

Irenicus did nothing wrong
Is that the dude who hit on Abed at the bar in S2?

Only just started the new eps but I already sincerely approve. Alison Brie in a business skirt and jacket? hell yes.


Shit Lord Supreme
I'm so glad Community is back, I can't believe there was a year where Community just vanished.

Except for the ending, Professors make exorbitant money in collegiate atmosphere who the fuck do they think they're kidding? Just look up state schools in NY, they're required to post their salaries if they belong to the SUNY system.

Everyone of my teachers made stupid money, the one that made the lowiest? The hardest working, most personable and decent teacher, because he didn't have his Doctorates. He still made 80K which for the area he lived in, was 50k more than the average.


Trakanon Raider
I'm so glad Community is back, I can't believe there was a year where Community just vanished.

Except for the ending, Professors make exorbitant money in collegiate atmosphere who the fuck do they think they're kidding? Just look up state schools in NY, they're required to post their salaries if they belong to the SUNY system.

Everyone of my teachers made stupid money, the one that made the lowiest? The hardest working, most personable and decent teacher, because he didn't have his Doctorates. He still made 80K which for the area he lived in, was 50k more than the average.
Community College teachers, for the most part, do get paid less than professors at Universities. In California, unless you were grandfathered in, you currently need a Doctorate to teach at a University, but just a Masters to teach at a Community College. Also, not all teachers are tenured/full-time.

A non-tenured Community College teacher in California wouldn't necessarily be living well. The tenured ones were living comfortably, but unless the part-timers were going between multiple schools, they weren't. I used to work in a math lab at a community college before I transferred to a "real" school and got to know some of the math and science teachers pretty well.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I'm so glad Community is back, I can't believe there was a year where Community just vanished.

Except for the ending, Professors make exorbitant money in collegiate atmosphere who the fuck do they think they're kidding? Just look up state schools in NY, they're required to post their salaries if they belong to the SUNY system.

Everyone of my teachers made stupid money, the one that made the lowiest? The hardest working, most personable and decent teacher, because he didn't have his Doctorates. He still made 80K which for the area he lived in, was 50k more than the average.
Community Colleges don't pay very well. Not only are the salaries considerably lower than a "real" university, but the vast majority of teachers at community colleges are adjunct (i.e. part time). In my department there are about 70 teachers, but only 3 are full time and get paid a salary. Even then, they only make around 50k/year, which isn't much at all. I'm a community college teacher at a place basically like non-gas-leak Greendale.


Shit Lord Supreme
Community Colleges don't pay very well. Not only are the salaries considerably lower than a "real" university, but the vast majority of teachers at community colleges are adjunct (i.e. part time). In my department there are about 70 teachers, but only 3 are full time and get paid a salary. Even then, they only make around 50k/year, which isn't much at all. I'm a community college teacher at a place basically like non-gas-leak Greendale.
Are you an Adjunct?

What level of degree do you have?

How long have you been teaching?

What area do you live in?


4 Community College teachers I took back when I was at HVCC, can't find ref to their positions it was almost 8 years ago so I'm surprised I even remembered their names. Top is history, then Math, then Computer Science, Last one taught Macroeconomics and African History I think (almost impossible to understand him, or read his hand writing as a plus)

I imagine that the middle two don't have PhDs and aren't full professors, guessing they have a Master's as that's generally minimum correct? Not sure myself

60K seems respectable to me, for the area I think avg income is 35-37k - why should they be making so much more? they'll have great benefits, the chance to further their degree with reduced or waived price, the chance to gain full tenure assuming they make full professor (again I don't know how it works).

Adjunct isn't a full time position, so there's not a good way to frame a job rate against, that would be an argument for there not being enough teaching positions. I dunno how the hell they got 70 part times and three full timers, how well could that work?

Don't get me wrong I think everyone deserves fair compensation, but without fail every time teachers are always asking for more. The teachers in NY don't make bad money, they belong to
one of the strongest unions, have solid benefits, and can get the coveted tenure status. Maybe your State is different.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
It was ok. Wasn't season 4, but it wasn't season 1 either. I get the feeling this season is gonna lean towards S3 in terms of quality (watchable and entertaining, but trying a bit too hard and a fair amount of 'meh' episodes). Not sure how I feel about no Pierce, after how badly they flanderized him it almost seems better to just have him gone, but it feels weird without the whole group.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I had completely forgotten about the whole Pierce debacle. It took me a minute to realize he wasn't there, but I can't say I missed him, either. I like the new old guy and I think he'll be even better than Pierce. Honestly, Pierce was only occasionally funny and his whole racist schtick had gotten old a long time ago. Overall I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about this season (and this is from someone who never finished watching season 4).

