Crazy Neighbor. Coward Landlord.


Call the cops when he is doing it and file a report, he will get a warning, if he does it more he can get ticketed which will help you out if shit goes south with him or the landlord. If he or the land lord approach you on it, just tell them politely that it is a legal matter now. My brother is a cop, they get called out on way less stupid shit than this.


Unelected Mod
If that drone is so stealthy, why can we see it in the video??

To OP, it really sounds like you started this thread just so people could pat you on the back and tell you that you were in the right. You clearly had no intention of moving or doing anything other than what you were doing. However, I strongly urge you to reconsider and fucking move. Again, you are living near a crazy person with a grudge against you and firearms, with a landlord who apparently agrees more with the crazy person than you. Staying there is madness.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Wasn't there a thread almost identical to this on the former site? I had some serious deja-vu while reading.
Yeah but it wasn't ham, forget who. Also, this guy sounds a bit crazier to me, but very similar with the phantom noises and shit.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Frankly none of this shit sounds worth the location or 300 price break.


Musty Nester
You're being way too nice to this crazy person. But it's also too late to do much about it. The point has long since passed where you should have told him, "Look. It's not me. So shut the fuck up about it. I have been more tolerant of your bullshit than you deserve. No more of this." Tolerance is often mistaken for either weakness or validation among a certain type of crazy, and it sounds like you're dealing with that kind of crazy.

There's not much you can do about it, I don't think. The fight is already over and your landlord decided to side with himself like any reasonably sane person would do. At worst, he's just humoring the crazy like you did. All he wants is your money, man. Fucking with you about your dog -- that's just his tax for you letting this become a problem for HIM.


I'd be real careful. Sure it's funny and all some dude is claiming to hear noises that aren't there but, assuming he's not making shit up for some reason, he could be seriously mentally ill. And we ALL know which road that has led to in recent years.


Riddle me this...
Im hoping at the end of this the neighbor moves and assumes Ham has a sex chair.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Just start playing music your neighbour might enjoy. Maybe some Ted Nugent?


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Have friends over one night, and spend a couple hours loudly plotting how to get rid of your neighbour's body in the event that he makes any more trouble. He'll be listening.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Frankly none of this shit sounds worth the location or 300 price break.
100% this. Jesus. If you can afford to move elsewhere, then move. And that no sound after 11pm thing is bullshit. Are you living in a fucking boarding school? Come the fuck on, the second someone tried to make me sign that shit would be the second I decided to move out. The crazy guy just gives even more incentive to move.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Keep calling the cops. Clearly it had enough of an impression on the guy that he tried half-assed apologizing.

In my experience, landlords will often claim that they smell pets and the like even if there isn't any actual smell, all so that they can try getting tenets to pay for any/all damages that might spring up when a tenet moves. And even a reasonable odor will normally be labelled as excessive. So you can probably keep adding candles and shit all you want, but it likely won't make a big difference since the landlord clearly wants to cover his ass.

If you can't justify moving because of the cost, then you'll just have to get used to having a quasi-Seinfeld situation, except with a potentially hostile neighbor. I have no idea if you can accept the pet/noise/neighbor thing as a package, that's your call, but if you can't you better start looking for another place immediately, sign whatever paperwork then jet when you can.


A Mod Real Quick
This happened to me about a year or two ago, I had a thread on this forum or FOH about it but I can't find it now. We had a dude who was just discharged from the Navy living below us with his wife. Our dog was just a puppy at the time and even though she was tiny she would run hard through our apartment. We always grabbed her, but as we all know puppys are hard to control at first. Shortly after getting the puppy, this guy came up and was banging on our door. I answered the door to meet said neighbor looking really red and extremely sweaty. He told me it was getting ridiculous and to knock it off. I told him I would and he apologized for being so mad, told me he came up here with the intention of knocking me out.. I should've called the cops, but I thought everything was cool at that point.

Over the next two months, the guy was on my doorstep nearly everyday. I actually started not answering my door altogether, I knew it was him and he was being ridiculous. He would often stop me outside and complain some more. His wife also complained to us in his place, because he "got too mad." They asked if we could play with our dog more during the day so it was tired at night. We complied and our dog was sleeping most nights because it was so worn out. Then we started getting complaints that the dog was too loud during the day, we could not win.

A little bit of a backstory here, at the time my dog was around 9-12 pounds and he told us our dog walked very loudly on our carpeted floors. We asked his wife what was up and she told us he had PTSD and couldn't sleep at all, they had to sleep in separate rooms. She told us he got angry very easily and at this point we were a little afraid.

We went to management who told us we were in the right and as long as we weren't making excessive noise after 9PM we were in the clear - footsteps didn't count as long as it wasn't excessive. He went to management to complain to us several times in which they told him to grow up, that's what he gets for living in an apartment. He called the police on us a few times as well but actually got in trouble because you can't file a complaint for a dog walking around at night.

Eventually they moved out, but it was extremely tense for a long time; the apartment was actually vacant because they moved out but continued to pay their rent, we saw them come every few weeks to pick up a random piece of furniture. Having someone with PTSD living below you and that person has anger issues really scares you. Hope it works out dude.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
thread on foh was about some Marine with PTSD threatening our guy that a Marine with PTSD might just do anything if he's being pissed off.


A Mod Real Quick
thread on foh was about some Marine with PTSD threatening our guy that a Marine with PTSD might just do anything if he's being pissed off.
I don't know if you're referring to my thread I made, I can't remember if it was FOH or here. He was a Navy dude but he had PTSD and felt my life was in danger for some time.