Darkfall Unholy Wars


<Silver Donator>

Announcement about launch, it is being delayed again. They're starting an open beta(not even release) on the 17th, "just to make sure everything works". Estimated real launch date is january. Hopefully they'll have time to finish the class they removed by then.

Edit: And after further reading, open beta means preorder beta. Not really open.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not only that, but if the beta is good. Word will spread and increase sales.


I never got to play the original, so the beta will be a good opportunity to learn the game and get all the dumb shit outta my system before it launches and the stuff I do actually counts. They mentioned the possibility of a "head start", question to have answered now is when does the beta end and the headstart begin.
It needs to actually be a good game for me to play, and that means not many bugs, satisfying and deep combat, intriguing world etc. These kinds of games will always attract the AHAHA I PWN U NUB I LOOT AL UR HAH U MAD LOL KIL PLLLPZ HAAH type of people but they are always going to be a small number. If they can actually provide a solid game as well as the pvp craziness then it could be worth trying. For me at least.


has an outie
I just want a good rpg style world that feels like a world and Darkfall is the closest thing to fitting that criteria. The pvp and everything is nice.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Bugs are bugs, and as long as they are fixed in a decent time, i'm not worried about them.


EQOA Refugee
It needs to actually be a good game for me to play, and that means not many bugs, satisfying and deep combat, intriguing world etc. These kinds of games will always attract the AHAHA I PWN U NUB I LOOT AL UR HAH U MAD LOL KIL PLLLPZ HAAH type of people but they are always going to be a small number. If they can actually provide a solid game as well as the pvp craziness then it could be worth trying. For me at least.
It's funny. That's what Poopsicle, Rezz and Itenza used to tell you about the type of MMO player that wanted EQ with new graphics back. There's a niche for everything.


EQOA Refugee
I hope they are able to get the class that was supposed to be delayed in now with this push back. I'm glad they didn't launch it all fucked up and half assed. Good on them.


Silver Knight of the Realm
It needs to actually be a good game for me to play, and that means not many bugs, satisfying and deep combat, intriguing world etc. These kinds of games will always attract the AHAHA I PWN U NUB I LOOT AL UR HAH U MAD LOL KIL PLLLPZ HAAH type of people but they are always going to be a small number. If they can actually provide a solid game as well as the pvp craziness then it could be worth trying. For me at least.
From DF1, I enjoyed the combat and the world but if you're looking for a game without many bugs, DF is not for you. In fact, the first few months of DF Europe were all about finding bugs and exploiting the crap out of them. Which is pretty much what this DF is going to be as well.

Do you actually think if a clan finds a really nice bug in game that gives them an advantage, they are going to come forward with it? Nope!


Golden Squire

another update.. Basically just saying sorry for the push back. I don't understand how anyone of that community could be upset. IMO this is a good thing.
Of course the decision is a good thing. It is the logical way to release the game. But they are not upset because of that. They are upset because AV continues to mislead them. It isn't the decision itself that is upseting, it is the lack of transparency. This decision was the right one a month ago let alone mere hours before the official launch. They even stated in the announcement they "agonized over this for weeks". So share that with your customer base?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Of course the decision is a good thing. It is the logical way to release the game. But they are not upset because of that. They are upset because AV continues to mislead them. It isn't the decision itself that is upseting, it is the lack of transparency. This decision was the right one a month ago let alone mere hours before the official launch. They even stated in the announcement they "agonized over this for weeks". So share that with your customer base?
But that just would raise doubts on sales? I said a while back they needed to push this back but for w/e reason they felt like the timetable was doable. The bottom line is they made the right choice and they are even giving players access to the beta. I think it's a bit overly dramatic.


Golden Squire
I don't buy AV giving players access to the Beta is some form of gift to the playerbase that we should be thankful for. They are charging us for it and quite frankly need us to hash out the bugs that are sure to be in the game. And ff course people are being over dramatic. This is the internet afterall. But I don't think you can really blame the playerbase when AV has such a poor history of communication and this is another instance of that.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yea it's terrible for sure. Not going to argue that. I just think some companies and maybe even them a few years ago would of launched anyway..What's worse you know?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
If the beta is even half successful and the pve is improved, word of mouth is going to spread like the plague and people will want to be apart of it. MMO's are stagnant as fuck right now, especially on the pvp side of things. This game has a huge opportunity to carve out a nice little spot, especially with Steam.

Think of it, every dungeon is going to be like AC Darktide type shit. Clans are going to either hold it down with heads camping the drop, or risk letting other clans level and prosper in their territory. This alone creates such a fun dynamic and lends to small pvp skirmishes or large obnoxious, lag filled ones. If they get this game right and its not grossly imbalanced or bugged to shit, it might be memorable.....in a good way,