Crazy Neighbor. Coward Landlord.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't know if you're referring to my thread I made, I can't remember if it was FOH or here. He was a Navy dude but he had PTSD and felt my life was in danger for some time.
not if I remember correctly, the thread I read was about someone military still on active duty - some suggestions aimed at informing his superiors to get him moved back into the barracks.

Apparently, PTSD soldiers threatening civilians is a common thing now.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Ham_sl said:
My rent is at least $300 cheaper than any of my friends in the area.
Ham_sl said:
The guy has lived in this spot since the late nineties.
This pretty much sums up why the landlord isn't doing shit about it.

My recommendation is to get a recorder and when your neighbor is being crazy record it and call the number the policemen gave you. Audio or video. That way it's not your word vs a crazy person's word. I don't know what the legality is of that extra paragraph for your lease but if you don't mind signing it then sign it and do what you must.

I actually have the opposite problem in a way. Apparently when I try to go to bed I magically get superhuman hearing and can hear everything anyone is doing in my building and outside for half a mile. Plus I get super-sensitive to it and can't sleep. "Oh man it's midnight and I'm falling asleep while playing this AAA game, I better go to bed." 5 minutes later... "Fuck the furnace two floors beneath me is on and I hear all the sounds.". Even worse I'll wake up in the middle of the night and start to lose my mind where I hear things I don't think are there.

So you can imagine how stupid I get when my neighbors are actually being noisy. Most of the time I just bitch out and don't go to bed till everyone in my building goes to bed or is quiet, but twice now I've left a nice note on the door of my neighbors and that usually does well. Or I just wait until they move out...


Bronze Squire
All this makes me happy I don't live in an apartment.

And feels for the boardbros who do.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I've been happy to live in an Apt everytime I look outside and see the mountains of snow that I'd have to shovel... Apt living has a ton of benefits and a few specific downsides, one of which is short-term neighbors who you might literally be sleeping feet away from.


Bronze Squire
I've been happy to live in an Apt everytimeI look outside and see the mountains of snow that I'd have to shovel... Apt living has a ton of benefits and a few specific downsides, one of which is short-term neighbors who you might literally be sleeping feet away from.
Well, we do have a huge driveway, but Mrs. Gravy is spry. Did I mention I can lick my eyebrows?


I actually have the opposite problem in a way. Apparently when I try to go to bed I magically get superhuman hearing and can hear everything anyone is doing in my building and outside for half a mile. Plus I get super-sensitive to it and can't sleep. "Oh man it's midnight and I'm falling asleep while playing this AAA game, I better go to bed." 5 minutes later... "Fuck the furnace two floors beneath me is on and I hear all the sounds.". Even worse I'll wake up in the middle of the night and start to lose my mind where I hear things I don't think are there.
Get a loud fan and run that in your room. That'll drown out the external noises. I have a VERY hard time falling asleep if there are random noises, no matter how subtle, going on. The fan doesn't bother me because it's a constant hum.


Silver Squire
The best day of my life was buying and moving into a house with a big yard.Fuck other people and their bullshit.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
I don't think I could ever live in an apartment again because of things like this. I like shoveling snow, and maintaining my property. Screw crappy neighbours living in the same building, my kids complain enough.


Vyemm Raider
Sharing walls is fucking horrible. I sold my condo and said never again.

If you really don't want to move then don't, but Don't sign that shit, read your local legislation pertaining to tenants rights, keep going month to month, call the police when harassed and keep a record of all interactions. If need be make the landlord go through the process of eviction, it's a pain in the ass. During this time make sure your rent is always paid on time.

During this process keep an eye out for similar alternative accommodations, when the dream place becomes available move, but do it on your terms.


Shit Lord Supreme
Maybe your neighbor is trying to get one of you to move out on purpose for completely unrelated reasons.

In any case you have a neighbor friend, two tenants rent > one tenant. Power in numbers.

One of my tenants is retarded or stole a car or something because every night they park it goes off for 15 minute intervals, it went off at 12 AM on a weekday right when I was falling into my little dream world. I was fed up with it finally and was going to report it but they just now seemed to have figured out to turn the thing off 30 seconds after it starts, but I don't understand why the its set in the first place, we're not on a street no one is going to steal it.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I'd have to agree with documenting as much as possible with cell phone recordings and keeping a written log of all the bullshit. As tedious as it is, the sheer shit-eating grin smugness you would get if it pays off is worth it. Unfortunately, you usually can't get a selfie when it happens.


<WoW Guild Officer>
We did have that one awesome crazy neighbor lady thread with the dude who had that nutty writer chick living downstairs from him. I think that's what Derivator's comment about the sex chair was from. haha

I've been happy to live in an Apt everytime I look outside and see the mountains of snow that I'd have to shovel... Apt living has a ton of benefits and a few specific downsides, one of which is short-term neighbors who you might literally be sleeping feet away from.
Truth. I hate shoveling snow, but Ireallyhate yard work. I admit my attempts to look for a house whatsoever have involved living near this area, since some of my family runs a landscaping business. I'd rather pay them to do that shit.

I've been lucky because my apartment is located over a business that operates mostly while I'm not home. Despite that, they've been cool. On top of that, mine is one of four on the second level, and mine is actually separated by the stairs that lead up to mine and my immediate neighbor, and the other two on the opposite side have a different stair set-up that goes along the outside of my other wall, so I'm isolated from the other 3 tenants a little.

Anyone that says getting a house means no shitty neighbors, that's not entirely likely. All you need is to buy a place and realize people near you are assholes, but you're stuck with a house. An apartment you can just get fed up and split.


Still a Music Elitist
Get a loud fan and run that in your room. That'll drown out the external noises. I have a VERY hard time falling asleep if there are random noises, no matter how subtle, going on. The fan doesn't bother me because it's a constant hum.
This. I have same problem but either opening the window and hearing city sounds, or turning the fan on is enough of a constant noise to put me to sleep.

I've rented since I moved out of my parents and thankfully I've never had issues. And now I live in what is apparently the most tenant-friendly city around.

Maybe the crazy neighbor tends to forget what day it is and accidentally pays his rent multiple times a month. Crazy Neighbor. Successful Landlord.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Keep calling the cops. Clearly it had enough of an impression on the guy that he tried half-assed apologizing.

In my experience, landlords will often claim that they smell pets and the like even if there isn't any actual smell, all so that they can try getting tenets to pay for any/all damages that might spring up when a tenet moves. And even a reasonable odor will normally be labelled as excessive. So you can probably keep adding candles and shit all you want, but it likely won't make a big difference since the landlord clearly wants to cover his ass.

If you can't justify moving because of the cost, then you'll just have to get used to having a quasi-Seinfeld situation, except with a potentially hostile neighbor. I have no idea if you can accept the pet/noise/neighbor thing as a package, that's your call, but if you can't you better start looking for another place immediately, sign whatever paperwork then jet when you can.
This. I called the cops enough on the abusive couple next to me and eventually they disappeared.
A little bit of a backstory here, at the time my dog was around 9-12 pounds and he told us our dog walked very loudly on our carpeted floors. We asked his wife what was up and she told us he had PTSD and couldn't sleep at all, they had to sleep in separate rooms. She told us he got angry very easily and at this point we were a little afraid.
Most people who "have" "ptsd" are fucking scum and just use it as an excuse to act like the assholes they are.