Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde


<WoW Guild Officer>
What's the hunter quota? I noticed undead can be hunters now and they're fun as fuck, so couldn't resist. However, if we need healers/tanks just let me know, and I'll keep it as an alt.

I tanked and healed on a raid level through most content pre-Cataclysm so if we need those, say the word.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Play whatever class you want, roll a hybrid if you aren't sure.
Yeah, I don't think we're at a point where you need to worry about filling a role. Play something you'll want to play(and actually keep playing).


Lord Nagafen Raider
5 Hunters in guild currently, at least 3 have alts in guild as well fwiw (me included but I do plan on maining my Hunter), 2 Rogues (1 90), 4 Shaman (1 90, 1 60).
i've got everything but a monk and shaman 85+. trying to figure out what to possibly bring over. just resubbed after a very long hiatus and admittedly, i have too many chars. can't decide what to do so i just fizzle out after farming old raids.

have lots of time on my isboxer account too. does anyone have experience multiboxing in wow?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I haven't reactivated my account yet. Does someone want to send me a scroll of ressurection? Does that still exist and does it give both of us benefits?


A Mod Real Quick
Anyone played DK in the expac? They've basically been neutering that class and although I still level it as my main I basically don't love it like I did when I was a MT in Ulduar hard modes back in the day. It may have been OP, but they ruined it. Hows it playing now?

Is warrior the better tank?


Toe Sucker
Currently.. DK is by far the best tank in the game, but i dont think they're the best in WoD atm.
Wod is like... bear druids and warriors at the top, but this is from like.. 2 months ago so im not sure how they adjusted them at all.

Either way they all seem pretty balanced.

I'm going for that paladin swag though, can't help but love consecrate that follows you around... the entire floor will always be yellow cracked fire~


The one mount I really wish I got was the ZG tiger mount before it went away forever.
I got the last one I think. Ran ZG an hour before patch that removed it, tiger dropped. My luckiest mmo moment ever

Anyone played DK in the expac? They've basically been neutering that class and although I still level it as my main I basically don't love it like I did when I was a MT in Ulduar hard modes back in the day. It may have been OP, but they ruined it. Hows it playing now?

Is warrior the better tank?
I haven't played DK too much since LK, but I just rolled one on Hyjal and ran a bg. Feels basically like I remember it, sans heart strike. Blood now uses death coil as it's rune dump. I like it so far, only 58 tho.

Always looking for an excuse to claw out a foothold on a new server and level a new character.
