Darkfall Unholy Wars


Golden Squire
People are such drama queens when talking about DF2. It certainly isn't what people expected/wanted before the Beta started, but it isn't unplayable either.

They are releasing without some key content (Dungeons, fully fleshed out class system, Markets, etc) which is a bit of a joke since without them the game is literally just a city building or PvP grind. Not much of a sandbox at all. It is pretty obvious, once again, that they are running out of cash. Hence the early launch. However the game is playable in its current state and if they release the promised content quickly then they have a chance to save the game.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Just got a response from CS.

Whether you are a returning player from Darkfall Online, who has purchased the pre-order with the special existing customers price or a new player to Darkfall Unholy Wars, the pre-order promotional offer came with a 30-day subscription. The offer is still valid and your subscription will be activated accordingly at launch.

Prior to launch your subscription has remained dormant while still allowing you access to our beta. Please see a full description of the promotional pre-order product (https://ams.darkfallonline.com/AMS/Terms.html)

Even if you have cancelled your subscription prior to the launch, your subscription remains intact and will be activated on the day of launch as the 30-day game time is included with your purchase. However, once the subscription has expired, you will need to manually select a new subscription product to resume your game play.

We would just like to let you know that based on our system, your subscription expires on 2013-6-11 09:59:59.
You will need to manually resubscribe when your subscription expires.

Still going to keep an eye out for charges though.


<Silver Donator>
Darkfall is just really bad as a game. If you can get 100% of your kicks by just doing PVP and absolutely nothing else - it could be for you. It's a game with probably around 5% of the content of something like WoW.

Horrible crafting, horrible skill tree, uninspired races, horrible weapons and armor choices, horrible progression, no metagame due to lack of players, BUT IT HAS PVP!!!@


So looks like a patch came out to get rid some of the aim wobble and they gave everyone 50k prowess points. NDA is down.


Since the NDA is off, I'm crossposting patch notes here. This was a patch to mainly address the crosshair wobble system we were using so far. After tester feedback on how this wasn't working for them, we redesigned the functionality and implemented it.

Changes / Additions:

A new crosshair wobble system is now in place. The longer you hold your arrow or spell, the more accuracy you gain. Skirmishers have an accuracy bonus (shorter time required to full accuracy) when using their bows, while Elementalists and Primalists have the same bonus when using their staves.

Teleport skills (House recall, Bindstone Recall, Runestone using, Summon friend) are no longer available while in a dungeon.

Changed the HUD fadeout to only fadeout the target-related visual components

Reduced the radius of the safe areas.

Added a visual indicator in the map for the safe areas that can be toggled on/off from the map filters.

Changed it so when a player successfully salvages an item, the resources they receive will be added to their inventory in the same location/bag that the salvaged item was removed from; be it the inventory root, a bag, a ?salvage bag? or a bag within a ?salvage bag?

New sounds for casting Deadeye school abilities.

New sounds for Player Weapons Sheathe/Unsheathe

New sounds for Primalist Spells

New sounds for On Screen Messaging

New Earthquake Monster Spell

Changed descriptions of Spirit Bond and Wall of righteous force

Changed description of treasure maps

Changed descriptions of all attributes


Fix for a bug where player animation stuck to "falling" if using evade skill right after another skill is performed.

Fix for a bug that would cause some monsters not to use their secondary attack animation.

Fix for a bug that would not play some sounds in the starting tutorial inside the dragon cave.

Fix for Consecrate animations not displaying correctly

Fix for animation de-sync when spamming the attack button.

Fix for players glitching when frame rate drops suddenly

Fix for observers not being able to see the correct animations of rune stone recall, while the player is trading.

Fix for a bug that made the player appear to slide after getting up from resting.

Fixes for player idle animations.

Fixed a bug where you could attain any ?Craft 500 primalist robes? feat from any tier with only crafting 100.

Fix the ?Harvest one of each Essences? feat

Fixed the ?Craft a full Elegant Elementalist robes set? feat

Fixed a bug where Primalist robe crafting feats would be unlocked before they should.

Fixed Giants feat to take into account Ogres

Fix for default attacks not executed when having low stats

Players can open bags in trade window and scroll through it

Fixed a bug where the SFX of house recall skill would not stop if the skill was canceled

Fixed a bug where idle animation would play on character creator screen

Fixed client crash when a salvageable item is dragged to the left-menu bar

Fix for clan overview window not auto-refreshing when an issued/received mercenary contract is rejected/withdrawn

Fix for mercenary contract create window not showing any entries in the clan list (for counter-offer contracts)

Fix for pending mercenary contracts not being auto-expired when the clan joins the attackers side of the challenge

Fix for non-functional "cancel clan leave" option being visible for all clan members that viewed a leaving clan member's clan member overview window

Removed some on-screen notifications that were being obscured by the new on-screen animation special-effects (for conquests)

Fixed a bug where lines representing clan relations did not appear on the map

Fixed a bug where the ?split item? window remained open after leaving gui mode.

