

marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
- Championship Campaign Tournaments. The Tournament system exists as a meta-game layer on top of the Campaigns. To qualify for the Tournament, guilds must be victorious in one or more Campaigns. These elimination tournament ladders will separate the effective guilds from the mediocre, and the great guilds from the good. Complete for the ultimate prize in each band of Worlds (the Dragon Throne, or the greatsword Grievance)
Like the sound of this from the latest update


Oh shit who was right about relics in your EK granting effects cross campaign!? This guy.

We'll be sharing vision statements for...
- Artifacts and Relics. In addition to scavenged resources, Artifacts and Relics are items that you (or your team) can win in a Campaign, to take home to your Kingdom and offer up to the Gods to gain divine favor (time-limited guild and individual effects that persist across all Campaigns)
- Championship Campaign Tournaments. The Tournament system exists as a meta-game layer on top of the Campaigns. To qualify for the Tournament, guilds must be victorious in one or more Campaigns. These elimination tournament ladders will separate the effective guilds from the mediocre, and the great guilds from the good. Complete for the ultimate prize in each band of Worlds (the Dragon Throne, or the greatsword Grievance)
- Eternal Kingdoms and the economy game. Why do I want more parcels of land, and what can I do with them? What drives supply, and how can I maximize my player-run kingdom? How can I build a mercantile empire?
We will be providing you all of this before the end of the Kickstarter (March 26th). We know that every vision document has the potential to alienate as many people as it excites... but, in keeping with our original statement, we realize that this game isn't for everyone and we hope your decided to come along on this journey with us to build Crowfall.

Knight Customization:



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Tournament sounds interesting, but I want to see how the game shakes up before having a real opinion about it.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
better get it done before the end of the kickstarter when they go dark if they get enough funding!


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
You shouldn't! If they're still whoring themselves around after the kickstarter it's because they don't have enough money for the project.

Once the funding period is over they need to determine a core concept with core features, make a prototype, let people whose opinions they care about play it and go from there. Running around communities answering every criticism with a new set of features will never make the game.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding here but aren't Todd and Gordons roles specifically set to whore themselves out to drive interest for the game?

They have teams they're deferring a lot of the specific details to, as shown by Todd saying "I don't know much about combat right now, that's this other guys realm" in Draegans interview.

Aside from that they have what like three months of dark time until the first test in summer? Is it really worth it to just cut the players off the info for 3 months and buckle down?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
If they aren't working their ass off micromanaging this for the next two years it'll probably fail unless someone else does it. Look at Curt Schilling's attempt if you want to see what happens when developers get 70 million dollars and nobody with an invested stake manages them properly.

Todd and Gordon are the financiers, creative drivers and the top level management of this. The part where they talk to the community is less important than any of that.


I don't care if they go dark and never say one more word until it's released as long as the game lives up to 25% of the hope I have for it.


If they aren't working their ass off micromanaging this for the next two years it'll probably fail unless someone else does it. Look at Curt Schilling's attempt if you want to see what happens when developers get 70 million dollars and nobody with an invested stake manages them properly.

Todd and Gordon are the financiers, creative drivers and the top level management of this. The part where they talk to the community is less important than any of that.

TL;DR: Curt literally had no idea what the fuck he was doing, hired the wrong people, made bad decisions based on investor board pressure. I don't think that is very applicable in this situation at all.
Atleast not yet.

I don't think there's a black and white here with this one. I don't see a reason why they can't do a weekly progress report with the KS backers after KS funds. Check out HEX (they do friday updates each week).
Completely blacking-out communication with the public is probably not in their best interest.

If they hired the wrong people that didn't produce results regularly I'd agree with you that an immense measure of micromanagement would be necessary. That fact remains to be seen. I mean they modeled and shipped the Guinea clay stuff within a couple days time on stream.

Name one game where top down micromanagement has actually turned a good product. SOE is eating shit for this model as we speak.

Flip flopping of design ideals and disconnects with upper management were SOE's undoing.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Ok, going dark was an overstatement. I think they should at least have a weekly statement. But compared to now they'll definitely talk less and rightfully so.


Ancient MMO noob
I don't know about you guys, but my $30 pledge is for Natalie, and I am getting my money worth more and more.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I went ahead and pledged in at 36 bucks. I'm not smoking the hopium, but I like the pitch, I like what this game could do for the MMO genre if it hits, instead of misses, and since it won't be out till late 2016, by the time it does or does not release I'll have forgotten I put 36 bucks on it anyway, so it won't piss me off if it goes nowhere.

Also Natalie is a grade A cutie.


Trakanon Raider
This may be an ignorant question but how do these guys "know" they can bring all of these dreams and concepts into reality? I love their ideas and i'm sure there will be changes along the way but do they have any idea if it will even work? Not just conceptional but that it is possible to create.


<Bronze Donator>
not sure understand the question? you mean like, technically? nothing is truly groundbreaking here from a technical standpoint. It's simply the idea of doing it, which they have. Will it all work? no reason why it shouldn't. The only real question is if people will enjoy it and keep playing.


I just hope the game is fun. Naturally they are over-promising. They're like the 20th company claiming open development and "OMG you're getting such an early look at our game, this never happens" when it's the industry norm now. Gameplay over graphics and all that jazz but man, the art direction is amazing but the transition into Unity is kind of fucking ugly so far save for some of the character models.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I have a feeling that the scope of the game is going to turn out (initially) much smaller than the average backer would hope for due to a variety of reasons (money being the primary one). That doesn't mean the game will not be fun but how much depth there is behind it may determine how long someone would play this.