

Semi-pro Monopoly player
Another test today it seems..anyone going to stream it? (Some of the other live streamers are annoying, no offense to them)


2 Minutes Hate
I'm away on business this week. Can't do it.

Game is very unplayable though with that lag. The winner is basically whoever can predict input lag the best with mouse sensitivity maxed out. Playing a legionnaire is basically like trying to drive an 18 wheeler shitfaced.

It's fun though because I enjoy involving myself in the development and the game is simple now. I like to get in and help get games going. I wish I could get in tonight. Unfortunately all their tests are directly in the middle of family dinner time.


Potato del Grande
FFXIV is starting to journey up the ability bloat path as well. Once you start having to use a mouse with 12 buttons, and most of your number and letter keys mapped to different skills anywhere close to your left hand on the keyboard the game is getting pretty bloated. Not sure why you think FFXIV only has a few abilities?
It does have a decent amount of skills in the later parts of the game (I haven't played the expansion) but the first time I played it I was bored senseless of playing my gladiator by level 28. The 2nd time around I played a summoner and it was better (and I was playing with my brother so I stuck around and got all the way to 50 and whatnot) but the first 20-50 hours (assuming it's your first char on the game and you aren't just power-leveling) were absolutely miserable between only having a couple of skills and the global cooldown.

Personally I like to have about 2 hotbars worth of skills (with the freaking 2nd bar being usable by ctrl+1-0 instead of having to freaking click them cause WHY WOULD YOU FORCE A SECONDARY HOTBAR TO BE CLICKABLE ONLY AND NOT GIVE THEM HOTKEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!) I can't/don't use all those fancy gaming mice with 18 buttons etc. since i'm sort of OCD about the way a mouse feels in my hand. I'm sure I could get used to the different mice if I gave them enough time but I don't really have any desire to.

Anyhoo /end derail.


i use a g600 mouse with 15 buttons. I highly recommend it. While it does take a few weeks to acclimate, 15 keys at a thumbs reach is very useful.


I had really good performance in the AM test 9/7, 300ms max latency and the game was very playable for me (I'm in NorCal). The PM test however had such a high ping that I couldn't control my toon enough to run into building to open chests. Still fun. Especially impressive since it's only been 20 weeks or so since Kickstarter funded.


Lord Nagafen Raider
If you have Alpha 1 access and backed prior to April 17th, you should have an invite for this weekend...

All Kickstarter backers with the Alpha 1 reward have been invited. All backers with the Alpha 1 reward who backed us through April 17th have been invited.

Get ready!


Vyemm Raider
I played the AM and the PM tests and the difference is really noticeable. The AM tests the game runs relatively smooth and skills fire off more reliably the PM tests tend to be lag central.

The AM tests really show how fun the game can be when stuff just works. Oh and I'm loving the Lego, the run speed boost is boss for a team, especially for chases.

And the most telling sign for me is that I want to play again in the next session, I catch myself thinking during the day how I can improve my combat performance when I should be working!


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I loved the elementalist in GW2 that had 4 different elements you could switch to which changed your five primary skills. And those skills were also modified by which weapon you were using. You couldn't change it in change that weapon in combat, but I frequently changed between staff (massive AE dmg) and dagger (mobility, PBAE damage). This mean that I crammed 5 * 4 * 2 or 40 abilities in five buttons.

This also caused a pretty high skill cap because you had cooldowns on element changing and had to be smart about entering combat with the right weapon. There were real strategic choices as well with builds because if you specced for quicker element changing or benefits from changing elements a lot you could run powerful and long rotations in combat.

On the flip side, the elementalist was the only class that got this. Other classes could freely switch between two weapons and had 5 skills per weapon. This meant that they had ten primary abilities + an extra 5 utility/special abilities. I mostly played the elementalist and never got good at other classes, but I generally got bored of them because of how few options you had.

ESO was another example of a game that was hurt by too few and too simply skills. They were also hindered by the incredibly stupid decision to not have any cooldowns on all abilities. This meant the optimal rotations for a given situation were rarely longer than one ability...

There's no perfect number of abilities you want in a character in an MMO, and they relate in stance changing, combos, multiple effects etc but I think it's higher than 10 and less than 30.


Idk Tuco I really liked my lifedrain spam group healing nightblade in ESO - but I'm a known whore for that style (Disciple of Khaine - Blood Mage - Chloromancer etc.)

I'm hoping the confessor has enough of a kit like that to keep me entertained. The number of abilities it takes doesn't really matter to me as long as I can deal damage and heal others at the same time.


I've been out of the loop on this for a bit but is there any rerolled bros twitch streams to watch alpha content? Anyone got a link?


Also - Thank FUCK for Nameplates

Archdruid Archeron

the Site Surgeon
<Granularity Engineer>
@Tuco: I understand your desire for depth and diversity, but I find even that many abilities too cluttered at this point. Guess it is all personal taste really.

I want much the same feeling as you out of a simpler interface. For example, I have been playing Disney Infinity Star Wars and they have depth and diversity in just 6 buttons by creating situational conbos. Each players plays very differently (Ahsoka feels like a DPS rogue, Anakin feels like a DK, Luke a warrior, etc, by varying how you control AoE, stuns, pulls, and knock backs). My preference would be for MMOs to push for depth via combos and variation in area control rather than by adding much beyond basic attack, jump, push/pull, shoot, etc.

And yes, elementalist is clearly the most fun class to play in GW2.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
got invited to play tonight but it's date night with the wife

Oh well..


Semi-pro Monopoly player
I have enjoyed my short time testing personally. It is interesting to see how a game develops from this early stage.


I played the AM and the PM tests and the difference is really noticeable. The AM tests the game runs relatively smooth and skills fire off more reliably the PM tests tend to be lag central.

The AM tests really show how fun the game can be when stuff just works. Oh and I'm loving the Lego, the run speed boost is boss for a team, especially for chases.

And the most telling sign for me is that I want to play again in the next session, I catch myself thinking during the day how I can improve my combat performance when I should be working!
Ah, I love games that make you do that, sitting somewhere else zzz about getting home and smashing 111111111.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Gonna agree about Tuco regarding the whole CU / CF debate. As much as I disregard Mark Jacobs' CU and don't really like CF gameplay I'll play both of them and I'm not the only one : since Archeage there's a void any PvP-centered MMORPG could fill.


Vyemm Raider
Gonna agree about Tuco regarding the whole CU / CF debate. As much as I disregard Mark Jacobs' CU and don't really like CF gameplay I'll play both of them and I'm not the only one : since Archeage there's a void any PvP-centered MMORPG could fill.
I'm pretty sure most people on this forum that enjoy PvP focused MMOs will give both a shot.

I enjoyed DAoC and Warhammer enough to at least give CU a shot and CF has been fun in it's alpha so far with lots of voxely fun potential in the future.


I'm pretty sure most people on this forum that enjoy PvP focused MMOs will give both a shot.

I enjoyed DAoC and Warhammer enough to at least give CU a shot and CF has been fun in it's alpha so far with lots of voxely fun potential in the future.
Totally agree. I think CU will end up being a deeper game but remains to be seen. CU's crafting system sounds like it would appeal to non PvPers, and same may be true of CF. If either game can attract players from both sides of the coin they should be very successful. CU has a lot of catching up to do, where as Crowfall came off Kickstarter all guns blazing. We'll see if CUs two new senior programmers can help Mark and Co. make some progress gains.