DayZ, Arma2, Arma3



Still don't get this game. I know it's only in alpha, but based on the livestreams I watched it looks extremely buggy and boring. Like people running for miles then trying to melee zombies that don't react then dying for no reason.
Here's some squad combat action I just recorded. DayZ on most days is basically 90% running/looting, 10% intense firefights that often crop up completely unexpected. The threat of loss and progress is truly compelling when you spend so much time trying to just survive and gear up, so when a firefight happens it really gets adrenaline pumping, and it's very rare for any two to be too similar.

Sorry for the poor quality/pixelation on the highlight from the stream. I managed to fix the stuttering issue, but the drop in video quality seems to be fairly horrible. I just dropped my upload rate by 1000kbs but it really degraded the video. Still, low quality is vastly preferable to the frame dropping nightmare I've been dealing with the past few days. Not sure if it's OBS or twitch at this point, but I'll try and get the picture quality up if I can.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Dunno what the deal with zombies is. I was told to juke and lose them by vaulting over fences, hiding in bushes, and running in a zig-zag trail through various obstacles. None of this lost them, they followed me for more than a kilometer.

So I gave up and pulled out a shovel I found which took forever to beat one to death followed by a second one. Bandaged up and got greyed. Walked a few meters back towards the house I was looting and a zombie spawns right next to me. Didn't even fight it because at that point I realized the developer has no fucking clue what he's doing.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I also have trouble evading zombies. When I respawn, finding an ax is more important than food and drink imo.



Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Did you snatch his piece out of his hands, stick it up his ass, and pull the fucking trigger until it goes click?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Nobody fucks with the Adebesus

Side edit. I have yet to loot a mosin or thing for loading the revolver


Shame, too. The mosin has an absolutely awesomely terrifying sound to it. Fucker sounds like a cannon going off. The long rage scope is also far, far superior to the ACOG.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I'm interested in joining in with you guys. DayZ newb though, just started with the SA. Steam name is Superhiro


Silver Knight of the Realm
god damn this game. I'm loaded up with plenty of gear, food, couple canteens, 45 w/ ammo, and someone shoots me in the back of the head. You are dead.


tryin to add you, but there are lots of Superhiros

can you post your profile URL?

I just picked this up last night, and I've got a tiny bit of clothing and basic gear... still no weapons other than a kitchen knife and a baseball bat.

DCNemesis on steam.


Totally want to get into this, but afraid alpha status will make me end up not liking it
while there's a lot of ground to cover, the game is tons of fun even in it's current incomplete state.

Can we get a SteamID roll call goin for DayZ standalone?

I've been playin for a couple of days, and just getting the hang of it. Never got into the mod, but having a lot of fun here and I'd love to roll with some of you guys.


Lord Nagafen Raider
How does dying work? Do you collect all this awesome shit and then get popped and oh there it all goes, respawn in your tighty whities 20 miles away while the guy who killed you grabs your gear and takes off?


Jendryk2000 or JendrykEpsilon.

Adebisi, can you edit in the SteamID's that were posted to the thread into the first post? Be more than glad to compile a list so everyone can get together.


Search schools on the third floor of each one. They're white three story buildings with lots of windows. The storage room up top with the shelves is a guaranteed firearm spawn, and if I'm not mistaken, will always spawn either a mosin or m4, and if nothing else, a .45 or .357 pistol. Cherno and the outlying highrise towns have something like 4-5 schools, and they're definitely less dangerous than the dedicated military spawns.

If you're looking for a shortcut to getting completely kitted with rifles, scopes, ammo, etc., then Balota airfield is your go-to for the most plentiful and condensed military gear. It's bandit central, but hopping onto a low population night-time server is a good way to avoid a lot of the danger, so long as you get in and get the fuck out as soon as you possibly can. I'd advise moving north along the western edge of the map after you've got a decent amount of ammo, hitting Zelenogorsk (has two barracks and a jail), Myshkino (supermarket), Vybor (school, market), and the other nearby towns for food, water, medical and residential spawns. Hit any town that has a water spicket (all marked on DayZdb's map) to subsidize your drink loot with water from the fountains.

From there it's up to you really. You can risk NWAF and the military camp there, or the two military bases along the western/central portion of the map, but all those areas are very highly trafficked by very geared players who often are running in squads of 3-4. Stay in forests and pine trees as much as possible to even the odds a bit, people tend to get careless when they've got a squad up and you've got a decent chance of picking them off if you're very careful, very stealthy, and very accurate.

After redistributing the player spawns to the eastern shorelines of the map, however, you're going to have a lot of ground to tread before you can get to all the places I just mentioned, so the school in Berezino and NEAF are the quickest routes to military loot. Elektro is hot, and it seems like the majority of new spawns are heading there instead of northeast.


FoH nuclear response team
while there's a lot of ground to cover, the game is tons of fun even in it's current incomplete state.

Can we get a SteamID roll call goin for DayZ standalone?

I've been playin for a couple of days, and just getting the hang of it. Never got into the mod, but having a lot of fun here and I'd love to roll with some of you guys.
AMOD, can we edit the OP with all our steam names?

SteamId: Hekotat


FoH nuclear response team
How does dying work? Do you collect all this awesome shit and then get popped and oh there it all goes, respawn in your tighty whities 20 miles away while the guy who killed you grabs your gear and takes off?
Basically yes, it's almost sickening when you spend hours gearing up and lose it all to a zombie or bandit. The danger alone is what makes this game so fun and once they add more zombies and make them a force to be reckoned with the game is going to have a whole new angle on difficulty, at least I hope.

Pro tip for you newbies, DO NOT alt+tab out unless you are certain a zombie hasn't or will see you. I've died at least twice thinking I was safe and came back from looking at the map dead. If you need to look at the map go prone in a bush and wait for like 30 seconds before alt+tab'ing. Zombies can see you from like 1000 yards easily. If you have a tablet or a second monitor pull the map up on it instead.

Here's the link for the map again for all the newbies.DayZ Standalone Chernarus+ Map - DayZDB