China suffers worst wheat harvest in 55 years


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
In the 80's there was a panic that the Japanese were taking over our country and industries and buying up half of NYC etc. These days its the Chinese.

China has immense potential but immense structural problems too. I think China doing well helps us all, but I'm taking a wait and see attitude.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Based on what? The bullshit numbers the Chinese government provides?

China's economy is in trouble. How bad is it? - Aug. 21, 2015

I mean, the first two fucking sentences sums it up...

There is almost no way that China's economy is growing as well as the government says it is.
For years, experts have questioned whether China cooks its books.
Is China cooking its books? - Jul. 15, 2015

In 2007, Li Keqiang, a Chinese provincial official, let the American ambassador in on a little secret: China's GDP figures are "man-made" and therefore "unreliable."
He told the ambassador that most of the country's economic data, and especially its GDP, should be used for "reference only," according to a diplomatic cable published by Wikileaks.


Trakanon Raider
Based on what? The bullshit numbers the Chinese government provides?
Right, because the entire world simply just takes the numbers of the Chinese government and treats them as gospel. There's no independent analysts, think tanks, NGO's, or other governments that do their own research on China's economy.

Can you find a single credible source that disputes the size of China's economy? Because the IMF, World Bank, and CIA all say that it's either the largest or second largest economy on the planet. It just depends if you're going by purchasing power parity or nominal GDP.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Right, because the entire world simply just takes the numbers of the Chinese government and treats them as gospel. There's no independent analysts, think tanks, NGO's, or other governments that do their own research on China's economy.
There are and most come to the same conclusion, it's a lie.

Can you find a single credible source that disputes the size of China's economy?
I posted it above, but heres a more in-depth read on it.

China's GDP is "man-made," unreliable: top leader


Murder Apologist
Well they haven't devalued the rmb AGAIN (they insisted it was a one-off) but if they do then it's a signal that they're reversing on the 5-year plan to push for a domestic consumption and going back to exports for growth.

IF Beijjing signals a reversal like that, it would validate the view that the PBOC is panicking and then we'd be in the shit for sure.


Registered Hutt
I hope they succeed with domestic consumption, but I think they need to chill on the heavy handed state sponsored corrections. If the world loses faith in China it will be a problem for economic growth across the entire developed world. It's not "too big to fail" but it's big enough to rock the boat for years to come. I'm curious how China's situation is affecting the TPP. I think it gives us less power to negotiate draconian IP protection as the prime motivator of the south asian parties is developing an alternative to chinese competition.


Registered Hutt
yea, but it's something they've been trying to do less of. As their economy grows more complex central control becomes less effective on such an overt level.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
yea, but it's something they've been trying to do less of.
No they haven't. They're still going fucking hog wild non stop. And its incredibly stupid, because taking asian's money is the one way to get them to murder you, yet the asian need to control shit is the main reason they can't stop.

They could literally murder and torture millions of chinese and none of the other chinese would give a fuck, because they probably had it coming for being different enough to get noticed. But take 50% of some asians retirement? Fucking revolutionary times at hand.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
but I think they need to chill on the heavy handed state sponsored corrections.
Err, read some chinese history bro, their govt going totally hog wild doing crazy shit is like, a central theme to their entire culture since time immemorial.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
yea, but it's something they've been trying to do less of. As their economy grows more complex central control becomes less effective on such an overt level.
their economy is nothing like ours


Registered Hutt
I'm familiar with the level of state sponsored projects both the current communist regime and ancient regimes got up to. The current administration, specifically Xi, are trying to shift the economy from investments and exports to domestic consumption, and lower growth was forecast already. But the stock collapse is causing political pressure on the administration, especially from people who have been affected by Xi's corruption crackdown. They say the new normal is too much too soon, and that the crackdown is little more than an attack on Xi's political opposition. So the state is trying to have its cake and eat it too, pushing for financial and political reforms while manipulating the market more than it should according to its reform goals.

It's really a no-win situation. I think Xi's efforts are good for the potential of chinese democracy and capitalism, but how they're traveling to that destination is getting messy quickly. There is currently an ebb in support for the president among the political elite, but they don't want to lose face in the eyes of the world so how they handle the crisis of leadership is an open question. The abdication of the pope comes to mind, but I doubt Xi will be so visibly set aside. More likely the state run heavy industries and military will just quietly fail to comply for the length of his term if the situation continues to decline.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
they could never have a long term domestic consumption economy. one child policy makes it impossible in the near future and it would take like 25+ years to fix the demographics if they full reversed today which they won't. Also their banks function nothing like the west, their investments are totally controlled by the state.


Registered Hutt
One child doesn't affect the entire population. China's population has never stopped growing. It has doubled since 1960. The rate of growth has been similar both pre and post one child policy being enacted. There are a lot of legal exceptions and semi-legal shenanigans people use to avoid it. If they repealed it today the birthrate would probably only increase marginally, and for a short period.

Regarding the impossibility of a long term consumption economy, I just don't know what you're smoking. They're practically already there. Service is growing while manufacturing is downsizing. They're growing up with or without political pressure to do so.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I mean sure past 25-30+ years they could fix it and make it work right but you can see the effect of things like the great leap forward or one child policy very easily in their age distribution which is all fucked up. they aren't the only ones with a fucked up demographic atm, europe is probably worse.

Young workers provide the consumption because they don't own anything so they borrow. middle age workers provide the investment capital because they are saving and investing their money. old people are almost out of the system, don't provide either growth or much capital relatively. China doesn't have enough young people to keep a consumption economy running and growing, china will be older than america in like a decade without a large enough replacement generation to keep a consumption economy growing. Internal demand will fall sharply when the current crop of 25 year olds turns into middle age investors.


compare that to america


Also it remains to be seen if china will mass import people to fix their demographics like western countries have been forced to. They're way more racist, they probably won't.


what Suineg set it to
In the 80's there was a panic that the Japanese were taking over our country and industries and buying up half of NYC etc. These days its the Chinese.

China has immense potential but immense structural problems too. I think China doing well helps us all, but I'm taking a wait and see attitude.
Reminds me of :

Prophetic anyway, if only the last few pages.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Is there any major country in the world that doesn't cook it's GDP/Inflation books?

Running Dog_sl

China cut it's rates again today. According to the Peoples Bank of China, they have "recently perfected the exchange rate of the RMB against the US dollar."

So China's back on the "growth at all costs" path and never mind the debt. This will end well.