Christopher Dorner- Hero or Villain


well are you going to cry about it on the Internet or are you gonna go kill those motherfuckers?
Lets just say, when you stomp one roach, the others scurry and hide in the shadows, it takes time to get em all.
I was using myself as an example to support your position on the subject: I hope LA runs red also.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Villain, Villains kill the meek.

Villains are always substantially more likely to write a manifesto before doing so.

At best it's a revenge plot against other corrupt officers, two corrupt cops might make a neutral/positive if they kill each other, but if they're killing the meek and undeserved than it's just a negative.

Most likely it's just a narcissist gone full socio, and I know all about those types.
I recall this Manifesto once called "The Declaration of Independence". Of course, you probably didn't study that one in history class or anything. LOL


Riddle me this...
I recall this Manifesto once called "The Declaration of Independence". Of course, you probably didn't study that one in history class or anything. LOL
This manifesto sounds interesting, tell me more!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Well Jx...what had happen wuz, a loooooong ass time ago, some people were under the thumb of an oppressive bunch of dicks. These dicks were always taking people's stuff, being mean to people, and shooting them up and stuff. So this group of fellas said, "Hey Jack, this is some bullshit. We need to do something." So they did everything all legal like, and wrote letters, and had hearings and all that stuff. BUT, the dicks in power were...well, they were dicks. BUT, they had the power so they figured they'd just keep on keepin' on. When the people had just had about enough, they got these things called guns, and they started putting holes in the dicks. (Not the cool Prince Albert kind, but the shitty "Blarg I'm Dead" kind). When the head Dick in charge over the big pond heard about this, he sent a whole shit ton of dicks with guns. They were a veritable army. Some people were like, "We dun fucked up nao!" but luckily these boss pimps wrote the manifesto called the Declaration of Independence. Not to bore you wit' da jibber jabber, basically it said, "Fuck off England. We killin' 'erebody up in here loyal to da Kang." And that's what they did. Men women and children who sided with the head Brit dick got a trip to hell via a lead bullet travelling PDQ.

Same thing w/ my man Dorner. I hope he gets a baker's dozen of the pricks.


Musty Nester
Villian. The guy is just homocidal. Every killer has a reason. Usually they're bad reasons. Sometimes they're fairly good reasons. Occasionally they're very good reasons. Being grandiose about your reason doesn't make it justice. It only makes you deranged in a different way.

If he's smart, he's already in Mexico. Of course, I said the exact same thing when they were looking for O.J.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Neither. Obviously, this guy's career was his life and being a gigantic black dude, I have to think the constant racism in the LAPD wound him up pretty tight. Clearly the LAPD is corrupt as fuck and always has been and this guy made the suicidal choice of going out making a statement about it. Everyone loses here. The LAPD is going to get a microscope rammed up its ass, especially after gunning down random other people during this search. The LA citizens lose because the city is a fucking warzone and paying out the ass to defend against one man. Dorner loses because he is going to get a bullet in his brainpan and ultimately never have his grievances taken seriously, due to his ganking civilians. The country as a whole loses because this is going to be used as an excuse to ramp up domestic drone use.


This makes me wonder: why isn't that dirty cunt; Dianne Feinstein jumping up and down saying, "take all the guns away" from the police?

People are being shot up left and right, yet that low life piece of filth remains silent.
Does that bitch think it's OK for "law enforcement" to empty their high capacity mags at old mexican women?


Millie's Staff Member
Neither. Obviously, this guy's career was his life and being a gigantic black dude, I have to think the constant racism in the LAPD wound him up pretty tight. Clearly the LAPD is corrupt as fuck and always has been and this guy made the suicidal choice of going out making a statement about it. Everyone loses here. The LAPD is going to get a microscope rammed up its ass, especially after gunning down random other people during this search. The LA citizens lose because the city is a fucking warzone and paying out the ass to defend against one man. Dorner loses because he is going to get a bullet in his brainpan and ultimately never have his grievances taken seriously, due to his ganking civilians. The country as a whole loses because this is going to be used as an excuse to ramp up domestic drone use.
im assuming that the LAPD has changed some since the rodney king and daryl gates era, but even if you're right, they couldnt have been too evil and corrupt since they do allow black cops on the LAPD. so there's that.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
You would be suprised. A lot of the stuff in his manifesto about minority cops putting up with racist shit and going uncle tom by taking out their frustrations on the shitheaded members of their own ethnicities is pretty spot on. Anyone who lives near LA could tell you as much. All post King Gates era did is make them more careful, especially when it comes to "misplacing" dashcams. The few friends I have who work in law enforcement around here have pretty much refused to say anything about this situation, one way or the other, which raises my skepticism quite a bit.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Heard that the guns he's using were all bought by fast and furious.