Dark Souls 2


well, when this comes out for real, you can just alt F4 out of invasions again, so pretty moot discussion anyways.
You can logout of PSN anytime. Anyways, I'm crappy at PVP and I'm going about 50% in fights. It's light in this game, and really doesn't add much. It's just a really poor duel mechanic.

I do agree with whomever said all the risk is on the invadee, though. It'd be nice if the invader lost his humanity/souls when dying in an invaded realm.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Killing the client puts you on the naughty list which shuts down any assistance or red messages in the game, so for the bulk of the players not really an option. Disconnecting as an invader carries no penalty.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Killing the client puts you on the naughty list which shuts down any assistance or red messages in the game, so for the bulk of the players not really an option. Disconnecting as an invader carries no penalty.
There's an official statement on Alt+F4 invasion escaping?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
There's an official statement on Alt+F4 invasion escaping?
It's actually a mechanic thing now - you do get a limited number of "fixers" however to undo when you have it occur so you do have SOME ability to, but not every time you sneeze.


Possible alternative: slow down the framerate until you get the "Framerate not suitable for online play, returning to the main menu" message? In my first Dark Souls 1 playthrough I usually sucked it up and fought them if I got invaded near a bonfire. Or waited until they got close and then suicided off a cliff to deny them the satisfaction. In NG+ and up, invasions were way more fucking annoying. Just interruptions almost guaranteed to occur when you were already having a hard time with the PVE. At that point I frequently alt-F4'd out, and sometimes just started up in offline mode to begin with, since I didn't really need any messages or summons at that point.


Killing the client puts you on the naughty list which shuts down any assistance or red messages in the game, so for the bulk of the players not really an option. Disconnecting as an invader carries no penalty.
Really, if one does not wish to be invaded, one can go offline.

Anyways, I had a time where I was chain invaded and disco'ed a bunch of people.. No issues, no problems, and I could still summon or be summoned so I think you have to massively abuse this.

The problem also is Dark Souls for the PC also had massive hacking. It'd be nice if From addressed that more, but I do realize they are a small shop.

Are they going to be releasing any additional DLC for the PC version? If not, I'll probably pass on it. My time is too limited and the game doesn't have the same hold on me DS1 did.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Might simply be a busted mechanic, really. And yeah you can play offline, like Lenas, but good fucking luck clearing some of the NG+ fights as certain builds solo. Plus its a lot of fun (and good souls) to coop clear zones with other people. The one major cheat issue is megamule right now. When you see some assclown with full chaos armor wandering around heide's and he gets one shotted by Dragonrider, you pretty much know what you are dealing with.

Anyhow, it lacks some of the variety and difficulty of DS1, but it is a hell of a lot more fun to play. Blight Town stands out as an example of an entire portion of a game designed purely to annoy the fuck out of people. This game doesn't do that to people. The zones that have annoying hazards (Gutter, poison shit outside The Rotten) are either shot in length or thin on cheap enemies. The only two things this game lacks, beyond itemization things, are some of the hidden optional side areas from DS1 and it could have used a little more variety of enemies, beyond "giant knight guy with tons of hit points" that seems to be repeated a lot in this game.


Anyhow, it lacks some of the variety and difficulty of DS1, but it is a hell of a lot more fun to play. Blight Town stands out as an example of an entire portion of a game designed purely to annoy the fuck out of people. This game doesn't do that to people. The zones that have annoying hazards (Gutter, poison shit outside The Rotten) are either shot in length or thin on cheap enemies. The only two things this game lacks, beyond itemization things, are some of the hidden optional side areas from DS1 and it could have used a little more variety of enemies, beyond "giant knight guy with tons of hit points" that seems to be repeated a lot in this game.
The Dragons and Dragon Shine area was just great fun. it was challenging, but not masochistic like Blighttown or the Undead Tomb.

I've gotten 30 minutes into NG+ and pretty much stopped playing due to time and other games. I imagine I'll pick it up once TESO or D3 starts gets old.

I've seen no cheats from invaders on the PS3. I just find the PVP boring as fuck. The last two times I was invaded I had 2 other people with me and watched the guy suicide... I tend to coop more, and my biggest gripe is they didn't expand that portion of the game more.


Molten Core Raider
I also thought they handled poison way more intelligently in this game. Instead of "lol big poison swamp you have to run through" there was intelligence to the design and a risk vs reward way of proceeding. Sometimes you still had to run through it, but you could do so intelligently. Maybe it also helped that I was completely fucking OP by the time I got to that zone, having completely screwed up any semblance of order by forgetting to talk to the NPC that opens the crank/lift mechanism hah hah.

