Cyberpunk 2077

an accordion_sl

CD Projekt's new game, the setting reminds me of Blade Runner, which is kind of cool... trailer doesn't show much though.

In Cyberpunk 2077, the player will be thrown into a dark future. The metropolis of Night City is a stage set to tell the tale of one individual, raised on the streets, who tries to lift himself up from the gutter and find a way to survive amongst boostergangs and megacorporations in a city of filth and sin. Drugs, violence, poverty and exclusion haven't disappeared by 2077, as people stayed as they were for centuries - greedy, closed-minded and weak. But not only ghosts of the past trouble mankind, but new issues have appeared. Psychos go on rampages and the streets are filled with junkies addicted to a new form of entertainment - the braindance, a cheap way to experience the emotions and stimuli of someone else, someone living a more exciting life.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Random CGI trailer aside they'll get my money just based on setting.
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Molten Core Raider
They'd get my money even if there was zero info available. I consider them one of the best game developers around and deserve full support.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
They'd get my money even if there was zero info available. I consider them one of the best game developers around and deserve full support.
Every time someone says something like this I die a little inside.
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Every time someone says something like this I die a little inside.
Why? The Witcher 2 was pure quality. I think they definitely have a ton of talent and there wasn't anything really subpar about The Witcher 2. Most of it was pure gold. The controls and UI could definitely have used a bit of fine tuning, but for the most part it played great on the X360 version.

If they keep their level of quality up then Cyberpunk 2077 will turn out to be a fantastic game. They've come a long way since the complete fucking abomination that was The Witcher 1. The gameplay and control systems were so god fucking awful in that game that I could not keep playing it past the prologue. The progress they made with those systems in The Witcher 2 was pretty astounding.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Never played part 2, but The Witcher was one of the most overrated rpg's that comes to memory. The storytelling was just so over the top and stupid I couldn't get through it.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Never played part 2, but The Witcher was one of the most overrated rpg's that comes to memory. The storytelling was just so over the top and stupid I couldn't get through it.
I am in Sean's camp when it came to the first witcher, I just could not even get through the prologue. The combat and camera where too much to bear. Witcher 2 however is one of the best RPG's of the past couple of years. It kind of plops you in the middle of the story so you kinda have to read up a bit on the wiki to understand it completely. That being said once you read up on the lore you really start to understand what drives Geralt. Their RED engine if fucking boss albeit somewhat badly tuned.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>

Do you like our latest creation? We certainly hope so!
You may remember that we sometimes send you guys secret messages like this. it?s a great way for us to speak right to you instead of burying ourselves in corporate mumo-jump. So let?s begin!

First of all?have you noticed all the details in our teaser (yes, it?s a teaser, we?ll make a proper trailer in the future)? If you know the Cyberpunk setting, there are some things you can spot, like implants?look for the weapon hands and the real skin?corporate emblems that should look familiar, and more happy hunting!

You?re probably curious about the release date. It?s currently scheduled a way off, in 2015, but in truth, the delivery date is more like, ?when it?s done.? We will release Cyberpunk to you when we?re convinced it is nothing but pure, refined, unadulterated awesome. we want it to be the most kick ass futuristic RPG ever?ok, maybe this sounds pretty bully, but it is our actual goal! You judge if we deliver it!

Ok?and you may wonder why we announced our game so early before the release. The reason is that we?re still building our dev team. So if you are a talented dude or dudette, willing to work in a really different company (gamers rule & boring corporate stuff drools!) on a super ambitious project, send us your application right now:[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */

So, you want to know what kind of game Cyberpunk 2077 will be? The short description is that it will be a story-heavy, nonlinear, open world RPG based on teh well known Cyberpunk pen & paper system and setting. Building open world games is osmething we are mastering right now, and we believe that properly joining nonlinear gameplay with excellent story telling will bring a totally new quality. Hmm. We?ll tell some more about it soon!

