Crazy Neighbors Thread


Pathetic Reaction Bot
Hekotat, if you can't move then you need to record them in the act asap. You've admitted to doing something and they haven't.

Tarisk, grease on and below whatever they are climbing and hopping. Disconnect the battery in your extra car then put some laxative deserts together in a package they can see. Make sure to get us some pics of their stupid shit covered bodies when they slip and fall while trying to rush home.
Unfortunately, greasing the fence and power junction box/phone box they're hopping on would be seen as something that violates the condo rules here, as much as it would be for a possible benefit. Also someone else uses the junker, so disconnecting the battery would be inconvenient.

I do like the laxitive treats idea though. But honestly, as long as I remember to shut my garage door and make sure it shuts, that's not an issue. I also don't really have a good angle to hit em with an airsoft if I even had one or interest in having one. (sure, useful for the time, but then it would do nothing and sit in my closet for god knows how long).

Though honestly, I figure these shits are going to be caught eventually if they keep it up. They're not exactly inconspicuous.


Trakanon Raider
Fuck laxative candies, leave a bag of candy loaded with acid on it. Send them on a three day trip they will never forget.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Sure I was being unnecessarily dickish about it, but no I wasn't trolling. My point is, you escalated things to where they are now when you went berserk on their door and Christmas wreath. So unless you have some genius plan to de-escalate things (you might try sucking it up and apologizing, as awful as that would feel), you're going to be stuck with things the way they are as long as both of you live there.


A Mod Real Quick
Sure I was being unnecessarily dickish about it, but no I wasn't trolling. My point is, you escalated things to where they are now when you went berserk on their door and Christmas wreath. So unless you have some genius plan to de-escalate things (you might try sucking it up and apologizing, as awful as that would feel), you're going to be stuck with things the way they are as long as both of you live there.
Doesn't matter what he did, that's separate. Doesn't excuse vandalism on his property (shit, keying, etc.) or destruction of property (mail), both of which are serious offenses. They could've called the cops on him originally, and he expected it, but they didn't.

Sound like a bunch of young kids to me anyways. We had a few of them at our apartment complex and they were the worst neighbors. The ones downstairs (that wanted to beat me up) were 21 or so. The ones across the hall were 18 and filled our entire building with weed smell/smoke. One time the smoke detector in the hall went off and they ripped it off the wall and threw it away.

Yeah, we moved out.

Actually our next door neighbor was this big huge black dude and his wife - the guy had a doo-rag on, white t-shirt, long shorts, always matching colors, drove a pimped out car. When I moved in I expected the worst, but he was actually a laid back and awesome bro. He even asked me if we were the ones smoking weed, when I told him no we just bullshitted for an hour about how shitty our neighbors were. Gave me the bro fist pump when I moved out.


Still a Music Elitist
You're part of the black community now, Noodle. Every black person knows who you are.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
My friend lived next to the most token black man of your life. He was absolutely shredded. Like straight up 250 pounds of pure muscle. Probably like 6'2". But damn near every other week he'd have a brand new white whale he was banging over at his house. Like it almost felt like there was a schedule. It was hilarious seeing the churn.

No problems with him, though. He was a great neighbor. Kept to himself and was quiet.


Still a Music Elitist
The black dudes banging fat white ladies thing is something I'll never understand.


A Mod Real Quick
I think black men just like the fat asses, I don't really know.

He had a respectable wife that was a nurse. If I had to guess, this guy didn't work at all.


Bought a new house, move in at the end of April. Praying to god the old lady next door isn't one of "those old people "


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
You're part of the black community now, Noodle. Every black person knows who you are.
Yeah, he mentioned noodle's name at the next meeting. Because of that story I now know noodle's real name and where he used to live.


FoH nuclear response team
So my apartments just called me out of the blue and said that the previous tenant had accidentally sent an extremely expensive package to my apartment and asked if I had received it. I have not, which means that it was stolen by someone (Hopefully the upstairs neighbors). She asked why I thought it would have be stolen and I told her what had been going down lately. She decided to give them a final lease violation and that the next one would be an eviction. my penis is so hard right now it might rip through my jeans.

I hope the USPS does an investigation and finds whatever the hell they had shipped to my place in their apartment(apparently it's a very large item). My god that would be glorious.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Your average person doesn't think, realize, or know that they are an asshole. And, all the while you are thinking that they are doing all this shit on purpose to make your life hell, they are oblivious. Also, in their mind, you are already probably an asshole for something you don't even realize that you did.

So, confronting them on their asshole'ness only confirms to them that you are an asshole and gives them the license to key your car and rip up your mail.

Give people a reason to try and accommodate you. Don't give them a reason to smear shit on your car. Approach them with some kindness, humility, and patience. Calmly explain the situation and what you hope could change. Proverbs 15:1 "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."

Yes, you have to decide to be the bigger person in these situations and that isn't fun, but in the end your life will be better.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Generally good advice
Yeah, basically. Like when you call in for a billing problem, you can go ballistic on whichever poor soul picks up the phone (this was my ex's favorite approach). And they'll still have to help you (sort of). Or you can choose to be nice to them, tell them you understand that whatever policy or problem isn't their creation, but it doesn't seem fair to you, and ask for their help resolving it. A simple, kind approach like that makes them feel like the good guy instead of the bad guy, and it will improve your results almost every time.

Unfortunately, the bridge is probably burned with these neighbors. But in the future, address it earlier and address it kindly. At least the first time. If they are still cocksuckers about it, then weigh your less kind options.