Great game. Bosses are too easy though - killed most of them in 1-2 tries and only Pursuer and Rat Vanguard gave me trouble (one because I was stupid, the other because I was too weak when I kept on trying). Looking forward to NG+ but kinda getting distracted by RoS.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yeah Dragon Shrine and Arie were awesome. I really liked the Warf too. The only area I didn't care for was the water shrine area, but the cheap ass casters are trivial when you farm them from the opposite direction's bonfires. I agree that the bosses were a touch on the easy side compared to prior games in the series, but they also had the benefit of generally having more than one method of being beaten. I like that tradeoff, personally, because it makes trying different builds a lot of fun. Kinda sucks how armor stops mattering from Arie on, though. Mele weapon itemization kind of stinks, too. Basically, the BK Halberd can be slapped on someone with moderate Str and Dex, while pretty much outclassing anything else you might find. Mastodon Halberd is almost as bad and the MLGS in NG+ is even worse than both in that regard. The boss soul two handers should really have higher damage at the top upgrade levels. It doesn't help that a lot of those weapons are missing strong attack moves to facilitate special attacks.

Anyhow, the only known hack at the moment is the megamule thing. Lots of idiots running around with that hacked save file and you can spot them a mile away when you run into them in coop. Not sure how they will go about fixing that problem, since it is on Sony's end.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Some of the forums have said PVPing megamules have been getting banned - not sure about Coop and such though.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I run across a fair amount in coop. Wearing full chaos armor is kind of a dead giveaway on NG.....


I just got the plat trophy a little earlier, easily my favorite game is a long time. I gotta say though, new game + and ++ were a little underwhelming, with the exception of Sinner it was all a cake walk. Most everything still dies in 1-3 hits and is stunlocked the entire time, and i had the gear and stats to just block nearly all boss hits so i didnt even have to dodge. Also while the spawns with extra mobs were nice, they needed to add them in more locations, there was a decent amount of red npc invaders though.


Trump's Staff
I'm not sure we can really call NG+ underwhelming when it's easily the best of the 3 games. The other two games just added +hp/damage/souls.


I just got the plat trophy a little earlier, easily my favorite game is a long time. I gotta say though, new game + and ++ were a little underwhelming, with the exception of Sinner it was all a cake walk. Most everything still dies in 1-3 hits and is stunlocked the entire time, and i had the gear and stats to just block nearly all boss hits so i didnt even have to dodge. Also while the spawns with extra mobs were nice, they needed to add them in more locations, there was a decent amount of red npc invaders though.
So I'm just about to start running through NG++ now to finish up the plat as well. My runs through NG and NG+ were with a pure melee build and I can say with certainty that there were some fights that were no joke. Absolutely the most fun I've had in awhile.

That said, for my NG++ run, I'd like to try a (nearly) pure caster build and really pump up those numbers. Any recommendations on a solid build and gear allocation? the benefit of having run through the game twice is that I have pretty much...everything. So sky's the limit on what I can use to build my character. I'm SL ~230ish. Mostly I'm just looking to have some fun blowing shit up on my next run through.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Attainment once you're to about 40 in Int (and Fth if Dark obviously) seems to be better at that point for casting speed, slots, and bonus casts - even 10 int with a S mod staff doesn't improve damage much, better to just get more casts.

Platted yesterday as well, did it barely into NG+ got anxious about leaving Infamous aside and realized since I'd already maxxed the PVP guilds I just needed to cash in my NG+ primal souls I'd forgotten to cash in before going into NG. Plus some Licia miracles I'd skipped.


tour de salt
"quote a buncha dudes"

If somebody invades you, just kill them. They're at a disadvantage, they can't heal. Unless they're specced for it, which often times they're not.

Alt-4, really?


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Actually most invaders soul vessel into optimized builds and farm people in the water zones, in my experience. I walk around full human most of the time, so despite no sin on my game I get invaded a shit ton. Usually, it comes down to if you have PvP stuff on you and can slot it before they reach you (i.e. not in the middle of a mass trash fight). They all front load burst DPS, so if you can endure the initial barrage, you have a good shot at repelling an invasion. A lot of the better ones are doing dual fist weapons, though, which will stunlock you even if you have 80 poise. Those guys you can only Dark Vortex and hope they fuck up their timing.

As far as doing a caster build, my experiences as a full spectrum caster are that faith builds, with hexes, are the better way to go PvE wise. Sorcery is superior for PvP, because it has the best burst damage of anything in the game. Pyro is there for utility for people who don't want to dump points into Int and Faith. Dark Vortex is the single most useful spell for a number of situations, so you want at least 12 INT. If you want to do all the caster stuff, then pump it to 40 and swing one of the BK weapons or MLGS. Attunement should be at least 20, but 30 is good. Faith you can stop at 55 and just spice down the Sunlight Spear if you want it (it is pretty cool). The extra damage you gain for faith past 50 is minimal. You can spend most of the game with a mix of lightning spells and Dark Vortex slotted, while rocking Sunbro Ring, and never really need anything else, though the poison cloud hex is good for gimping certain areas.