And that?s not all that?s new. We are about to reveal our other project, which is much closer to being completed. And yes, it will also be a fully open-world game with an intense story. You can probably guess the game we?re talking about. ;-) On the 5th of February it will all be clear.

So stay tuned, as we will have quite a lot to show and tell you soon!

We are waiting for you on our newly created forum called Afterlife?what other name could we have chosen for it?

CD Projekt RED Team



Today CD Projekt Red released the first teaser trailer for Cyberpunk 2077, and the developer behind the Witcher franchise has been kind enough to give us an exclusive interview with the game's project lead providing some insight into the game's world and mechanics.This exclusive interview was not conducted by GameTrailers or Side Mission. Rather, it was handled by CDProjekt Red and sent to us for posting. The interview is conducted with Mateusz Kanik, Cyberpunk 2077's project lead.

What are your experiences and memories with the original Cyberpunk pen and paper system?

Well, I'm not a real cyberpunk. I don't live on the edge. At least not from the time I got married. (laughter). You know - women want you to be a hero, who lives on the edge, but only until they get serious.
I saw the pen and paper Cyberpunk system when I was at a summer camp in 7th grade. One of the older guys had the rulebook and I was completely drawn into it. Earlier I only played Warhammer FRP or some card games. When I got back home I found the last copy of the Cyberpunk 2020 rulebook in the only bookstore in my little town. I bought it immediately, but then came high school and my friends often preferred fantasy role-playing. But I can still remember all the fun I had with implants and fighting NPCs in a completely different way then what I knew from Warhammer. Most of the game sessions I had, I played with my brother. It's cool, because now when I work on Cyberpunk 2077, it's like going back in time to my childhood.

Do your past sessions of Cyberpunk influence what we will see in Cyberpunk 2077?

They definitely help in creating the world's vision, but on the other hand those first Cyberpunk games that I played as a child-rpg-noob. well, they would be impossible to adapt. I played some really freaked-up stories

And the world itself - how much will you modify 2020 vision? Do you use the original material or do you develop it?
We modify it a lot. This includes not only the game world, but also the system. A pen and paper system cannot be translated into a video game with every detail. We make prototypes of some of the game mechanics and test how they work. However we want the game to be as close to the original as possible, we even give players an option to print out their character sheet to play with their friends. There are changes in the balance of classes or how particular skills work.
The second thing is the game world. We have 57 years of history to describe. We discuss most changes with Mike and he gives us feedback, so the world changes all the time now. Currently we can say that we think about 2077 and Mike Pondsmith, creator of Cyberpunk pen and paper RPG system, concentrates on 2020, and together we discuss what happens between these two periods.

So what is the world in 2077. What will change?

The fourth corporate war in Cyberpunk 2020 ended with the detonation of a nuke on top of the Arasaka Tower, resulting in the entire corporate district being annihilated. We have the reconstruction of the buildings somewhere else. It is the same city, but it moved a little closer to the coast. You'll find some legendary places like Afterlife. The corporations will also remain present - Arasaka, Dynalar, KiroshI etc, be sure to find them.

When comparing the game to The Witcher series - how will you change its technology. Cyberpunk will use the REDengine. But the tool is still developing?

This is an amazing engine! This is truly one of the best tools for creating RPGs and it allows us to make every role-playing title. But some changes are necessary. In The Witcher we didn't have guns, only crossbows, which are a completely different story. We have to change the physics and ballistics of the game. Character movement will also change - the witcher is a mutated human, but we'll have a whole system of cyber-implants, allowing you to modify your limbs. These are the main changes in the game engine, but there are a lot of small features that have to be changed and added.

We just watched the first teaser for your game. What elements we saw will surely appear in the game?

I think the most important thing that will be brought with the game is the atmosphere.
The teaser really feels like what we are working on. If you are thinking about the presence of melee combat, yes, we will have those cool arm implants. Cyber-psychos will also be present. These are people who lost their sense of humanity, because of too many cyber-modifications in their bodies. We will have aerial vehicles, the psychosquad, and all the weapons you saw are our modified versions from the rulebook. I hope that the woman you've seen in the trailer will also be there.