Voyce - One of the first things you should remember about teachers and salaries is that they vary wildly based on school, state and county. The salaries you listed are great and I'm happy for those teachers. I'm in the D.C. metro area--one of the most expensive areas to live in the country--and I know the starting salary for a community college in one county (not mine-one even closer to D.C) is only 53k for a full time position. That's not unlivable, but it's pretty much the bare minimum to live somewhat "comfortably" in these areas. Public school teachers in the same county were starting at 45k as of a few years ago when my friend got a job, and my aunt is a teacher in a neighboring county which has been on a pay freeze for 5 years; i.e. no merit/cost of living raises in that time. You really can't use one example of well-paid teachers to make a case for the profession as a whole. I don't teach in my county's community college because the pay is shit compared to driving 5 extra minutes, crossing the county line, and teaching at that county's school.


FPS noob
yeah new york is a bit of an exception, even the high school teachers make really good money there dunno if its driven by the capital or a NYC thing. for most of the country teachers make average to low salaries, college professors tend to make good money but it can be a lot of politics with tenure, publishing, etc and usually a professor smart enough to get tenure could have made much, much more money in the private sector. I assume there are benefits to teaching though, like banging hot students, travel, prestige, wearing cool jackets with patches, working with bright young minds, etc.

I enjoyed the two episodes, really really nice seeing Mike back on TV, he is such a good actor - I kept wondering if the other cast just constantly asked him about breaking bad all the time (i would be that annoying cunt). abed was a bit better in the second episode, but his whole shtick is wearing a bit thin. I'm glad the show is back but honestly hope this is the final season, just not that much into the setting and dynamics anymore and would like to see the cast in different and new things.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Honestly, Pierce was only occasionally funny and his whole racist schtick had gotten old a long time ago
That's the problem, he originally had just as much potential for depth and development as the rest of the cast (and more than some *cough* Shirley), but he was turned into a villainous caricature of himself over the second and third season, in the same way that Britta was turned into the dumb blonde. It pisses me off because in his best moments he was an awesome character, but they wasted him away as a lazy excuse to introduce conflict.

abed was a bit better in the second episode
I dunno, the whole Nick Cage thing was really boring for me. Yeah we get it, Abed has aspergers, he's obsessed with movies, obviously he's going to flip out over trying to figure it out, then come to some realization about how he relates to other people. The whole thing was set up really halfheartedly, I honestly don't even remember how that subplot came to a conclusion - something about hellraiser?

Also what the hell is the deal with Jeff apparently not knowing anything about law? Where the fuck did that come from? I can buy him being a terrible teacher, but his whole character is based on the idea of him being an awesome lawyer - and not just because of his charisma and quick wit, yeah he faked his bachelors but he still went to fucking law school, which iirc it's implied he found extremely easy, and then worked as a lawyer for years. Now we're supposed to believe that he doesn't know basic legal terminology?


Trakanon Raider
Also what the hell is the deal with Jeff apparently not knowing anything about law?
That bugged the shit out of me. It was clearly stated back in thee pilot that he had a law degree (he just faked the Bachelor's required to be admitted to law school), and the whole "Graduate from community college to practice law" was clearly predicted on having the middle step (law school) already done.

You could argue that he's been bullshitting and talking his way into winning for so long that he doesn't know the material well enough to teach it anymore, but he clearly knew it at some point - you can't BS your way through a bar exam.

/pedantic nerd rage off


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So they got Harmon back in the sinking boat and it's worse than ever. Guess it's time to call him a hack.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
So they got Harmon back in the sinking boat and it's worse than ever. Guess it's time to call him a hack.
Hah. Like I said in my rant earlier in the thread, the boat started leaking in S3 while Harmon was still at the helm. Honestly he would have been better off if he'd stayed away, then he could just blame the show going to shit on the network and his replacements (and to be fair, they did speed up the process considerably with S4).


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
wish I could neg you for that. What's it got to do with community, and it's a horrible AI. There's no reason for an AI to be worse than Eliza, which was written like 30 years ago.