Coheed and Cambria writing about Mippo


Legal Ephebophile
The Ancient said:
You linked that to prove my point? I pray to god you didn"t listen to that for any length of time.
I listened to him for the entire video, his commentary just makes it better.


Tenks said:
You are a dumb shit. All of the Coheed and Cambria albums are based upon books. In the case of Good Apollo, I"m Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness the album was based upon "The Writer." (Fictional) Claudio [aka: the writer] is writing a story about Claudio (the crowing) and is madly in love with Erica and she will not marry him.

Listen well, will you marry me?
(Listen well, listen well, listen well, listen well.)
(Not now, boy.)

The lyrics were written by (real) Claudio based upon this. Not your stupid ass. I don"t even see how you can read the lyrics to the song or listen to it and think your ass fits in anywhere. Furthermore, (real) Claudio has gone on record to say what the song is about -- and he backed up the information above.
Yes and right here on his twitter which I already quoted,

# If anyone following these has seen my neverender opening on night 2 (where I talked). The girl in the stories just contacted me on facebook.7:19 PM Jun 25th from txt
The songs might be based on stories, but the stories are based on REAL MOTHER FUCKING PEOPLE. Unless you think a make believe character could contact him on facebook......... Furthermore, if Claudio wrote all of the stories how come "the girl from the stories" is contacting MICHAEL and not Claudio....... ?

What"s far more likely is that they share stories and Claudio writes everything even though not all of it is about Claudio. This particular song might have been from a story written by Claudio, but that story is about Michael and what happened between me, Michael and this particular chick.

You can believe whatever you want. I"m not trying to "out" him or anything as I don"t have any ill will after all these years, I just know what the song is about because I was there for it.


Erumaron said:

(10:47:48 PM) me: forget if you said you remembered him well
(10:48:26 PM) x: yeah, i remember him very well.
(10:48:48 PM) x: he joined AL during luclin, just after me
(10:49:07 PM) x: thott let him in without a trial period, before he met level req"s
(10:49:15 PM) me: haha why?
(10:49:18 PM) x: gave him free dkp to spend
(10:49:26 PM) x: and everyone in the guild hated him
(10:49:41 PM) x: we all figured him and thott were fucking
(10:49:51 PM) x: or at least, thats the best we could figure
(10:49:54 PM) me: hahaha
Everyone has an imaginary friend in AL. Anyone actually in Afterlife would know I was never given any "free dkp to spend". Heck, the DKP pages are still on the website so anyone not in AL with a working brain would know the same.


ResetEra Staff Member
Mippo said:
Everyone has an imaginary friend in AL. Anyone actually in Afterlife would know I was never given any "free dkp to spend". Heck, the DKP pages are still on the website so anyone not in AL with a working brain would know the same.
They also told me about "mipp-pig" from fanfaire if that helps prove the friend isn"t as imaginary as you"d like


Erumaron said:
They also told me about "mipp-pig" from fanfaire if that helps prove the friend isn"t as imaginary as you"d like
Again, no. That was posted in the guild picture from the fan faire on the website. They bought a stuffed pig for the picture.

Thott was represented in the picture as a robot and Sobe was represented by well, a can of Sobe. You can keep trying though!


At the very end of this video he starts telling a story about Orlando, that"s the story I wanted to hear.

YouTube - Mic Todd Rants Neverender Night 2 IKSSE:3

Can"t find it anywhere and the clip cuts out at the wrong time. Can anyone post the rest of that story? For you super sleuths out there, I live in Orlando. I doubt I"m mentioned in the story, it"s probably about the chick but I"m curious

Someone please post it, +internets for the person who does!


Millie's Staff Member
what exactly are you trying to prove? that once upon a time some unknown band wrote a song about a video game encounter you were a part of? do you really think that warrants a topic in FOH General? shouldnt this be posted on the AL board?


Lord Nagafen Raider
People (originally) hated Mippo for getting to skip the app process, not free dkp. Then his personality probably amped it up from there.


You are such a diluted nutcase. I was at the Keeping Secrets Neverender show at the Avalon. I must have missed the part about you, your skank friend and your wacky adventures. At what point do you honor your parents and shoot yourself? =/


Pretty much the entire song?

The short story is that he fell madly in love with my roommate. Everytime Coheed came through Orlando he used to stay at my house and they would visit each other when he wasn"t touring. I would even let him use my car to take her out since they were on a tour bus and didn"t have a car.

While this is going on, she"s dating a local singer and neither of the two knew about the other one. This went on for a while, and I"m the only person who knew about it. I"m going to skip my involvement in here but let"s just say she eventually screws me over so I rat her out by calling Michael and telling him what she is doing. While she was out of the house, I invited the local boyfriend over so I could put him on the phone directly with Michael when I called. They end up talking about various dates she said she was going somewhere but really was with the other person and even what she likes during sex.

I figure the bitch would get what she deserved and this is where I got thrown for a loop. They both bitched her out that day, the local guy even spit in her face and that same night they both wanted her back. She moved out of my house and into the local guys house the next day (after he spit in her face).

The whole story is actually a bit more complicated and I"m obviously a good bit more involved then I just posted but that"s the jist of it. I"m sure sometime in the future I"ll sit down with Michael and chat the other details out as I"m sure she lied about me and vice versa. That"s what she did for sympathy. She always exaggerated and lied about situations and things happening to her so you would feel sorry for her, even become protective of her. The rest of the song is references to conversations that were had. For example, would she have cheated if he never left with the band?

A lot of the story was just left out, but everything, and I mean everything, matches up with the song. I"d be fairly shocked if it wasn"t about her with references to me, (host, boy etc). This chick is not easily forgotten and I can pretty much guarantee he remembers everything even though this happened 5+ years ago.

You pretty much would"ve had to met her to understand, she can"t be explained by words. She fucked a lot of guys up, myself included, pretty good. Now it"s water under the bridge, she has a kid and is nothing like she used to be, but she was one fucked up bitch back in the day. I learned from the master and you guys got songs out of it because she fucked Michael up too.


Lord Nagafen Raider
if he borrowed your car it really shouldn"t be hard to get him to validate the song is about you, should it?


The song is about her with references to me and situations I was a part of. She drove the car to take him out.

According to her, he asked how I was doing not too long ago and I haven"t talked to him in 5+ years so yeah I"m pretty sure he remembers the fucked up situation as well as I do.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Dude I"m trying to do you a favor. If he asked about you then he remembers you. You can prove EVERYONE wrong by just simply tweeting him or having her message him or something to validate your claim. If he ignores you, it"s still word vs word, but hopefully someone named "claudio" or whatever isn"t so busy he can"t answer a question about one of his songs to someone he used to know


Millie's Staff Member
my friend has you beat, he CLAIMS he went to school with this kid named Jeremy in western NJ. he was at school with him the day he shot himself in class. later a famous band made a song about the incident. bullshit or not at least the band is more well known than your friends coitus and cockhead
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Mippo said:
The song is about her with references to me and situations I was a part of. She drove the car to take him out.

According to her, he asked how I was doing not too long ago and I haven"t talked to him in 5+ years so yeah I"m pretty sure he remembers the fucked up situation as well as I do.
So ask him on twitter.


ResetEra Staff Member
Hell, if somebody kindly points him to this thread maybe he"ll address it without Mippo needing to ask.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
The funny thing is, even the guy verifies it, Mippo will stroke his own ego to ejaculation and everyone else will continue not giving a shit.