Darkest Dungeon


Golden Knight of the Realm
Stun became a lot less useful for me once I hit the medium difficulty missions. Your worst threat in there are new large creatures that have 70-95% stun resist. I mostly use the stun from my vestal that has +stun% trinkets on, otherwise I have changed my skills so I just kill stuff as fast as possible, starting from the back row.

My main criticism now is mission availability. It's happened at least twice that I did not have green missions available, and there's just too few available in total for my taste. I wish it took into account your ratio of levels/characters when suggesting missions.


Avatar of War Slayer
huh. loss of player control really worried me on seeing those vids. I'm a bit surprised at everyone raving.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Loss of player control only happens if you've fucked up pretty royally. If you're having dudes go insane then things are already in the shitter and you should probably flee. That said, even if they reach max stress it's not always insanity, sometimes they go heroic and get big bonuses, but it's relatively rare. Not all the insanities are even loss of control, some are worse than others (had a hopeless dude commit suicide -_-), but it's not all that bad.

Only real complaints about the game right now have already been mentioned by most others, but the higher level missions get pretty boring. Monsters have such insane resists that it just devolves in to a huge DPS race because you'll never stun/debuff anything anymore. That, and fucking need more healing options, sick of having to keep 4+ priests in my roster because no party can function without them.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
huh. loss of player control really worried me on seeing those vids. I'm a bit surprised at everyone raving.
95% of the insanity things are only minor losses of control. (i.e. a bunch will refuse to take help from others - so AE heals miss them and such - but otherwise they operate completely normally on most turns)

The wife is the biggest quitter over frustrating things ever, and she's coming back to it night after night and getting her ass kicked and enjoying it. It's a masochistic game done right. (Keep in mind, even gems like Dark Souls were too masochistic for her low tolerance)


A Man Chooses....
I just tried the Pig boss for the first time. Made the mistake of not bringing the proper composition and all 4 died. Was glorious.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Need bleed stacking for him, lots of it.

And don't kill the little pig first or he goes nuts and throws some ridiculous attacks.


Molten Core Raider
I also had a guy go insane and kill himself. It made me laugh so hard. I spit on his fucking coward grave. My only real complaint is stress from random environmental things...like just walking around. That seems kinda lame since you can't plan for it and it is unavoidable.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I also had a guy go insane and kill himself. It made me laugh so hard. I spit on his fucking coward grave. My only real complaint is stress from random environmental things...like just walking around. That seems kinda lame since you can't plan for it and it is unavoidable.
Most of it is avoidable except time - if your torch is high you'll take maybe 10-15 over an entire dungeon from random stress.


+Crit Stacking buffs/items and a zero torch run on a level 0 Dungeon with a group of level 2s will net you massive amounts of coin.


Molten Core Raider
I just about shit myself when I found him, but managed to kill the Pig Prince on my first try. I lucked a bit running into him right after I had /camped, but as The Man says, a trifling victory is...still, a victory!

Trinkets need an overhaul I think. They are mostly useless or too specialized.


Holy sweet Jesus. Level 3 Missions are terrible >_<

I do not even want to think about the few level 5s that have sprung up.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Don't worry, in short order you'll be running level 3s with no torches just to collect gold faster.


Molten Core Raider
Godamn I wish I knew that once your guys hit Level 3 they won't do earlier missions any more
Got 3/4 killed on my first Level 3 dungeon due to some horrific RNG (two Rend crits in a row brought 2 chars to 1 and then Fucking Drums of Debilitation....both kicked it over Death's Door). Godamn. Now my long plan is basically fucked hah hah.

I wish I understood better which buildings to upgrade in which order. I don't think I was particularly smart about it. Netx playthrough...


A nice asshole.
Hellion, leper, highwayman, jester or occultist is wrecking shit. Also really like graverobber tank, also working on three highwayman/jester combo rely on crits to keep sane, and massive dmg to stay alive.


A Man Chooses....
I wish the items were better. Kind of losing interest in playing because the loot is all shit.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Most of the trinkets are pretty bad yea, but there are a few gems to be found. The real issue is how short of you gold you generally are and how expensive using the gypsy wagon for trinkets is, but that's where you'll find most of the good ones. Legendary bracers OP.

New party hotness right now is vestal > jester > graverobber > graverobber in full darkness. Lunge is the most ridiculous damage in the game, and you can chain it up with all the movement skills available in that lineup.


<Gold Donor>
stunned enemies dodging attacks is making me want to throw my keyboard through the wall. This is fun but for the difficulty it's not as good as a lot of other, equally, difficult games out there. Too much RNG to get fucked over by. Is there a way to see the battle queue or change it in any way? Seems like I keep running into stunning an enemy then having them remove stun before they start first on the next round of combat.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
stunned enemies dodging attacks is making me want to throw my keyboard through the wall. This is fun but for the difficulty it's not as good as a lot of other, equally, difficult games out there. Too much RNG to get fucked over by. Is there a way to see the battle queue or change it in any way? Seems like I keep running into stunning an enemy then having them remove stun before they start first on the next round of combat.
Short answer here is get better.

Long answer is no, you don't get to see turn order. It's some random number + speed that determines it, feels like 1-10 roll or there abouts. If you stun an enemy and they've already acted they will lose their action on their next turn, so don't worry about that really.

Game has a pretty interesting learning curve, as when you first get started it seems like the most bullshit thing in the world, but after like 5-6 hours you're stuck wishing it has harder as you faceroll through the entire thing with no torches.

It does have a lot of obfuscation and UI problems though, most of which will hopefully get addressed before the full release.

You can change your characters skills while in a dungeon, where does it tell you that?

Some (not all) skills scale up their bleed/blight/stun base chance as you level them, but the tooltip never reflects that. Graverobber and bountyhunter stuns for example go up to 200% base stun chance at level 5.

Perks and quirks are both capped at 7 and it just randomly deletes one you already have to add another should you get one, which is goddamn dumb.

Mousing over a characters accuracy/damage/crit chance while in a dungeon is a hilarious mess of misinformation pretty much constantly.

Lots of trinkets don't actually do what they claim they do (different effect on your stats vs what the trinket description has).