

It's impossible to design a game around keeping guilds down and single players on par. If you want to go it alone you either have to have a shit load of time, money and learn to make friends. Otherwise, bigger guilds will have more access to shit.
I think the genre has been searching for a way to do this for a few years now, putting solo on par with multiplayer, to it's detriment.

The more you favor Solo the more you devalue Grouping the more you gut half of what an MMORPG stands for as a genre.

I'm fine with guilds being incentivized in a powerful way. Being uncle bob, as they say, can be pretty fun for guilds. So if every guild is uncle bob, no one is. If that makes sense.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Well that only helps the large guilds even more. Just have some alt accounts with nothing but crafters. Then again maybe that's what they want for money reasons. WoW makes a shit ton of money letting people box multiple accounts.
Yep, that's the first thing I thought when I saw that passive skill increase is how you level and you can either choose combat or crafting skills. Ok we'll just have a group of guild accounts that are 100% crafting. I'd rather have my character have 10% better combat stats than have it be able to do combat and crafting.


Yep, that's the first thing I thought when I saw that passive skill increase is how you level and you can either choose combat or crafting skills. Ok we'll just have a group of guild accounts that are 100% crafting. I'd rather have my character have 10% better combat stats than have it be able to do combat and crafting.
I wonder what their stance on multi-accounting is. Looking into it now.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
EQ is another game that really cashed in on multi-accounting. It's like asking someone, "Would you like 1 dollar or 2?".

Like I said before: The only real solution to having dedicated and competent crafters is to have a legitimate crafting system that has more complexity than 1000 recipes and 100 ingredients and a skillbar.

If this game had EQN's voxel-like system for building houses (which it doesn't and shouldn't), I'd be hiring Intropy to just sit in our city/keeps/camps and build shit or oversee the building of shit. And women are brought to him, maybe ... when he desires them.

If they had a blacksmithing system where real artisans who enjoyed the mini-game could make gear that's 10% better than anyone else, you'd have people making voluminous amounts of money selling each item to the highest bidder.


2 Minutes Hate
It's all about man hours. The bigger the guilds the more man hours you can pool. It's a simple equation. It takes you X Hours to farm Y mats. But you can split X to four people around the clock.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
broke a million ya'll.

did they change the second stretch goal from 1.2m to 1.3m or am I imagining things?


I watched Unity's gdc stuff (and was dying laughing that nobody could get Riccitello's name right). Pretty cool materials stuff and the light bounce stuff looked as good as unreals to my untrained eye.

If they can integrate voxel farm into it without source, that is a pretty big ad for Unity right there. I'm 10 years behind on middleware, but 10 years ago, there's no way in hell any middleware would have been able to do that. It was fail utterly, or buy the source code and change it yourself.

The large scale war benefits however are going to come from this:Vulkan - Graphics and compute belong together

If you are too lazy to read much of that, it is a redesign of the layer between coder and GPU to more match the metal underneath. Hilariously it looks alot like the old execute buffers from back in the early directX days, but with all those command buffers being able to come from multiple cpu cores. Right now in DirectX 11, all gpu talk has to be done on a single thread.

Looks like all the major middleware people are onboard. I'll be porting my own stuff to it whenever I can get my hands on it. Assuming I keep working on my stuff... Kinda stupid to be rolling your own engine these days.


Podcast referenced a few pages ago:

Skip to 15:00 because they have a fucking 15 minute intro.

Also fuck this Valor guy, drinking johnny walker out of a shotglass, hate him already.



2 Minutes Hate
Is it worth listening to an hour of it? I'm all about podcasts as long as their is content and not an hour of what ifs and it would be cool if. I get my fill of that here.


Is it worth listening to an hour of it? I'm all about podcasts as long as their is content and not an hour of what ifs and it would be cool if. I get my fill of that here.
I'll listen to it and tell you. It's mainly focused on large pvp guilds. Tuco is referenced a few times.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Here's a question for you theorycrafting bros: Should total available land in the EK's be capped, or unlimited? Taking different approaches (everyone gets free land vs. fuck you there's nothing left for plebs) could be interesting. If they cap total land, it could strengthen the fealty mechanic since some people might get blocked out of having land in the EK's at all if they don't kneel to an overlord with tons of land.


2 Minutes Hate
I just listened to most of. It's useless and boring. That guy Lakez? is one of those crazy official forum people that starts coming up with this pie in the sky crazy ideas and think they're good.

Anyway, it sounded like a bunch of dudes discussing pvp and whats cool about video games. It was way too long. They should of cut that show in half.


2 Minutes Hate
Here's a question for you theorycrafting bros: Should total available land in the EK's be capped, or unlimited? Taking different approaches (everyone gets free land vs. fuck you there's nothing left for plebs) could be interesting. If they cap total land, it could strengthen the fealty mechanic since some people might get blocked out of having land in the EK's at all if they don't kneel to an overlord with tons of land.
Why do people keep asking this question? EK is just a mechanic to give people a 3d space to hang out in and do social stuff (and sell shit for). I don't know why people keep attempting to make it a thing.


Here's a question for you theorycrafting bros: Should total available land in the EK's be capped, or unlimited? Taking different approaches (everyone gets free land vs. fuck you there's nothing left for plebs) could be interesting. If they cap total land, it could strengthen the fealty mechanic since some people might get blocked out of having land in the EK's at all if they don't kneel to an overlord with tons of land.
EK's are seperate personal housing instances, right? You sound like you're misunderstanding the concept.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just seems like they could be better if they were actually part of the game rather than just instanced housing...I realize the Campaigns are what matters. I guess if the EKs are just set up like a scoreboard that makes them matter too.


Just seems like they could be better if they were actually part of the game rather than just instanced housing...I realize the Campaigns are what matters. I guess if the EKs are just set up like a scoreboard that makes them matter too.
We don't know enough about EK's and how they interact with other EK's to be able to determine semblance of value or worth with them at this time.

EK vs EK for decided loot to the winner are likely what will solve your issue. Which is on the table as it has been mentioned by JTodd