Fix for client crash when an item is dragged past the crafting window and onto the left menu-bar

Fix for salvaging queue stopping performing when an item from a bag nested within the salvage bag is removed, and the bag is updated

Fix for salvaged broken items always being taken from the 1st stack encountered in the inventory, not necessarily the stack that was added to the salvaging queue

Fix for the possibility that multiple siege-stones can be spawned at the same location, by multiple players concurrently spamming the siege-stone item

Fix for the "minimum distance from other siege-stones" check passing, when the other siege-stone is spawning (and it's "position" is below ground)

Visual Changes:

Godrays were added as new visual effect. They can be toogled on/off from the Video Options Menu.

Dragon Armor has been visually updated.

Visual Changes to the Player, Monster, Fire Dragon and Ice Dragon tombstones and addition of a new loot-able effect

Visual and Level Improvements for the spawn points in Idawoll, Firun and Nerzok

Updated liquid surfaces (acid)

Various other visual optimizations

Starting Experience:

Changed some tooltips in the character creation screen.

The number of mobs on the tutorial area has been reduced, while at the same time it has been made easier for brand new players to progress through it.

Thank you for reading


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Darkfall is just really bad as a game. If you can get 100% of your kicks by just doing PVP and absolutely nothing else - it could be for you. It's a game with probably around 5% of the content of something like WoW.

Horrible crafting, horrible skill tree, uninspired races, horrible weapons and armor choices, horrible progression, no metagame due to lack of players, BUT IT HAS PVP!!!@
im not a big fan of the current iteration of darkfall but this post is just so misguided i couldnt let it go.

the crafting is on par if not better than the majority of mmos, there is no skill tree, who gives a shit about races, same armor and weapon choices you find anywhere and a clear evolving metagame even when the population was in decline.

the entire purpose of Darkfall is to give the player complete freedom, to find that enjoyment in PvP, politics etc. Comparing it to something like WoW is ridiculous. To say it has 5% of the content when you create your own content in its open world rather than being spoon fed like a standard mmo is completly misleading.


played the first dakfall with Hail, in the afghan alliance.
Oh duh I'm retarded. I played with KC in the Death alliance. Needless to say we fought once or twice


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That video is some of the lamest PVP gameplay I have seen in a while...
ya, for whatever dumbass reason they slowed gameplay down to a crawl. took the best thing about the pvp and made it as terrible as everything else.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
just got curious and bought the pre order to get into the beta

man really hard to get the download going, seems like i am logging in to a million different things and they dont seem to match the login information they already requested when i bought it

very fucking confusing, after i paid should be a simple download link with no more logging in


Never played the first and only played in beta at the begining where it seemed a little clunky with bad controls/UI. Has it improved from a few months ago? Just looking for a PvP game to be honest


Yeah the UI has improved since the start of beta. I think half my clan is using autohotkey scripts still though because we hate the radial menu.


Trakanon Raider
Game will be fun for a month or so, then the pop will plummet and it will die again. They kinda sorta managed to fix the progression system so it isn't total shit but the game is basically a bad pvp arena at this point. It will have next to no sustainability because it is so incredibly hard to break into the game if you aren't in an established clan. The games current safe zone system encourages the worst sort of anti social behavior and really does very little to help a newb break into the game or keep a bluebie playing/paying because of how poorly constructed and thought out it was.

The UI is better but mostly because they reduced the number of abilities you have. It is still needlessly complex and divergent from FPS/mmo mainstream UIs for pretty much no reason.

I have little faith in the dev team to know what to do to fix the game but if they revamped the safe zones (and I am talking major overhaul of both the mechanics and geographical layout) add the dungeons, add the auction house, add location based resource gathering then the game might not fail.

The combat is ok atm, performance is still low compared to DF1 but its getting better. Overall its a better game than DF1, just not good enough imo to last.


Game will be fun for a month or so, then the pop will plummet and it will die again.
The population will definitely plummet, but the serious clans will still be playing, just like last time. Most of those same clans played the original DF for all of EU and most of NA launches, the difference now is they have addressed some of our long term complaints with the game. The grind doesn't take years anymore, the map is smaller so travel times to find PvP will be significantly shorter. There are easier fast travel mechanics with the ability to summon your friends to you and siege mechanics were awful before.

If they can get the class balance right I think the serious clans will stay interested at least as long as with DF1. I know I am looking forward to not having to macro again and just being able to play the game this time that is for sure.


Trakanon Raider
What's a serious clan? Most of the big name clans and tons of the best players quit by the 6 month mark. I doubt AV will get that sort of longevity out of people a second time if things go south. Ya i am sure they will get that same sort of cult following the original had, but that is still a failed game.

They addressed some complaints but they have a long way to go if they want a game that will really last. People quit because there was no one to fight and no reason to fight. A poor mans FPS with some meaningless territory control won't keep most people playing.


What's a serious clan? Most of the big name clans and tons of the best players quit by the 6 month mark.
I think you have that backwards, the big name clans (aka clans that were around during Shadowbane/UO days) did not quit in 6 months.

There were a lot more clans playing other than the goons, hyperion, and themercs. Those groups leaving early on wasn't the end of the game.

Who did you play with? Rainbow Ninjas?


Trakanon Raider
I am in SiN, we lasted about 9 months with a strong force, and another 6 or so after that with an ever dwindling force. And based on the numbers I saw online over the course of the game I stick by that 6 month number. There was a huge drop in pop even among the big name old school clans by that point. Ya some of them survived in some fashion but not with the numbers typical of those clans.