You released the trailer and talked little about braindance. What is it?

Braindance is a new form of "movies" that you play in your head. Someone records a braindance and you can live them with your senses and muscles. There are two types of these "movies". Soft braindances are just watching a recording, with no additional feelings, something very similar to today's cinema. Hard braindances allow you to feel exactly like the person who recorded it. If someone dies in a braindance so will you. Your brain processes a direct copy of someone's life.
There is a great industry producing these recordings in 2077. You can call it a braindance Hollywood. We have corporations which produce high quality recordings, but we also have "the wrong kind" - deviations, torture and murder. We have a new type of industry, an exaggerated vision of the future Hollywood and the new technology they use.
And of course there are a lot of braindance celebrities. It moved acting to a completely new level. In fact you don't act, you actually have to feel the emotions you want to record.

How would you describe Cyberpunk 2077 for someone who doesn't know too much about it? A person who never heard about the genre, didn't watch Blade Runner or Ghost in the Shell etc.?

Cyberpunk 2077 will be an awesome game about a hero from the streets, from very dangerous streets. Raised from the gutter, he uses ultra-modern technology to stand against large corporations and others who exploit the underprivileged. The lonely rider takes his chopper, tech and the slaughter begins (laughter). Awesomeness in pure form with an engrossing, non-linear story - like an epic movie.


Just sent my release copy of the Cyberpunk box-set up to my other place, was always my favourite cyberpunk system even when compared to Shadowrun so was psyched when they announced this. Haven't watched the teaser yet or read pretty much any of the news about it, just know it's a day 1 buy for me.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I'm definitely intrigued. IhatedThe Witcher 1's combat system, so I never got very far. I still need to play 2 at some point, considering the pretty high praises it gets.


<Silver Donator>
2 was a lot better than 1. I never finished 1, grabbed it a bit before 2 was released(or maybe got it for free as part of preorder don't know) and yeah the combat was very shitty and the story was meh. 2 on the other hand had a very cool combat system and while it was more action than rpg combat wise, it was a great game with a pretty solid story and characters.

With that said, with a planned release of 2015, I can't really care much about this game for now.

Beef Supreme_sl

The first Witcher is a hard nut to crack, even with the enhanced edition, but it's still a pretty great game. You do miss a lot of nuance between Geralt and Triss if you skip the first one, and a some bits about who the withcers are, etc, but I totally understand the animosity towards the first Witcher.

However, the second game is a fucking masterpiece and needs to be played by anyone that claims to be a fan of video games.

CDPR is the vanguard of developers. Seeing the pointless pretty video did nothing for me though. I was going to buy it regardless once I saw what the IP was based on and the fact the CDPR is making it.

Need moar.


Too much hype already for a game who's only trailer so far has 0% gameplay footage. I'm withholding judgement...never played any games by this studio yet even though Witcher 2 has been on sale a million fucking times.


Still a Music Elitist
The first Witcher is a hard nut to crack, even with the enhanced edition, but it's still a pretty great game. You do miss a lot of nuance between Geralt and Triss if you skip the first one, and a some bits about who the withcers are, etc, but I totally understand the animosity towards the first Witcher.

However, the second game is a fucking masterpiece and needs to be played by anyone that claims to be a fan of video games.

CDPR is the vanguard of developers. Seeing the pointless pretty video did nothing for me though. I was going to buy it regardless once I saw what the IP was based on and the fact the CDPR is making it.

Need moar.
I'm in this boat. The first Witcher is a fucking awesome RPG.

Beef Supreme_sl

Too much hype already for a game who's only trailer so far has 0% gameplay footage. I'm withholding judgement...never played any games by this studio yet even though Witcher 2 has been on sale a million fucking times.
The game is worth full price. The fact that CDPR wants to be magnanimous and give their masterpiece to the masses shouldn't deter you from owning this amazing game. Once you finish Witcher 2, you'll be stoked for this game. 100% guaranteed.