were irrelevant.

This is wrong.

Catering a film, work or whatever to a specific audience is fine but everyone else's opinion is not irrelevant. Would a woman's opinion of a conan-like movie be irrelevant? No, although she is not the main intended audience. Would a man's opinion of some shitty rom com be irrelevant? No.

It's alright to have different markets and niche genres, whatnot and shit for every sort of audience. As Oblio Oblio said here
I do have an issue when her message to be inclusive also includes a message of exclusivity.
The problem is "inclusivity" in air quotes by way of exclusivity. These folk are not tactful speakers, they share a coercive rather than collaborative mentality. They speak for an explicit purpose which is fanatical feminism. They are almost always socialists too. Folks who don't share the same mentality can easily detect their language.

Tl;dr you're all slack jawed faggots.
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Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Not only do I have no desire to watch this movie, after Brie's antics I don't even have a desire to jerk off to her. Contrast that to WW, which is worth repeated viewings AND wankings. SAD.
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<Gold Donor>
Not only do I have no desire to watch this movie, after Brie's antics I don't even have a desire to jerk off to her. Contrast that to WW, which is worth repeated viewings AND wankings. SAD.

My wife thought WW was terrible and well she is a WOMAN so you are wrong that movie is bad your opinion does not matter unless you are a minority then it matters almost as much as hers.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Valclav, could you make a movie for white males and tell black people and women that their opinions on it are not relevant? Would that be acceptable? Isn't the whole point of characters like Carol Danvers to stop comics from being so "white male centric"--isn't that LITERALLY why this movie is supposedly "important", because its a BAD thing for "white males" to dominate a field of culture? Isn't DIVERSITY all about STOPPING this exclusionary style of art? So again, if I made a movie for white males, and said its only for white males, don't review it you blacks and women, because its white male culture, how would you react?

You are twisting yourself into knots to try and defend this, because you're attempting to not address your double think. Is there a piece of culture or entertainment that is only white and male, and thus off limits or unable to be commented on by women or minorities? Can white males have something like that? (For fuck sake, look at the outrage of Eqsuire doing a portrait of what its like to be a white boy in the midwest. Because even speaking of those evil white males is considered bad. Do you HONESTLY believe white males could have their own films that they could tell others their commentary of is not relevant?)

Actually no, I think such a thing would be awesome if there was some sort of better metricing so that there was a "white guy" score (or maybe even subsection it to "Nerd white guys" and "jock white guys"'! Since there does seem to be some movies that only appeal to each subsection) and a "ladies" score, etc.

Sure, maybe throw an overall in there too - but wouldn't it be better for girls to be able to pop on there and get a fair indication of how likely they are to like a movie? Or a black dude? Or an asian housewife?

There should be more representation in film critics so that we all get represented. It's a common sense thing - unless you're myopic about the big picture.
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Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
My wife thought WW was terrible and well she is a WOMAN so you are wrong that movie is bad your opinion does not matter unless you are a minority then it matters almost as much as hers.

I'm a minority and your wife is just jealous that Gal is hotter than she is. She probably spent the whole movie wondering why she felt unsettled, without realizing that she was being subconsciously jealous of the fact that you were stare raping gal for 2 hours straight.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
This is wrong.

Catering a film, work or whatever to a specific audience is fine but everyone else's opinion is not irrelevant. Would a woman's opinion of a conan-like movie be irrelevant? No, although she is not the main intended audience. Would a man's opinion of some shitty rom com be irrelevant? No.

And you're putting words in my mouth here - I mean it only as that there should be examples of MANY cultures to balance out the picture. (and possibly better aggregation that gives "girl" scores, "Black dude" scores, etc rather than one-size fits most as we use right now.

I took it (and on a reread, still take it) as "We need more diversity ADDED to the pool of reviewers to give all movies a fair shake even if they're outside of the normal white male target demo". Which is true, that would make for better reviewing, especially for those niche groups.


<Gold Donor>
Actually no, I think such a thing would be awesome if there was some sort of better metricing so that there was a "white guy" score (or maybe even subsection it to "Nerd white guys" and "jock white guys"'! Since there does seem to be some movies that only appeal to each subsection) and a "ladies" score, etc.

Sure, maybe throw an overall in there too - but wouldn't it be better for girls to be able to pop on there and get a fair indication of how likely they are to like a movie? Or a black dude? Or an asian housewife?

There should be more representation in film critics so that we all get represented. It's a common sense thing - unless you're myopic about the big picture.

Huh...MLK was so fucking myopic. He wasn't woke I guess.

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<Gold Donor>
I'm a minority and your wife is just jealous that Gal is hotter than she is. She probably spent the whole movie wondering why she felt unsettled, without realizing that she was being subconsciously jealous of the fact that you were stare raping gal for 2 hours straight.

I give you an A for effort, but my wife is pretty easy on the eyes.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Huh...MLK was so fucking myopic. He wasn't woke I guess (Clipped Pic)

Stop posting drunk and wait to be sober to read thingsr.... you might understand why your weak attempts to be edgy are completely nonsensical.

If you're honestly getting that as an appropriate response to my post sober, I'd recommend psychiatric assistance because there's some serious neuron misfiring in play. Just like your older post I was in the process of responding to that I decided wasn't worth the effort after this lack of comprehension.

I'll include the one important bit:
Brie Larson is sick of being interviewed by ‘white dudes’

That was one of the articles that covered the initial "I don't care what white dudes think" theorycraft bit. Which really doesn't say that, she said, in fact, exactly what you said would make sense - more diversity in who is part of the pool of critics.

I do as a white male nerd type fit with most general reviewers, so I do hope if such is done places make a better concentrated effort to make some form of lumping to narrow "my reviewers" from other groups so I can estimate my odds of enjoying something well - but it's not hard to see the benefit to "her" concept. In fact so much so that you agree with her message, just took umbrage to her phrasing when somewhere ran it (likely with a partial quote with zero context to explain it) for you to consume and react to.
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